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Las vegas police tradutor Turco

178 parallel translation
The Las Vegas police.
Las Vegas Polisi.
Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Detektif Jim Brass, Las Vegas Polisinden.
- We're with the Las Vegas Police Department.
- Biz las Vegas Polis Departmanından geliyoruz.
Mr. Hendler, we're criminalists from the Las Vegas Police Department.
Bay Hendler, biz Las Vegas Polisi Adli Tıp uzmanlarıyız.
Las Vegas Police.
Las Vegas Polisi.
Las Vegas Police Department.
Las Vegas Polisi.
I'd like to thank you, Sheriff, Las Vegas Police.
Size ve Las Vegas Polisi'ne teşekkür ederim şerif.
Las Vegas Police Department.
Las Vegas Polisi'ndenim.
I'm a forensics scientist with the Las Vegas Police Department.
Las Vegas Polisi'nden adli tıp uzmanıyım. Bir bilim adamına ne diyeyim ki?
I'm Detective Jim Brass from Las Vegas Police.
Ben Las Vegas Polisi'nden Dedektif Jim Brass.
Deliver it at the CSI Division, Las Vegas Police Department... the one out on North Trop Boulevard.
Las Vegas Polis Departmanı, CSI Bölümü'ne yollayın... kuzey Trop Bulvarı'nda.
Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Las Vegas Polisi'nden Jim Brass.
At this time, the Las Vegas Police Department has in custody one Howard Delhomme, whom we believe to be responsible for the disappearance of Julie Waters.
Las Vegas Polisi, Howard Delhomme'u gözaltına aldı. Julie Waters'ın kayboluşundan onun sorumlu olduğuna inanıyoruz.
Mr. and Mrs. Klinefeld, Las Vegas police.
Bay ve Bayan Klinefeld, Las Vegas polisi.
This is detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police Department.
Ben Dedektif Jim Brass, Las Vegas Polis Karakolu.
Las Vegas police.
Las Vegas polisi.
I'm detective Brass, Las Vegas police.
Las Vegas polisinden dedektif Brass.
I'm Detective Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Ben Dedektif Brass, Las Vegas Polisi.
This is a private party. Uh, we have an invitation from the Las Vegas police department.
Las Vegas Polisi'nden davetiyemiz var.
Las Vegas police!
Las Vegas Polisi!
Las Vegas police, sir.
Las Vegas polisi, bayım.
We know you work hard, so, in an effort to be nice, we've provided some lunch, some burgers and stuff, compliments of the Las Vegas police department.
Çok çalıştığınızı biliyoruz, o yüzden size yemek ısmarladık. Burgerler falan var. Las Vegas Polisi'nin ikramıdır.
Las Vegas Police...
Las Vegas Poli...
Las Vegas Police!
Las Vegas Polisi!
Globo Gym's making mincemeat of the Las Vegas Police Department.
Globo Gym Las Vegas Polis Departmanından kıyma yapıyor.
Globo Gym hands the Las Vegas Police a 187, and they're going to the finals.
Globo Gym Las Vegas Polisi'ne 187 veriyor ve finallere kalıyorlar.
Las Vegas Police!
Las Vegas Polisi.
Las Vegas Police, drop it or we shoot.
- Las Vegas Polisi!
I'm Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Pekala, Francis. Ben Jim Brass, Las Vegas Emniyetinden.
I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Ben dedektif Jim Brass, Las Vegas Emniyetinden.
Please! Las vegas police.
Las Vegas Polisi Sen Seth Landers mısın?
Kevin Greer, Las Vegas Police.
Kevin Greer, Las Vegas Polisi.
Well, my name's Nick Stokes. I'm with the Las Vegas Police Department, and this is pretty important.
Ben Las Vegas Emniyetinden geliyorum, ve, ıh, konu oldukça önemli.
Las Vegas Police.
Las Vegas polisi.
Las Vegas Police!
Las Vegas emniyetinden!
I'm the night shift supervisor for the Las Vegas Police Department's Crime Lab.
Las vegas Kriminal bürosunun gece vardiye şefiyim.
Mr. Magli, detective jim brass, las vegas police.
Bay Magli, Detektif Jim brass, Las Vegas Polisinden.
I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Ben Las Vega Emniyetinden Jim Brass.
Las Vegas Police!
Silahını bırak!
I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Ben dedektif Jim Brass, Las Vegas Polisinden.
Well, Betsy, I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas police.
Evet, Betsy, ben dedektif Jim Brass, Las Vegas Emniyetinden.
I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police, and this is Warrick Brown from the Crime Lab- - we got a couple of questions.
Ben Dedektif Jim Brass, Las Vegas Polisinden, ve bu da Kriminal Laboratuarından Warrick Brown. Bir kaç sorumuz olacak.
Request Las Vegas police.
- Las Vegas Polisi'ni çağırın.
The disappearance of university co-ed Paige Rycoff has police baffled
Batı Las Vegas Üniversitesi öğrencisi Paige Rycoff'un kayboluşu polisi de şaşırttı.
Sir, stop what you're doing. We have a search and seizure warrant for any and all diamonds. Las Vegas Police.
Yaptığınız işi bırakın.
Las Vegas Police.
Las Vegas Polisi!
Las Vegas Police. I have a warrant.
Las Vegas Polisi.
Las Vegas police.
Las Vegas Polisi.
Mr. Willard, Las Vegas, Police.
Bay Willard, Las Vegas Polisi!
You need to call the Chief of Police in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas'taki polis şefini araman gerekiyor.
- Las Vegas Police.
Las Vegas Polisi.

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