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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You're almost there

You're almost there tradutor Português

283 parallel translation
I can almost reach it. You're almost there, miss!
Venha aqui.
I almost have it. You're almost there, miss!
Só uns centímetros mais.
( Barbara ) Do you think we're almost there yet?
Acham que estamos quase lá?
You're gonna have to take a tighter rein'cause I did clock you doing almost 90 a ways back there.
Terá que puxar as rédeas com mais firmeza pois calculei mais de 90 lá atrás.
You're almost there, keep going.
Está quase lá! Continue!
You're almost there.
Estás lá quase.
We're almost there. I keep telling you, I haven't got them.
- Já te disse que não tenho.
You're almost there.
- Falta pouco.
Rambo, you're probably aware that there are almost 2,500 Americans still missing in action in SE Asia.
Talvez saiba que quase 2500 soldados americanos foram dados por desaparecidos no sudeste da Ásia.
You're almost there.
Estão quase a chegar.
You're almost there.
You're almost there.
Estás quase.
You're almost there.
Estás quase. Continua.
You're almost there.
Está quase lá.
- You're almost there. - Yeah!
- Está quase.
The idea that there had to be an audience that wanted to see... stories about being gay in America... who wanted to see stories about a guy who has Al Ds in America... is this almost backward understanding of how it works... when you're standing in front of the box office in your local dodecaplex... and you have a choice between...
A idéia de que tem que haver uma audiência que queira ver historia a respeito de ser gay na América, que queira ver histórias aproxima de ter SIDA na América, é essa espécie de compreensão tardia a que explica como funciona. Quando está parado frente à boletería do cinema local e pode escolher entre...
" You're almost there with much at stake.
" Estás quase lá. Tens muito a perder.
You're almost there.
- Bem. Estás quase lá.
You're almost there.
Estás quase lá.
You're almost there!
Estás quase lá!
Come, you're almost there.
Estás quase lá.
Almost there, Chakotay. You've got to keep her distracted if we're going to make this work.
Quase lá Chakotay, você tem que mantê-la distraída para isto funcionar.
You're almost there.
Quase! Estás quase lá.
You're almost there.
Estamos quase lá.
That's all right. - You're almost there.
- Estás quase lá.
Good job, you guys. We're almost there.
Bom trabalho, rapazes, estamos quase lá.
You're almost there, almost.
Você está quase lá. Quase.
You're almost there.
Estás quase a chegar ao ponto.
Not yet, honey. You're almost there.
Ainda não, querido.
All right, you're almost there, you almost have everything you need to know to start Season Three.
Tudo bem, você está quase lá. Você viu quase tudo que precisa saber para assistir a terceira temporada. Pilot, está pronto?
You're almost there.
Estás quase lá!
I think we're almost there you guys.
Estamos quase lá.
You're almost there.
Está quase chegando.
They're almost out of there. Come on, you can do it. Stark.
Eles já estão saindo, você consegue.
" You're almost there, John.
'Você está quase lá, John.
You're almost there... "
Quase lá'.
- You're almost there.
A Fox encomendou 13 episódios.
You're almost there, Elliot, but not quite.
Está quase lá, Elliot, mas falta um pouco.
Come on, you guys, we're almost there!
Então, rapazes, estamos quase lá!
- You're almost there.
- Estás quase lá.
- You're almost there, Linus.
- Estás quase lá, Linus.
Come on, you're almost there
Vá, Djamel... está quase!
Don't look back, you're almost there!
Não olhes para trás! Estás quase lá!
They still had their arms but as you're going down the autobahn there was almost a solid line of German troops coming north.
Eles ainda tinham as armas mas à medida que íamos avançando víamos filas enormes de tropas alemãs a vir de norte.
You're almost there, Sea Breeze.
Está quase, Sea Breeze.
You're almost there.
Está quase.
You're almost there, Cheryl.
Está quase lá, Cheryl.
You're almost there.
Está quase, companheiro.
- You're almost there, Tomas.
- Está quase lá.
Pilot, if you're there. Almost out of fuel. Need a little help.
Piloto, se estiver aí... estou quase sem combustível, preciso de ajuda.
I mean, that is almost something', what you're doing right there, know what I mean?
Isso já é alguma coisa, o que estás a fazer aí.

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