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Was it true tradutor Português

1,377 parallel translation
If it was true love they would've been married and lived happily ever after, right?
Se foi um verdadeiro amor, casaram e viveram felizes para sempre!
Everything you said in the paper was true, wasn't it?
Tudo o que disseste no jornal era verdade, não era?
The scenario, as posted by the media and the police was so incredibly way out, it was hard for me to believe that it was true.
As coisas, como foram postas pelos Media e pela Polícia foi incrivelmente diferente, foi difícil para mim acreditar que foi verdade.
But with my mother, I think it was true.
Mas no caso da minha mãe eu acho que é verdade.
And when I started to tell them things I was telling myself that it's not true.
E quando comecei a contar-lhes coisas disse a mim mesmo que não era verdade.
Is it true that he was in a plane crash and had to eat his own wife?
É verdade que ele sofreu um acidente de avião e teve que comer a esposa?
Sang-min, I wasn't acting it was my true feelings
Sang-min, eu não estava a representar. Eram os meus verdadeiros sentimentos.
I don't it was true or fake, just notify Charcoal Head
Não sei se é verdade ou não, mas vamos avisa-lo.
The same incidentally was true of the much worst operations of 1982 when Israel invaded Lebanon and killed maybe twenty thousand or so people. The US had to veto a couple of Security Council resolutions to keep the slaughter going, provided the arms and so on for it.
Por acaso, o mesmo se passou nas bem mais graves operações de 1982, quando Israel invadiu o Líbano e matou cerca de 20 000 pessoas.
It was true hell.
É o Inferno, seguramente.
It was like I had to sort of pinch myself almost to believe this was true, that this was really happening.
Foi quase como se tivesse que me beliscar para acreditar que isto era verdade, que isto estava realmente a acontecer.
It's as true now as it was then.
É tão pertinente agora como na época.
I knew it was too good to be true.
Sabia que era bom demais para ser verdade.
It was a mother writing to her sister, confessing the secret ot the true parentage of her adopted daughter.
Tratava-se de uma mãe a escrever à irmã, confessando o segredo da verdadeira ascendência da sua filha adoptiva.
- Era verdade!
And then Audrey called Sugarman three times in a row to see if it was true.
E a Audrey ligou ao Sugarman três vezes seguidas para confirmar.
Is it true that you saw his heart was going to stop?
É verdade que viste que o coração dele ia parar? - É verdade?
- That's true, but it was just lunch.
Certo, mas foi só almoço.
If the murder was difficult enough and mysterious enough, you knew the mayor would bring me in. It's true.
Se o crime fosse suficientemente difícil e misterioso, você sabia que o presidente chamar-me-ia.
But I was nowhere near the pen when it happened. That's true.
Mas eu nem estava por perto quando aconteceu.
While it's true he was most known as a...
É verdade que foi mais famoso como poeta...
Because I thought it was Deb's money that bankrolled your dream. True.
Pensei que tivesse sido o dinheiro da Deb a financiar o teu sonho.
I knew it was true.
E soube que era verdade.
No, no, it's my fault for telling you I was superhero. That's true.
Não, a culpa é minha por vos ter dito que era super-heroína.
"Once upon a time, they used to say'what a nice boy', and it was true."
"Costumavam dizer :'que bom rapaz.'E era verdade."
- Yeah, but you was in the Red Stick War. - Yeah, it's true.
É verdade, estive naquela guerra.
Five years - No, it was six years after that Cassander finally achieved the complete destruction of Alexander's bloodline when he poisoned Roxane and Alexander's 13-year-old son the true heir to the empire.
Cinco anos... Não, foram seis anos depois disso... que Cassandro finalmente conseguiu... destruir por completo a linhagem de Alexandre... quando envenenou Roxana... e o filho de 13 anos de Alexandre... o verdadeiro herdeiro do império.
And what he slid under the table convinced the powers that be it was true.
Apostou tudo e tornou isso aqui realidade.
Even if it was true, you're coming with me.
Mesmo se isso fosse verdade, você está vindo comigo.
We were up in the gym, and it was after we were working out and a number of us were talking about 9l11 and Afghanistan and bin Laden, and someone said, "Bin Laden's a real asshole for murdering those people." And I said, " Yeah, that's true.
Estava no ginásio, tinha estado a fazer exercícios e estávamos a falar do 11 de Setembro, do Afeganistão, do Bin Laden, e alguém disse : "O Bin Laden é um cretino por ter morto tanta gente," ao que eu respondi :
She was, because she was my mother, so I know it's true.
Ela foi, porque ela foi a minha mãe e eu sei que isso é verdade.
Now, is it true you told the coroner it was a shark attack? .
Agora, é verdade que você disse ao delegado... que foi um ataque de tubarão?
But after the allegations against Coach Carr turned out to be extremely true, the school board felt that it was best that we investigate every claim made in this Burn Book.
Mas depois de as insinuações sobre o treinador Carr serem verdade, a escola achou que era melhor investigar o que se diz no Livro.
- Yeah, well, it was probably true.
- Sim, bem, provavelmente era verdade.
It's true that Saddam Hussein was wrong when he invaded Kuwait, but now it's different.
É certo que Saddam fez mal ao invadir o Kuwait. Mas agora é diferente.
It's absolutely true, the talk about there was in Bagdad.
É a mais pura verdade, não se falava de outra coisa em Bagdade.
It was a lot, because it was true.
Foi muito, porque era verdade.
So, a wonderful story that I believe is true... is that when the Indians... the Native American Indians... on the Caribbean Islands saw Columbus's ships approaching... they couldn't see them at all. Because it was so... unlike anything they had ever seen before, they couldn't see it.
Uma história incrível que acredito ser verdadeira, conta que quando os índios americanos nas ilhas caribenhas viram as naus de Colombo se aproximarem, na verdade eles não conseguiam ver nada, pois não eram parecidas com nada que tivessem visto antes
I told them it was true and the war's about to start.
Eu disse-lhes a verdade e que a guerra ia começar.
It could be true what the miller was saying.
Se calhar existe alguma verdade no que diziam sobre a aldeia.
You mean, it's true what Aydan was saying?
Então, o que a Aydan diz é verdade? .
Now, it's true when you showed up, I had a super power, but it was one I didn't want.
É verdade, quando tu apareces-te, eu tinha um super-poder, mas um que eu não queria, ser invisível.
Do you have any idea what it would mean if this was actually true?
Tens ideia do que isto significa se for mesmo verdade?
If that was true, why would I be doing this, if it was all fake.
Se isso fosse verdade, porque estaria a fazer isso, se fosse tudo a fingir.
My so-called sexual harassment... it wasn't about sexual advances. It was about getting her to be true to her feelings.
O meu alegado assédio sexual não tinha que ver com avanços sexuais mas sim com querer que ela fosse verdadeira com os seus sentimentos.
And... Dr. Winters says that he was with you while it happened. Now, is that true?
E ele diz que esteve consigo quando o crime ocorreu.
If it was true, why would she still be saying she loves me?
Ouviu-a. Se fosse verdade, continuava a dizer que me ama?
It was nothing, it wasn't anything, it wasn't even true.
- Não foi nada, nada. Nem sequer era verdade.
But in a way, you know, it was kind of... a good thing because it made me realize who the true love of my life was.
Mas de certa forma, tu sabes, até foi... positivo porque me fez perceber quem é realmente o amor da minha vida.
Keith, mom told me it was true.
- A minha mãe disse que era verdade. Referes-te ao telefonema da universidade?
And I never asked you if it was true or not.
E nunca perguntei se era verdade ou não.

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