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Was it her tradutor Português

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She was making it on her own.
Sustentava-se a ela própria.
But I don't think it was very nice of her.
Mas, não foi simpático da parte dela.
It was a warm, sunny day, and Penny Beerntsen and her husband went to the beach on Lake Michigan.
Estava um dia quente e soalheiro e a Penny Beerntsen e o marido foram à praia, no Lago Michigan.
She stated that she'd made a point when the crime was being committed of remembering who it was who was doing this to her.
Disse que fez questão, quando o crime estava a ser cometido, de se lembrar de quem lhe estava a fazer aquilo. JUIZ DO TRIBUNAL DE MANITOWOC ( 1980-2005 )
With Lori, I suppose it was hard for her to watch the kids.
Para a Lori, acho que foi muito difícil tomar conta dos miúdos.
The court accepted the state's argument that since we couldn't prove whose DNA it was, we couldn't discount the fact that this could've been her husband's DNA, one of the medical personnel's DNA,
O tribunal aceitou o argumento do estado, já que não se podia provar de quem era o ADN, não podíamos descartar a hipótese de ser o ADN do marido, podia ser o ADN de um médico, do casal que encontrou a Penny Beerntsen na praia
Sofia didn't want to use her key, because she was afraid it could lead back to her.
A Sofia não queria usar a chave dela, porque temia que pudesse ser ligada.
It was her fault.
Foi culpa dela.
Now this is a key that was used by her for several years, and they took the key and meticulously scrubbed it for DNA and that was, at first glance, a good thing.
Esta chave foi usada por ela durante vários anos, e pegaram na chave e retiraram meticulosamente o ADN e isso, primeiro, parecia uma coisa boa.
So, um, I guess what I was interested in was, um... why it was full or when the first new message was, you know, received in her inbox.
Então, acho que o que queria saber é... Porque estava cheia e quando a primeira nova mensagem foi recebida na caixa.
Whatever the number was that came up on her phone, she recognized it?
E ela... quando o tal número aparecia no telefone, ela reconhecia-o?
She knew it was her profile and she knew she was teaching at the time and talking, so I mean, it all makes sense.
Ela sabia que era o perfil dela e sabia que tinha estado a ensinar, a falar. Faz sentido.
So that was her choice and I think that came across to the jury, and there's really not much we can do about it anymore.
Ele fez essa escolha e acho que o júri percebeu e já não podemos fazer nada sobre isso.
Gliding above the wreck looking at the details through the beam of the torch, the colour and the amount of life that had been attracted to her, it was like I was visualising and building the picture as I swam.
Nadar sobre os destroços, a observar os pormenores através da luz da lanterna, a cor e a quantidade de vida que a luz atraía, era como se visualizasse e criasse a imagem à medida que nadava.
And then one day I ran into her, and it was just different.
Um día me encontrei com ela, e tudo aconteceu diferente.
I do know that she was regretful about the effect that it had on her children, leaving them for such a very long time.
Sei que tinha remorsos pelo efeito que tivera nos filhos, o facto de os abandonar durante tanto tempo.
Okay, maybe it was good we didn't kill her.
- Talvez foi bom não a termos matado.
In the spring they went back to look for her body but there was no trace of it.
Na primavera, vieram buscar o corpo, mas não encontraram nada.
It's like this gigantic cock, you know, and she just was having me, you know, just drill her again and again and again.
E ela pôs-me a furá-la toda, vezes e vezes sem conta.
I saw this picture in a magazine and this woman, she was sitting in the dirt, and it was like, trash all around her, there was, like, a skinny dog.
Vi uma fotografia numa revista, em que uma mulher estava sentada no chão e havia montes de lixo à volta dela e um cão esquelético.
It was fucked up for you to get her involved.
Fiquei fodido por tu a teres envolvido.
It was her.
Foi ela!
"But it was her eyes that stopped his breath... " and made his heart leap up.
Mas foram os olhos dela que o deixaram sem ar, fizeram o coração saltar.
"But it was her eyes that stopped his breath in his throat... " that made his heart leap up. "
Mas foram os olhos dela que o deixaram sem ar, fizeram o coração saltar. "
It was easy to track her down because of the whole Middle Eastern thing.
Foi fácil localizá-la por causa da questão do Médio Oriente.
It was about her cleansing ceremonies that she would perform.
Era sobre as cerimónias de purificação que ela iria fazer.
" The first time I saw her, it was on Market Street in San Francisco.
A primeira vez que a vi foi em São Francisco.
So, if Jane Doe was in the ground before the storm her body would be in much poorer condition than it is.
Se a Jane Doe estava enterrada antes da tempestade, o corpo dela estaria mais degradado do que está.
I thought it was best to leave her alone
Eu pensei que era melhor deixá-la sozinha.
Now, a junior cost accountant stuck her nose where it didn't belong, and obviously had no idea what she was looking at.
Uma contabilista júnior meteu o nariz onde não devia e claro que não fazia ideia do que estava a ver.
Heck, I can't remember everything, but she was making dinner one night, her signature dish, it was chickpeas and rice and... and vegetables or something all cooked in soy sauce and Cayenne pepper.
Raios, não me lembro de tudo, mas... uma certa noite ela estava a fazer o jantar, o melhor prato dela, era grão de bico com arroz e... vegetais ou algo do género, cozinhados em molho de soja e pimenta Cayenne.
I thought it was so cute, how she made it her own.
Achava adorável, como ela o tornou o seu prato.
Yes, it was her.
Sim, foi ela.
Her body language made me think there was something valuable in it.
Tinha uma mala. A linguagem corporal fez-me pensar que tinha algo de valioso.
It was written on a piece of paper in her handwriting.
Estava escrita num pedaço de papel com a letra dela.
Mom saying back there it was driving her nuts.
A minha mãe dizia que a deixava louca.
that I'd appreciate it if you was to help me take care of her.
que gostaria muito que me ajudasses a tomar conta dela.
She left because it was her time to leave.
Ela foi embora porque estava na altura.
It was never her company to sell.
Ela nunca poderia vender a empresa sozinha.
It was her choice.
A opção foi dela.
She was a big Broadway showgirl until she married my Uncle Rocko, and he thought it would be better for her career to move to Las Vegas.
Era uma grande estrela em Broadway, até casar com o meu Tio Rocko e ele achou que era melhor para ela mudarem-se para Las Vegas.
- Was it her?
- Era ela?
No, no, it was her father who wanted to punish her in this way.
Eles. Não, foi o pai dela que a quis castigar assim.
It all started with Frederica, in the grip of a madness of some kind, entreating Reginald to intercede on her behalf, as if I was some kind of unkind mother, not wanting the best for her child.
Tudo começou com a Frederica, num acto de loucura qualquer, suplicando para a Reginald interceder em nome dela como se eu fosse uma mãe cruel não querendo o melhor para o filho.
I think she decided that whatever was in me now was dark and ugly and better left where it was, as long as it was not near her or the kids. What was I doing here?
Acho que ela decidiu que o que estava em mim agora era escuro e feio e era melhor deixar como estava, desde que não estivesse perto dela e das crianças.
Whatever it was like for her... they said it was fast.
Independentemente de como tenha sido para ela, disseram que foi rápido.
It was just his impression of her.
Era apenas a impressão que ele tinha dela.
This conversation wouldn't have lasted this long if you didn't know it was her.
Esta conversa não teria durado tanto tempo se não soubesses que era ela.
They hadn't said anything about her. Hadn't... said it was a she or a he, let alone dead, nobody had.
Eles não tinham conversado nada sobre ela, nem se era mulher ou homem... nem se estava morta, simplemente não falaram.
It's not her fault that... father's a gangster, and mom was a whore.
Não é culpa dela que... o pai seja um gângster, e a mãe uma prostituta.
It was the lights and the camera that she brought with her.
Foram as luzes e a câmara que ela trouxe com ela.

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