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What time was that tradutor Português

721 parallel translation
- What time was that?
- A que horas?
- What time was that?
- Que horas eram?
What time was that?
Que horas eram?
About what time was that, you remember?
A que horas foi isso? Recorda-se?
And what time was that?
E a que horas foi isso?
What time was that reservation for, Mr Johnson?
Para que horas era a reserva, Sr. Johnson?
What time was that?
- Que horas eram, sabe?
I realized then for the first time that what you were doing was right... ... and that we were wrong.
Percebi, pela primeira vez, que o que fazeis era certo e que estávamos errados.
Hitler had got away without a war that far and there was great hope that he would get what he wanted without a war this time.
Até àquela altura, Hitler tinha conseguido fugir à guerra e esperava-se que ele conseguisse o que queria sem guerra.
Pity that he won't come to Paris with me. Did I ever tell you what happened to me last time I was in Paris?
Já te contei o que me aconteceu da última vez que lá estive?
Next time you meet Lester, you'll have to kill him. That's what I was thinking.
Da próxima vez que vires o Lester, terás de o matar.
When you come to the ticket window, try to relive that other time with Edwardes. Try to repeat what was said then.
Quando chegou ao guichet, tente reviver essa altura... tente repetir o que foi dito.
Newton thought it was small, solid particles. But that's not what scientists saw when they observed atoms for the first time.
Newton achava que era uma pequena partícula sólida... mas não foi o que os cientistas viram quando observaram... um átomo pela primeira vez.
I know that what worked for me was to come here, be quiet and take one thing at a time, think one thought to its end.
Eu sei que o que funcionou para mim foi vir para cá, ficar quieta... e fazer uma coisa de cada vez, pensar em cada idéia até o fim.
And what made it even tougher was that she was around all the time... hovering over me, afraid I'd do injury to her precious brainchild.
E o que tornou o trabalho ainda mais difícil foi ela estar sempre por perto... pairando sobre mim, com medo do que eu estragasse a sua preciosa criaçao.
My father often told me that that December 25. Was the first time it ever been aware of Christmas, and what it really meant.
O meu pai disse-me que aquele 25 de Dezembro... foi a primeira vez que ele ficou a saber do natal... e o que realmente significava!
What was the condition of the Thunder at that time?
Em que estado se encontrava o Thunder?
Oh, what a time that was!
- Que tempos, aqueles. - Sim!
And, uh, what if he could prove that he was at that movie at the time the girl was killed?
E, uh, e se ele conseguisse provar estava a ver aquele filme quando a rapariga foi morta?
When the smoke cleared and what was left of the division limped off they again told Huxley that he must find the elusive Japanese garrison who, this time, were hidden in 45 miles of island atolls.
Nós a encurralamos após persegui-la por 4 dias... e, num breve confronto, encerramos o capítulo Tarawa. Nossas baixas foram poucas, mas deixamos para trás... quem poderia escrever o grande romance de guerra.
But when I think back about it now... I realize that all the time I was talkin'... the thing that was really in my mind was to remember not to ask... what it was her boss, Rapallo, was so sorry for.
Mas quando lembro disso agora, dou-me conta de que todo o tempo enquanto falava, o que eu realmente pensava era em lembrar de não perguntar o motivo pelo qual seu chefe, Rappalo, estava tão arrependido.
That's what I was told to holler every time.
Por isso disse para gritar sempre.
What were you doing all that time while I was missing you?
- Eu também. Mas o que andou fazendo esse tempo todo, enquanto eu estava com saudades?
No, what was Melies doing at that time?
Nada disso. O que fez Méliés nessa altura?
You'll have a hell of a time. I don't know what the occasion was that prompted this influx of... beautiful women...
Não sei porque repentinamente ponderas a tantas mulheres belas.
Yeah, that's it, and, uh, and he asked me what time it was
Sim, é isso mesmo. Ele perguntou-me as horas.
E to see it, on this day strange, limpid and empty, the desert beaches, an immense barbed wire for all the side, at the time, I felt that it was a species of symbol of what the people felt, that they were prepared to abandon this, in order to continue with the war.
E vê-la, neste dia estranho, límpido e vazio, as praias desertas, um imenso arame farpado por todo o lado, na época, senti que era uma espécie de símbolo do que as pessoas sentiam, que estavam preparadas para abandonar isto,
It was in December of 1937, in Nanking, that the Japanese had committed, what it was until a time, one of the biggest atrocities of this century, when they had massacreed more than 200 a thousand Chinese the cold blood.
Foi em Dezembro de 1937, em Nanking, que os japoneses cometeram, o que foi até à época, uma das maiores atrocidades deste século, quando massacraram mais de 200 mil chineses a sangue frio.
But Mr. Hathaway does claim that since you knew what time he was due to visit Miss Chambers, all you had to do was get there ahead of him, wait until you saw his car arrive.
Mas ele afirma que como sabia a hora a que ele ia visitar a Menina Chambers, só tinha de lá chegar antes dele, esperar até o carro dele chegar...
What did you mean when you said that time was on the side of queen Zenobia?
Como assim, o tempo está a favor da rainha Zenobia?
Jake, listen- - l know what you're going to say, Dave... that I'm the boy who always cried wolf... but this time, it's the real thing... and this real thing is going to marry someone else, so... I thought it was worth... throwing two years of clean lungs out the window.
Jake, ouve... Eu sei o que tu vais dizer, Dave... eu sou o rapaz que se chorou de lobo... mas este tempo, é a coisa real. e esta coisa vai mesmo casar alguém, então...
I was thinking what a terrific time we would have had if that kid of yours had been good at games.
Estava a pensar que poderíamos ter passado uns bons momentos, se o teu filho fosse bom em desporto.
This is their first time on Earth. Remember what that was like?
Esta é a primeira vez deles na Terra Lembra-se de como foi conosco?
But that's exactly what Percival Lowell believed was happening on Mars in his time.
Mas isso é precisamente o que Percival Lowell acreditava, estar a acontecer em Marte no seu tempo.
Astrologers studied the motions of the planets and asked what had happened last time that, say Venus was rising in the constellation of the Goat?
Os astrólogos estudavam o movimento dos planetas e perguntavam, o que acontecera, digamos, da última vez que, Vénus se erguera na constelação de Capricórnio?
What if our time traveler had persuaded Queen Isabella that Columbus'geography was wrong?
Que se passaria se o nosso viajante do tempo tivesse convencido a rainha Isabel, de que os mapas de Colombo estavam errados?
I did what I thought was best at the time, of that I'm guilty.
Fiz o que parecia melhor no momento. Disso sou culpado.
We would know that every time we made love, I was making love to her... that her body, no matter what... was the only body I wanted to hold.
Quando fizéssemos amor, saberíamos que eu a amava... e que seu corpo, seria o único, que eu gostaria de abraçar.
I'm known because of the time of the struggle of the Jewish people I was one of the # # # # that made it possible to have what we have,... what we've been able to defend by the skin of our teeth.
Sou conhecida por que no tempo de luta pelo povo Judeu... eu era uma dum grupo que tornou possivel termos o que temos, o que fomos capazes de defender com todos os nossos esforços.
The first time that ever I knew what love was, Mr. Holmes.
Foi a primeira vez que soube o que era o amor, Sr. Holmes.
So that when Joey Bramlette, a small-time dealer, mentioned Enrique Ruiz, what was your state of mind?
Então, quando Joey Bramlett, um pequeno traficante, mencionou o Enrique Ruiz, o que foi que pensou?
What makes this such a sad moment for me... is that the whole time I was locked... in that dark, dingy, dusty, dank dungeon... there was only one face that kept popping into my head.
Este é um momento muito triste. Durante o meu encarceramento naquela cave suja e poeirenta... havia só uma cara que não podia esquecer.
My guest at this time, Hulk Hogan... and what a battle that one was.
Que grande combate!
The time had come to hang out at Boyd Aviation to meet some of the guys and to find out what Stanwyk was doing with that plane.
Chegara a altura de ir à Boyd Aviation descobrir o que o Stanwyk andava a fazer com o avião.
I also got him to agree that it was time for him to step aside as your manager. What? You got rid of Ginger?
Também o fiz concordar que estava na hora dele desistir de ser o vosso agente.
When I said out loud what no-one else at that time dared to say, namely that the German political and military leadership was guilty of war.
Quando eu disse em voz alta o que ninguém mais se atreveu a dizer, a liderança política alemã e os militares foram os culpados pela guerra.
I was sent to stasis. That's what "frozen in time" is.
Eu fui posto em estase, é o mesmo que congelado no tempo.
During that period of time... There was initiated what is known as a pony express.
Durante essa época... começou o que agora conhecemos por pónei-expresso.
Here's what I gathered : That his music at the time was unorthodox. It wasn't popular.
Creio que sua música, na época, era inconformista.
So I relaxed and gave in to the notion that, for the very first time in my life, I knew exactly what was going to happen next.
Por isso relaxei e rendi-me à noção de que, pela primeira vez na vida, eu sabia o que ia acontecer a seguir.
That does not explain because the apartment more cheaply there of bass, it was announced that there is so much time without what nobody was renting it.
Isso não explica porque o apartamento mais barato lá de baixo, estava anunciado há tanto tempo sem que ninguém o alugasse.

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