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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / Was i right

Was i right tradutor Português

10,599 parallel translation
I was right.
Eu tinha razão.
Wasn't sure if I was in the right- - Wow.
Não sabia se estava no sítio certo...
I was just waiting for the right time to bring it up and that hasn't happened.
Estava só à espera da altura certa para falar disso, - mas não surgiu. - Espera lá.
I mean, she looked right at me and was just like, "you think you're special?"
Ela olhou para mim e disse : "Achas que és especial?"
No, Mom, they didn't even know I was gonna make that decision till right before I voted.
Não, mãe. Só me decidi mesmo antes de votar.
Oh, right. Plus I was wearing a stra...
Eu tinha posto um strap...
I was right there! - Nope.
Eu estava lá!
I just, my mind started to wander when I was reading it, and that's not good, right?
A minha mente começou a divagar enquanto lia, e isso não é bom, pois não?
Sorry I was so incommunicado, but it just felt like the right thing to do while I got settled, and then...
Desculpa andar tão ausente, mas pareceu-me o mais correto a fazer enquanto me ambientava...
Well, then again, if I was my mother, I would be, right?
- Bem, mas se fosse a minha mãe estaria...
I thought it was the right thing to do.
Pensei que fosse a coisa certa a fazer.
She's obviously afraid that I plan to retaliate because she drove my son away right when I was repairing my relationship with him.
Obviamente, ela tem medo que eu tenha intenções de retaliar porque ela afastou o meu filho daqui, quando eu estava a recuperar a minha relação com ele.
I was prepared to destroy you right from the start.
Eu estava pronto para te destruir desde o início.
You would tell me if I was sick, right? You would tell me if there was something wrong with me?
Diriam se estou doente, se algo estiver de errado comigo, certo?
I'd really like to think I was right considering you for Managing Partner.
Gostava mesmo de acreditar que estava certo em considerar-te para Sócio-Gerente.
I mean, I was drugged, right?
Drogaram-me, certo?
Even this, uh, the reason we're here right now having this conversation, he knew that I was acting on the bribery before anyone could've known it.
Até isto, a razão por que estamos a ter esta conversa, ele sabia que eu ia atrás dele antes de qualquer outro.
Chuck was right about one thing. I can't be in denial about what this place is, what you are, any longer.
O Chuck tinha razão, não posso negar o que este sitio é, o que tu és...
You know, I'd really like to think I was right considering you for Managing Partner.
Sabes, queria muito acreditar que estava certo ao considerar-te para Sócio-Gerente.
So, I think that was the one, right?
Acho que desta foi de vez, certo?
And I will become the rightful, just leader that I was born to be, with you right by my side.
Vou-me tornar legítimo e justo... Líder, eu nasci para ser. Contigo... ao meu lado.
But I'm gonna do my best to show all of you that my mama was right.
Mas vou dar o meu melhor para vos mostrar que ela estava certa.
All right, I knew as I was saying it that I should just keep my mouth shut.
Eu sabia, como estava a dizer, que devia era ficar calado.
So, I thought everything was cool, right?
Pensei que estivesse tudo bem, certo?
Actually, I was right behind the starting blocks.
Fiquei atrás dos blocos de partida.
When the race started, I was just, "i need to get this first 50 right."
Quando a corrida começou, pensei "Devo fazer bem os primeiros 50".
Everybody who was anybody in that race was on my left, so I didn't have to look right.
Todos os que eram alguém na corrida estavam à minha esquerda. Não tinha de olhar para a direita.
If I was an emotional guy, right now I'd be crying for sure, because it's been such a long journey, and now, for me, it's like... it's finally over.
Se eu fosse sentimental, choraria, pois foi uma jornada tão longa e agora, para mim, acabou finalmente.
I was right there.
Eu estava mesmo ali.
You promise Thorn will never know I was here, right?
Promete que o Thorn jamais saberá que eu estive aqui, certo?
I was right behind her.
Eu estava logo atrás dela!
It was the right decision, but I... Zak's gonna fucking mortgage his house.
Foi a decisão certa mas agora o Zak quer hipotecar a casa.
- Right. Well, I have a victim of foul play who was wearing one white contact lens so...
Tenho uma vítima de homicídio com uma lente de contacto branca.
He was all right, I guess.
Ele estava bem, acho eu.
You know, all this time I thought I wasn't in the right place, but I was!
Todo este tempo pensei que não estava no lugar certo, mas estava!
It means that whatever I was doing just doesn't sound right when I say it out loud.
Queria dizer que seja lá o que estivesse a fazer já não parecia correto quando o disse em palavras.
I was like, " All right.
Foi tipo, " Muito bem.
I panicked, I was like, " You took the words right outta my goddamn mouth!
Em pânico disse, "Tiraste as palavras da minha boca!"
It was a left-to-right leaker, and I told him so.
Era esquerda direita.
Because it was right here, in front of that lion, that I slept the first few nights when I ran away.
Foi aqui, à frente do leão, que dormi as primeiras noites, depois de fugir de casa.
And I knew right then, yo ass was gonna blow sky high.
Percebi logo que ias ser uma estrela.
You know I've loved you since my heart was big enough to beat, right?
Sabes que te amo desde sempre, certo?
When I was at FBW, I had this account for a psychostimulant drug, right?
Quando estava na FBW, tinha uma conta de um psicostimulante.
I was angry with the miner, but he was right and our power rests on their hard work and co-operation.
Estava chateado com o mineiro, mas ele tinha razão. E o nosso poder depende do trabalho e cooperação deles.
And right when I was going to give it to her, Victor got here.
O Victor chegou, mesmo quando o ia dar.
I was so nervous I wasn't gonna do it right.
Estava nervosa por não fazer bem.
He was a civilian, a rare bird trying to do right in the world, and I treated him like a soldier.
Ele era um civil, uma raridade a tentar fazer o bem no mundo, e tratei-o como um soldado.
I thought I was dying, all right?
Pensei que estava a morrer, está bem?
I love my father, it was a wicked thing to say about you. Get it right, dear.
Eu gosto do meu pai, foi rude falar isso de ti, querida.
I was. - No, you're right. - I...
Não, tens razão.
- It was so sad seeing you lie up there today, Alex... Especially when I'm the only person who knows you were right... Because I'm the one you've been looking for all along.
Foi tão triste ver-te mentir lá em cima hoje, Alex... especialmente quando eu sou a única pessoa que sabe que tu tinhas razão... porque sou aquele de quem andas à procura este tempo todo.

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