Have you been well tradutor Russo
795 parallel translation
Have you been well? Would someone who's curious as to how I've been doing not contact me and only meet in a place like this, under these kind of circumstances?
Как вам жилось? да и здесь по чистой случайности встретила?
Have you been well?
Как ваши дела?
Have you been well?
Как Вы добрались?
Have you been well?
Все было в порядке?
- Have you been well taken care of?
- О вас позаботились?
If things go well, you could have been the royal son-in-law now.
то ты станешь моим зятем.
Have you been doing well?
Как ты тут?
Well, where have you been, traveling-wise?
Где же ты побывал, умудренный опытом путешественник? Везде.
Well, whoever she was, she could not have been half as beautiful as you are right now.
Ну, неважно, кто она, она не была и наполовину так прекрасна, как ты сейчас.
and then God says well... send them some of that stuff you've been working on... that acid stuff. And have the CIA distribute it "
Ђхорошо... пошли-ка им немного того, над чем ты всЄ это врем € работал, пошли им кислоту, и сделай так, чтобы ÷ – " распростран € ло еЄ среди людей.ї
Well, it must have been for you.
Может быть. Для тебя.
Well, have, have you ever been there?
Ты там бывал?
Well, gentlemen. Since that day you saw me last, I have been out in the great world. And I have learned a great deal.
С того дня, господа, когда вы видели меня в последний раз, я вышел в большой мир и многому научился.
Well, how many places have you been in, Mr. Charles?
Ну, а в скольких местах вы были, мистер Чарльз?
Well, you seem to have the idea that there's been a wild party here or something.
Вы, кажется, думаете, что у нас здесь веселая вечеринка?
Well, well, well, what have you been doing with yourself? - I've been thinking.
- И чем ты тут без меня занималась?
Well, where have you been?
Где ты была?
You would have been well-advised to do the same thing.
Да. Тебе не мешало бы последовать его примеру.
I'm sure it must have been that man who seemed to know you so well... the one with the poison.
Уверена, это был тот человек, который, мне показалось, хорошо с вами знаком... тот, с ядом.
Well, what have you been doing with yourself lately?
Ну, чем занимешься в последнее время?
And I thought that it might as well have been you.
И я подумала, что это мог быть и ты.
Well, darling, what have you been doing?
Ну, милая, чем занималась?
Well, I may not have been ahead of you, but I'm here right now and that's what counts.
Что ж, опередить тебя мне не удалось, но сейчас я здесь, и это главное.
"Well, you certainly have been antisocial since you got back from Scotland."
Ты определенно избегаешь общества после возвращения из Шотландии.
All right, I know I should have been smarter with Thurston, but, well, you know me.
Но ты меня знаешь.
- Well, you must have been thinking something.
Ты должна была думать о чем-то особенном...
Well, to tell you the truth, I wouldn't have been surprised at anything that happened.
Ну, говоря по правде, я бы не удивился, если бы это произошло.
Well, now, who else have you been desperately in love with?
А в кого ещё ты был страстно влюблён?
well, you really have been making yourself useful, haven't you?
Да, ты действительно можешь о себе позаботиться.
You seem to have been, well, let us say, on intimate terms with this man.
Похоже, что вы были, скажем так, в близких отношениях с этим мужчиной.
Well, tell me, who have you seen since you've been back?
- А с кем ты уже виделся? - Ни с кем.
- Well, where have you been, you naughty girl?
- Где ты была, нахальная девчонка?
- Well, where in the heck have you been? - Well, we made- -
А где ты бродишь?
As for you, I have to say, you cry out, that something has been stolen from you. But a lot of potatoes have been stolen from the Chiefs and my field as well.
А что до вас, должен сказать, вы все плачетесь, что у вас украли, однако с поля старости тоже много картофеля пропало.
Well, we did have a little chat about you one day... nothing serious... and I told him that, like many couples who'd been married for a long time... you and I had come to a certain understanding... the understanding being that if I ever caught you with another man...
Ну, как-то у нас был короткий разговор о тебе. Ничего серьёзного. И я сказал ему, что подобно многим давно женатым парам,..
Well, one of you would have died anyway if it hadn't been for the stranger.
Ну один из вас всё равно умер бы если бы не помог незнакомец.
Well, if you notice, I have no beard! If you had appeared to me in your true form I would have been truly blinded by your radiance.
у меня нет бороды! я бы ослеп от твоего сияния.
May I remind you that these ambitions would have been served just as well if you had killed Paris in single combat as you were expected to?
что эти ваши амбиции служили бы как и должны были?
Well, no wonder your folks couldn't find you, have you been out here all night?
Вы здесь играете всю ночь? Нет, мы еще на маминой машине катались Да, мы играем в цыган
Well, he could have... he could have he would have been told someone else you can't possibly accuse me of... of... of for that!
Ему мог бы подсказать кто угодно. Ты не можешь обвинять меня... За что!
Well, you can't have been here before.
Ну, ты не могла здесь быть раньше.
Well, Martha, while you were busy, while the two of you were busy... I mean, I don't know where, but, hell, you must have been somewhere. While you were busy for a while, missy and I were having a little talk.
Марта, пока ты была занята, пока вы двое были заняты не знаю, где, но где-то же вы были, в это время мы с Мисси немного поболтали.
Well, you haven't been taking much interest, have you, Doctor?
Ну, тебя это не сильно заинтересовало, Доктор?
Well it-it it may have been poisoned once, but I can assure you it's quite safe now.
Ну... она когда-то могла быть отравлена, но я заверяю вас, что сейчас вполне безопасна.
Well that could have been you!
Ну, могли быть вы!
If you really were Hassan's cow, you would have been in the well right now!
Если бы ты был коровой Хасана, был бы сейчас на дне колодца!
You know, he may very well have been pushed into the pool. Then his clothes could have been hidden, replaced by some other.
А в том, что его столкнули в бассейн, а потом заменили мокрую одежду другой, из шкафа.
Well, you wouldn't have thought so, Mr. Spock, if you'd been among us.
Вы не думали бы так, если бы были с нами.
Well why do you need them, and w-why have you been killing the Gonds?
Зачем вам они нужны, и п-почему вы убиваете гондов?
You must not have been fed well.
Ты, должно быть, плохо питалась.
Thou hast been rightly honest ; - -you have served me well, And kings have been your fellows
Дай руку мне, ты честен был вполне ; ты честно мне служил, тебе цари товарищами были.
have you eaten yet 24
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you been there 61
have you seen my 26
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you been there 61
have you seen my 26
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50