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Was it that bad tradutor Português

684 parallel translation
Was it that bad?
Foi assim tão mau?
- Was it that bad?
- Foi tão mau assim?
I know, and... that's why I told her it was a bad idea, and I already shot it down.
Eu sei, e... e por isso que eu disse a ela que era uma ma ideia, e eu ja atirei para baixo.
Too bad it's only a.25, or you could prove it was the gun that Miles and Thursby were shot with.
É pena que seja só uma a.25, ou poderia ser possivelmente, a arma... com que Miles e Thursby foram mortos.
- Say, that wasn't a bad pun, was it? - No.
- Não foi mau de todo, pois não?
If someone loved you very much so that your happiness was the only thing that she wanted in the world and she did a bad thing to make certain of it... -... could you forgive her?
Se alguém o amasse tanto que desejasse a sua felicidade acima de tudo e ela tivesse de fazer uma coisa má para garantir essa felicidade poderia perdoar-lhe?
Well, if it was an Airedale, that would be bad.
Bem, se fosse um Airedale, seria mau.
That wasn't so bad, was it?
Vês? Não foi tão mau.
It was after that it got bad, if you understand me.
Depois ficou ruim, se me compreende.
It wasn't that bad, was it?
É assim tão grave?
That made it look bad... but he was just trying to scare him a little.
Isso pareceu mal, mas ele só estava a tentar assustá-lo.
I wanted it that way but when I saw you in the wickiup and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
Queria-o dessa maneira mas quando te vi na tenda e tu tocaste-me e rezaste por mim..... senti-me mal por estar sozinho e soube que tinha que te ver de novo antes de partir para descobrir se sentia o mesmo que ontem à noite.
I hadn't realized it was that bad.
- Não sabia que a situação estava tão mal.
That wasn't so bad. was it?
Não foi assim tão mau. Ou foi?
Was it that bad?
- Correu assim tão mal?
That wasn't so bad, was it, son?
Não foi assim tão mau, pois não, filho?
That was where a kid could get a stick of licorice on credit if he needed it bad.
Era um sítio onde um se conseguia fiado um pau de alcaçuz, quando era preciso.
I knew he was having a bad time with his heart and that it frightened him.
Eu sabia que o coraçäo estava a dar-lhe problemas e ele tinha medo.
- It was bad as that?
- Foi assim tão mau?
He's not trying. He's telling us that we blew it and it was a bad idea to begin with.
Está a dizer-nos que demos cabo de tudo e que a coisa foi sempre uma má ideia.
As bad as it was, it was a great relief to learn that no one had been hurt.
Por pior que tenha sido, foi um grande alívio ver que ninguém estava magoado.
Now, that trip wasn't all that bad, was it?
Bem, a viagem até nem foi assim tão má, pois não?
But even if it was true, what's bad in that?
Mesmo que fosse verdade. Que mal tem isso?
That wasn't so bad, was it?
Não era preciso beberem tanta água!
It was that bad?
Foi tão mau assim?
because, although Byron wrote quite a lot of good poetry, it was his bad poetry that made him famous.
porque, embora Byron escrevesse muita poesia de boa qualidade, foi por suas péssimas poesias que se tornou famoso.
I found it in that little room that we thought was a cupboard, so Mrs Viney wasn't so bad after all.
Acheia-a esta manhã naquela salinha que pensávamos ser um armário, então a Sra. Viney não foi assim tão má.
And it just so happened that while they were showing me a particularly bad film of, like, a concentration camp the background music was playing Beethoven.
Simplesmente aconteceu que me apresentaram um filme sobre um campo de concentração cujo fundo musical era Beethoven.
So it got him back out of that mood but. uh. it was one of those bad days.
Mas foi um desses dias ruins.
As our people alone received bad notice of the land, it was first the good notice that had e was appreciated while such.
Como a nossa gente só recebia más notícias em casa, foi a primeira boa notícia que teve e foi apreciada enquanto tal.
That wasn't so bad, was it?
Não foi assim tão mau, pois não?
It was a slaughter. So bad that at the police station, Balbo threw up when he saw him!
Ele foi tão massacrado que, na esquadra, Balbo vomitou quando o viu!
It's not that they're bad if only that was the case.
Não é que sejam maus... se ao menos fosse esse O caso.
While he was looking in, Himmler had the deserved bad luck that from one or other of those who'd been shot in the head, he got a splash of brains on his coat, and I think it also splashed onto his face.
E enquanto olhava lá para baixo, teve o merecido azar de ficar com o casaco salpicado com os miolos de alguns dos mortos e acho que também ficou com a cara salpicada.
Much people will say that the plain one were bad, that it had many objectives or that the parachutists they did not aterrisaram well e that the time, clearly, was not adjusted and it interrupted everything but, if more was given attention to the disposal of the enemy,
Muita gente dirá que o plano era mau, que havia muitos objectivos ou que os pára-quedistas não aterraram bem e que o tempo, claro, não era adequado e interrompeu tudo mas, se fosse prestada mais atenção à disposição do inimigo,
After all, if we find out... that the cause is medication that we manufacture... and it was administered over a long period of time... it'd be bad for you and worse for us.
Depois de tudo, se descobrirmos... Que a causa é um remédio que nós fabricamos... E que foi administrado por um longo tempo...
Yes, it was as bad as that I'm very sorry to hear
Não sabia que a situação era assim tão crítica. Lamento muito.
It is clear that there were bad moments in the organizations of the Left. After 8-10 days a critique was established, they criticized everything a bit, the student movement,...
É uma segunda fase da evolução da economia soviética... que está cheia de ensinamentos.
Snooks was really kind of worried about it, because he - he kept saying that he thought maybe some of you boys would be a bad influence on our girls.
Snooks ficou preocupado, vivia dizendo que talvez... os rapazes fossem influenciar mal as nossas filhas.
It was so bad that she even had to switch her line of merchandise.
Andava tão mau que até teve de mudar de ramo de negócio.
OK, yeah, that was a bad analogy... and it needs work, but...
Ok, sim, isso foi uma má analogia... e isso precisa de trabalho, mas...
I was wonderin'if you could throw down a blessin', so if I get beat up tonight it won't be too bad. Could you do somethin'like that?
Queria que me desse a bênção, para o caso de eu ser derrotado esta noite não ficar em muito mau estado.
All the good times we've been through, and all the bad times... it breaks my heart to think that the only reason you came with me was for money!
Com os bons e maus momentos que passámos juntos, e pensar que só andam comigo por dinheiro!
My mother was like those kind of people, telling me it's bad to be like that.
Minha mãe pensava como essa gente, me dizia que era ruim.
Maybe because there was something in her past so bad it would queer it with Walker if he knew that he'd never marry her.
talvez por causa de uma mancha no passado... ... que, descoberta, levaria o walker... ... a não casar com ela.
If it weren't you. I'd say that was a bad omen.
Se não fosse a senhora, eu ia dizer que estava agourando.
- It was that bad?
- Tão mau?
- Yeah, it was that bad.
- Sim, mau.
Now that wasn't so bad, was it, Barney, huh?
Não foi assim tão mau, pois não, Barney?
It's just, that was a bad thing to happen at the time.
Só que foi uma coisa má de acontecer naquela altura.
I'm lucky that thief was blessed with bad taste and didn't steal the Horn as it is.
Tive sorte pelo ladrão ser abençoado pelo mau gosto e não ter roubado o Horn tal como está.

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