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Was it him tradutor Português

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As far as I can remember, he tried to deny that it was him.
Do que me lembro, ele tentou negar que era ele.
Uh... This was supposed to be for the other guy, but you can share it with him.
Isto devia ser para o outro tipo, mas podes dividir com ele.
But she knew where he was headed, and after he took the Viagra, you slipped him the nitrate pill, knowing that it would kill him.
Depois que ele tomou o Viagra, deu nitroglicerina sabendo que ia mata-lo.
It was us against him.
Éramos nós contra ele.
See, when Webber had this job, it was easier for him.
Quando este cargo era do Webber, era mais fácil para ele.
It doesn't say who was following your dad or how long the FBI was tracking him.
Não diz quem estava a seguir o teu pai ou por quanto tempo o FBI o fez.
I told him it was a misunderstanding, my fault.
Disse-lhe que tinha sido um mal-entendido, culpa minha.
If giving him Hasaan was the price for that, I'd pay it twice over.
Se dar-lhe o Hasaan foi o preço disso, eu pagaria o dobro.
You didn't tell him it was me.
Tu não disseste que era eu.
Well, what he didn't know was, the source who had given him the tip was working with the feds. The painting had a tracking device in it.
Bem, o que ele não sabia era que a fonte que lhe havia dado a dica estava a trabalhar para o FBI.
And it was him... Bill Clinton.
Era ele, o Bill Clinton.
I know him as a businessman from whom I was hoping to solicit campaign funds, and it didn't work out.
Conheço-o como um empresário de quem esperava fundos para a campanha, - e não correu bem.
But you were more than happy to let him believe that it was us, right?
Mas estavas mais que feliz em deixá-lo acreditar... Que fomos nós, correcto?
I gave it to him when I was prepping him for trial.
Dei-lhe quando o estava a preparar para o julgamento.
Javier, it was too much for him.
Javier... Foi demasiado para ele.
Because, like I said, a ball didn't go past him. White uniform and it was filthy from head to toe... Whether sliding into the base or catching a ball.
O equipamento era branco e ficava sujo da cabeça aos pés, quer fosse a deslizar para a base ou a apanhar uma bola.
And the sprint sled was one of them. On that workout, though, it caught him in a bad way.
Mas essa prova afetou-o mesmo muito.
And being in the second-to-last heat on Friday, I think it was a wake-up call for him.
E ter ficado em penúltimo, na sexta-feira, acho que o fez abrir os olhos.
It was hard to just watch him beat himself up over one thing.
Foi difícil vê-lo martirizar-se por causa de uma coisa.
And so in 2011, it was to give Him the glory, Give God the glory, give Jesus the glory.
Então, em 2011, foi para lhe dar glória a Ele, dar glória a Deus, dar glória a Jesus.
And it didn't look like anybody that was in the top three Was going to give him any relief.
E parecia que nenhum dos que estavam nos três primeiros lugares lhe ia dar uma hipótese.
I wanted him to win because I knew that this was it.
Queria que ele ganhasse porque sabia que era tudo para ele.
It was given to him by kids who were mocking him.
Foi-lhe dado por miúdos que gozavam com ele.
He took a name that was meant to demean him, and turned it into a source of strength.
Ele pegou no nome que servia para humilhá-lo, e transformou-o numa fonte de força.
He wouldn't say who was under the mask because it was him.
Ele não dizia quem estava debaixo da máscara - porque era ele.
It was my job to save him and I failed.
Era o meu trabalho salvá-lo, e eu falhei.
It was the only way to save him. After spending centuries quelling my bloodlust, you threw me right back into that darkness!
Depois de passar séculos a reprimir a minha sede de sangue, voltaste a atirar-me para as trevas!
All he wanted to know was the truth, and look where it got him.
Ele só queria saber a verdade, e veja onde ele chegou.
Tuned him up pretty good- - this, uh, looks like it was maybe personal.
Deram-lhe uma sova e peras. Isto parece ser uma coisa pessoal.
Either this man was very unlucky, or someone had it in for him.
Ou este homem tinha muito azar, ou alguém estava de olho nele.
♪ And you're the reason... ♪ Doc said that the heart was in bad shape by the time they got it in him.
O médico disse que o coração estava em más condições quando chegou a hora de pô-lo dentro dele.
It was bold of you to send him up there to wait empty-handed. Especially given the strictures of the timeline. But you knew you could stroll past security any time you wanted with your golf buddy,
Foi arrojado mandá-lo lá para cima para esperar de mãos vazias, especialmente tendo em conta as limitações do tempo, mas sabia que podia passar na segurança com o amigo do golfe, o dono do prédio.
And it was my job... to save him.
E era trabalho meu... Salvar a dele.
From there, it was easy to find him on Instagram, Snapchat and pretty much track his every movement.
Daí, encontrámos no Instagram, Snapchat e seguimos cada passo.
- That's what I told him, but he said he was going to do something about it someday.
Isso era o que eu lhe dizia, mas ele disse que iria fazer alguma coisa sobre isso algum dia.
When I saw it was a Gerwin-Strauss employee's testimony that put him there.
... quando eu vi que foi o testemunho duma funcionária do Gerwin-Strauss que fez com que ele fosse preso.
Look, it started on the basketball court, and... and I don't know what happened, it was like... it was like I smelled him on Alicia.
Começou no campo de basquete, e... não sei o que aconteceu, foi como se... sentisse o cheiro dele na Alicia.
He was hoping to get rid of any evidence against him before Mr. Boss got wind of it.
Ele esperava eliminar qualquer prova contra ele antes que o Sr. Boss viesse a saber.
It was the last one he ran before the agency fired him.
Foi a última a dirigir antes de a agência o demitir.
So my ex, Ritchie, he was loaded and asking about Andrew and some of his stuff, and saying that Andrew was his boy too, and I told him to sleep it off, and he just went crazy.
O que aconteceu? O meu ex. Ritchie, apareceu bêbado e a perguntar sobre o Andrew e algumas das suas coisas, a dizer que o Andrew também era filho dele, e disse-lhe para ir dormir lá fora, e ele ficou maluco.
I thought it was best to confront him when his guard was down.
Achei melhor confrontá-lo - quando estava tranquilo.
It was him.
Era ele.
Well, that's funny, he didn't tell me anything about it when I talked to him yesterday. - Log shows the evidence was admitted into storage after the trial. - Huh.
Engraçado, ele não me disse nada sobre isso ontem.
Maybe it was too much for him.
- Talvez tenha sido demasiado para ele.
Uh, it was a guy named Porter, but you're not gonna find him.
- Um tipo chamado Porter, mas, não vão encontrá-lo.
He had no idea Eddie was back there until the super told him about it this morning.
Só soube que o Eddie lá estava quando o porteiro lhe disse hoje.
I'm guessing it was filled with something other than epinephrine, maybe something to counteract whatever this blonde jammed him with.
Acho que tinha outra coisa sem ser epinefrina, alguma coisa que agia contra o que a loira injectou nele.
All the money they had, it went towards getting him out of prison, saying he was innocent. So did my brother.
O meu irmão também.
Sergeant Colborn couldn't recall who it was that told him that the case had already been solved.
O Sargento Colborn não se lembrava de quem lhe tinha dito que o caso já tinha sido resolvido.
I don't think he was the master behind it, but I think he helped him out.
Acho que não foi ele a ter a ideia, mas acho que o ajudou.
They told him that they talked to me and it was OK for them to talk to him.
Disseram-lhe que falaram comigo e que podiam falar com ele à vontade.

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