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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ U ] / Uncle red

Uncle red tradutor Português

65 parallel translation
It's Uncle Red!
É o Tio Red!
Uncle Red?
Tio Red?
- But I wanted to hear Uncle Red sing!
- Mas eu queria ouvir o Tio Red cantar!
Uncle Red was playing in honkytonks by the time he was my age.
O Tio Red já tocava nos honkytonks quando tina a mina idade.
Uncle Red!
Tio Red!
Hurry, Uncle Red!
Despacha-te, Tio Red!
Your Uncle Red wrote this tune they're doing right now.
O teu Tio Red escreveu a canção que estão a cantar agora.
That's exactly the way your old Uncle Red felt after the first time.
Foi assim mesmo que o teu Tio Red se sentiu depois da primeira vez.
Look, if I was you, I wouldn't mention anything about that... "intertwined destinies" stuff to Uncle Red.
Olha, se fosse a ti, não dizia nada disso... dos "destinos cruzados" ao Tio Red.
Uncle Red calls me Hoss.
O Tio Red chama-me Hoss.
She wanted to go to Nashville with us... and Uncle Red wouldn't let her.
Ela queria ir para Nashville connosco, mas o Tio Red não a deixava vir.
Uncle Red there, he won't take me to Nashville...
Ali o Tio Red, ele não me quer levar para Nashville.
Uncle Red, keep your eyes on the road.
Tio Red, não tires os olhos da estrada.
Uncle Red, I don't think we can risk going any further.
Tio Red, acho que não nos podemos arriscar a ir mais longe.
- Where's Uncle Red?
- Onde está o Tio Red?
Uncle Red, wake up.
Tio Red, acorda.
Uncle Red, you're gonna miss the bus.
Tio Red, vais perder o autocarro.
That's my Uncle Red.
É o meu Tio Red.
Uncle Red, there's a man here to see...
Tio Red, está aqui um homem para o ver...
But, Uncle Red, the doctor said...
Mas, Tio Red, o médico disse...
But it's getting worse, Uncle Red.
Mas, está a piorar, Tio Red.
He said Uncle Red might die if he don't stop singing and go to a sanitarium.
Disse que o Tio Red vai morrer se não parar de cantar e for para um sanatório.
It's Uncle Red.
É o Tio Red. Tuberculose.
Uncle Red.
Tio Red.
Is Uncle Red still coming to visit?
E o Tio Red ainda vem visitar-nos?
Mom told dad that Uncle Red's getting a divorce. Another divorce.
A mãe disse ao pai que o Tio Red vai divorciar-se novamente.
Is it true what you said about Uncle Red?
É verdade, o que disseste sobre o Tio Red?
Uncle Red changed the regular muffler for a cherry bomb.
O Tio Red tirou o abafador e colocou um Cherrybomber.
Now, you're not lying, Uncle Red.
É isso mesmo, Tio Red.
Thanks a million, Uncle Red.
Obrigado, Tio Red. - Foi um prazer enorme.
Thanks a lot, Uncle Red.
Muito obrigado, Tio Red.
Uncle Red, it's me, Marty.
Tio Red, sou eu, Marty.
It wasn't a dream, Uncle Red.
Não foi um pesadelo.
Uncle Red, it was a werewolf.
Tio Red, foi um lobisomem.
Uncle Red, I saw it!
Vi-o, Tio Red.
Well, Uncle Red won't believe me, and if you don't help me...
O Tio Red não acredita em mim. E se tu não me ajudares...
Then on Saturday we told Uncle Red what we'd been up to.
No sábado, contámos o nosso segredo para o Tio Red.
You used to believe in him too, Uncle Red.
Antigamente, também acreditavas nele, Tio Red.
The man Uncle Red had gone to see was more than a gunsmith.
O homem, que o Tio tinha procurado, era mais do que um simples armeiro.
He was, Uncle Red said, "an old world craftsman".
Era, como o Tio Red disse, um "mestre do artesanato do velho mundo."
And a happy coincidence left us in the sole care of Uncle Red.
E, por uma boa coincidência, estávamos sozinhos com o Tio Red.
' - Sure, Uncle Red.
- Claro, Tio Red.
You're gonna burn yourself up sometime doing that Uncle Red.
Um dia, vais queimar-te, Tio Red.
But Uncle Red, you said!
Mas disseste...
Do Aunt Kitty and Uncle Red allow girls in your room?
A tia Kitty e o tio Red deixam raparigar vir ao teu quarto?
Oh. Okay, Uncle Red.
Ok, tio Red.
Told them Red was my uncle and I had to find him.
Disse que o Red era meu tio e que tina de encontrá-Io.
Don't forget to tell Uncle Louie I left the red wine and Parmesan in the fridge.
Tony, diz ao tio Louie que deixei o vinho e o queijo no frigorífico.
Now, who wants to hear about the red-headed grinch that stole Uncle Al's life?
Quem quer ouvir a história do Grinch que roubou a vida do tio Al?
The poinsettias, the red candles... and here's the beautiful crystal nativity... your uncle gave me for Christmas years ago.
As estrelas de Natal, as velas vermelhas... e o belo presépio de cristal... que o teu tio me ofereceu há anos pelo Natal.
I wished he could wear his red coat at the wedding, and have a guard of honour, but the officers could not be spared from duty. There was no one there but my aunt and uncle and Mr. Darcy.
Pena não ter usado casaca vermelha no casamento, nem ter guarda de honra de sabres em riste, mas os oficiais não puderam ser dispensados e só lá estiveram os tios e o Sr. Darcy.

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