Why should they tradutor Russo
334 parallel translation
Why should they send us out to fight each other?
Почему они должны были посылать нас сражаться друг с другом?
- Why should they do that... when they're halfway through St Quentin already?
- Зачем им это делать... когда они уже на полпути от Сент Квентина?
Why should they think I had anything to do with it?
А если они подумают, что я имею к этому отношение?
Why should they?
Поверил в то, что ты не убивал.
Why should they? - I've told you why! - But it doesn't make sense.
Кроме того, куда ты пойдешь?
why should they mock poor fellows thus?
К чему так зло шутить над бедняками?
Oh, why should they be surprised when they see one?
Тогда им нечего удивляться.
Why should they lie?
Зачем ему лгать?
Why should they come here?
Почему они должны сюда прийти?
- Why should they think he killed Villette?
Почему они считают, что он убил Вилетта?
Now, why should they go there? Hey, Pete.
- С чего это они туда поедут?
Why should they worry, sitting on the ground?
А они там, на земле, волнуются?
Why should they?
А должны?
Why should they need to lie about anything?
Зачем им лгать хоть о чем-то?
Why should they want us to win?
Почему они должны желать нашей победы?
Why should they wish to?
А они бы позарились?
Why should they follow me?
Зачем им следить за мной?
Well why should they come here?
Но почему они спустились сюда?
- Well, why should they help us?
- Ну, зачем им помогать нам?
Why should they?
А зачем?
Why should they want the drugs?
Зачем же им лекарства?
Why should they tell you that this planet is going to die, hmm?
Зачем им рассказывать вам, что эта планета погибнет, а?
Why should they?
Зачем они?
Why should they?
So, why should they test it? Did you hear Grammont say 100.000 souvenir postcards! They'll be mailed all over the world.
Ты слышала, Грамон говорит 100 тысяч сувенирных открыток выпускается, разлетятся они по всему миру с нашей Венерой.
Now, why should they circle?
А почему они кружат?
Why should they choose to wait... and face us?
Зачем они предпочитают ждать... встречи с нами?
But why should they do it?
Но зачем они это делают?
Why should they kill the best two of our students?
Почему они должны убивать двух лучших наших студентов?
Why should they parallel Rome in every way, except one?
Почему они во всем повторяют Рим, кроме одного?
But why should they?
Но зачем им это надо?
Why should they do that?
Зачем бы они это делали?
Why should they foist this gift onto us?
Зачем им понадобилось навязывать нам этот подарок?
Yes, otherwise, why should they run away?
- Иначе, зачем им убегать?
Why should we care what they think?
Почему нас должно волновать, что они думают?
- Why should they?
Да откуда?
Why should I worry about what they're going to do to Glennister?
Какое мне дело до Гленнистера?
My learned lord, we pray you to proceed and justly and religiously unfold why the law Salique that they have in France or should, or should not, bar us in our claim.
Учёный лорд, мы просим разъяснить нам, Согласно праву и воззреньям церкви, Препятствует ли нашим притязаньям
I see no reason why they should be necessary.
Не вижу причин для молитв.
- Why are they leaving? - How should I know?
- Почему они уходят?
Why should my guests be subject to your prejudices when they have not been subject to my own?
С какой стати вы судите о моих гостях,... когда вы сами ими и являетесь?
Why should I let them know that they have competition, huh?
Зачем мне давать им знать, что у них есть конкурент?
They pay the topd, it dayd. Well, why should a writer feel guilty... becaude people are willing to pay good money for the dweat off hid brow?
Почему писатель должен считать себя виноватым, если люди готовы платить деньги за его тяжкий труд?
They're my baubles. If I don't care, why should you?
Если мне все равно, успокойся.
Why, I don't know... but she'd obviously planned that they should go together.
Не знаю, почему... Но она явно хотела, чтобы они умерли вместе.
Why should only they have feathers and laces and go hunting in coaches and trappings?
Могущество - вот лучшее оружие. Почему только у них кружева да перья?
- I can't think why they should do that.
- Не представляю, с чего бы это.
But we're alive. Why should any of us die for an idea that they thought of?
Но мы живы - зачем некоторым из нас умирать за их идею?
They let you go free, why should we fear them?
Они позволили вам остаться на свободе, то почему мы должны их бояться?
Why else should they invade the galaxy?
А для чего еще они вторглись в нашу галактику?
I don't see why they should get the pickup first all the time.
Не понимаю, почему они должны всегда брать пикап первыми.
why should i care 42
why should i 509
why should i tell you 43
why shouldn't you 25
why should i worry 16
why should i do that 33
why should we 47
why should i help you 39
why should it 36
why shouldn't i be 39
why should i 509
why should i tell you 43
why shouldn't you 25
why should i worry 16
why should i do that 33
why should we 47
why should i help you 39
why should it 36
why shouldn't i be 39
why should i trust you 101
why should i believe you 134
why shouldn't i 108
why should you care 22
why should you 67
why should we trust you 17
why shouldn't they 16
why should i be 56
why should he 39
why should we believe you 20
why should i believe you 134
why shouldn't i 108
why should you care 22
why should you 67
why should we trust you 17
why shouldn't they 16
why should i be 56
why should he 39
why should we believe you 20
why shouldn't he 17
why should she 31
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they're 1306
they are everywhere 27
why should she 31
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they're 1306
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they come 53
they are cute 16
they said 545
they are beautiful 39
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they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they come 53
they are cute 16
they said 545
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
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they are my family 17
they are here 88
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they did 777
they told me 111
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they are dead 31
they are the same 17
they don't like me 19
they did 777
they told me 111
they are good 26
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they're not happy 17
they don't work 32
they are dead 31
they are the same 17