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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / What's wrong with you

What's wrong with you tradutor Português

3,876 parallel translation
What's wrong with you? !
O que se passa contigo?
What- - what's wrong with you two?
O que há de errado com vocês?
What's wrong with you?
Qual é o teu problema?
What's wrong with you freaks? It's Thanksgiving.
É Dia de Acção de Graças.
What's wrong with you?
- O que se passa contigo?
But what's wrong with wanting power? You have it.
Mas o que há de errado em querer ter algum poder?
What's wrong with you tonight?
O que há de errado contigo esta noite?
Nick, what's wrong with you?
Nick, qual é o seu problema?
So what's wrong with you?
O que é que tu tens?
What is wrong with you? There's no need for you to- -
Qual é o teu problema?
What's wrong with you?
- O que tens?
What the hell's wrong with you?
Qual é o teu problema?
It didn't go wrong on our end, so why don't we start again with you telling us what's up?
Não correu mal no nosso lado. Então por que não começamos de novo contigo a dizer-nos o que se passa?
What's wrong with you? I told you not to talk about that.
O que é que se passa contigo?
You know what? There's something pathologically wrong with you.
Há alguma coisa patologicamente errada contigo.
What's wrong with you? How could you say that?
Como consegue dizer isso?
- What the hell's wrong with you?
- O que há consigo? - Já terminou?
- Jess, I'm dying. - What's wrong with you.
- Estou a morrer, Jess.
What's wrong with you?
O que se passa?
- What's wrong with you?
- Qual é o teu problema?
What's wrong with you?
O que se passa contigo?
Hey, I know what's wrong with you.
Sei o que se passa contigo.
I don't know what is wrong with you people, but there's something dead and it reeks.
Não sei o que se passa com voçês, mas há algo morto e cheira muito mal.
What's wrong with you? !
O que há de errado contigo?
She told me, " What's wrong with you?
E ela disse-me :
What's wrong with you?
O que é que tu tens?
What's wrong with you, man?
Que se passa contigo, homem?
What's wrong with you, Doc?
O que está mal com isto, Doutor?
What's wrong with you?
- Qual é o teu problema?
What's wrong with you, boy?
Qual é o teu problema, rapaz?
Get the thing going! What's wrong with you?
What's wrong with you?
O que há de errado contigo?
- What's wrong with you?
- És maluquinho?
- What the fuck's wrong with you?
- O que se passa contigo.
- What's wrong with you?
Que é que se passa contigo?
What's wrong with you?
Que é que tu tens?
What... what's wrong with you kids?
O que é que se passa com esta miudagem?
What's wrong with you?
O que há de errado consigo?
- What's wrong with you?
- O que há de errado contigo?
What's wrong with you?
O que é que se passa contigo?
[Capri] What's wrong with you?
O que há de errado?
I said we have a woman with severe head injuries here, what's wrong with you people!
Eu disse que trazia uma mulher com ferimentos graves na cabeça!
What the hell's wrong with yöu?
Posso saber que raio se passa contigo?
What's wrong with yöu?
Que se passa?
Bruno, what's wrong with you?
Bruno, o que se passa contigo?
What's wrong with you, Jane?
O que é que se passa contigo, Jane?
Come on, what's wrong with you?
O que passa consigo?
- What's wrong with you?
- O que se passa?
What's wrong with you people?
Ele quase... Qual é o vosso problema?
What the fuck's wrong with you, you pricks?
Qual é o vosso problema, retardados?
I'll tell you what's wrong with this picture.
Eu digo-te o que está mal nesta cena.

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