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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ K ] / Kazara oldu

Kazara oldu tradutor Inglês

370 parallel translation
Benim suçum değil. Kazara oldu.
It's not my fault, it was an accident!
- Kazara oldu.
It was an accident.
Kazara oldu.
It was an accident.
Eminim kazara oldu, efendim.
I'm sure it wasn't intentional, ma'am.
Kazara oldu, Bay Hoatling.
It was an accident, Mr. Hotaling. I'm gonna get this right in your stomach.
- Kazara oldu.
- by accident.
David, kazara oldu.
I made a mistake, David.
Kazara oldu.
I didn't even know him.
- Kazara oldu.
- It was an accident.
Kazara oldu. Tamam mı?
It was a fuckin'accident.
Ama Onda bir kusur bulunmadığından, iki katını alacak çünkü aslında herşey kazara oldu.
But since she was found not responsible, they have to pay double because technically the whole thing was an accident.
Eminim kazara oldu.
Inadvertently, I'm sure.
Kazara oldu.
Just by accident.
Kazara oldu, gerçekten.
It was an accident, really.
Kazara oldu!
I didn't mean to. It was an accident.
Bunu kasten yapmalıydım ama kazara oldu.
It should have been deliberate but it was an accident.
Kazara oldu aslında niyetim o...
It was all an accident, I never intended to...
Kazara oldu.
Accidents happen, you know.
- Kazara oldu.
- That was an accident.
P? Kazara oldu.
It was an accident.
- Kazara oldu. - Ne?
- It was an accident.
Hey, dur biraz. Kazara oldu.
It was an accident.
Bak, eğer kazara oldu dersen sana kızmaz.
Look, if you tell her that you did it by accident, she's not going to get mad at you.
Caleb, Will Beckford'a yaptığın kazara oldu.
What you did to Will Beckford was an accident.
Kazara oldu ve bir daha olmayacaktır.
Well, it was a slip-up and it will not happen again.
Fakat kazara oldu, neyse önemi yok yeni avrat aldım kendime.
But with accident. ls not important. I have a new wife.
Tabii ki kazara oldu.
Of course it was an accident.
Tamam, kazara oldu.
All right, it was an accident.
Ben iki tane aldım, Tony'ye iki tane verdim ve 15 - 20 tanesini yanlışlıkla lavaboya düşürdüm. Kazara oldu yani.
Look, I took two, gave Tony two, and I accidentally dropped 15 or 20 down the sink.
- Kazara oldu.
- Accidental.
Bir çeşit kazara oldu aslında.
You know, it was sort of like an accidental thing.
Kazara oldu.
It was a definite accident
- Kazara oldu.
- It was an accident!
Kazara oldu, biliyorsun.
It was an accident, you know.
Kazara oldu.
That was a mistake.
Hyde, kazara oldu.
Hyde, it was an accident.
Kazara oldu.
There was an accident.
Kazara oldu.
- No body taught me.
"O üzerine oturdu memur bey, kazara oldu."
"'She sat on it, officer, it was an accident. "
- Kazara mı oldu yani sizce?
- Yes, I'm sure.
Oraya girmeye çalıştın! Kazara mı oldu?
You tried to go ini By mistake?
Spock'un verdiği ifade çok etkili oldu ve böylece Romulan bölgesine yapılan bu tâcizin kazara olmadığı onaylanmıştır.
The testimony of First Officer Spock was highly instrumental in confirming this intrusion into Romulan space was not an accident.
Kazara. Bir hata oldu.
It was an accident, a mistake.
Kazara mı oldu Sam yoksa beni gördüğün için mutlu mu oldun?
Have an accident, Sam, or are you just glad to see me?
10.000 dönüm ormanlik meskun arazi Yildiz Savasi Baris Platform'undaki lazer topunun rutin tatbikat sirasinda kazara atesi sonucu kül oldu.
10,000 acres of wooded residential land were scorched in an instant when a laser cannon aboard the Strategic Defense Peace Platform misfired today during routine startup tests.
Kazara oldu.
I accidentally did that.
Onlar sebep oldu sadece, ama "kazara".
They were the cause, but "per accidens".
Kazara oldu, değil mi?
That was by accident, right?
Büyükannemin çıkardığı yangından kalan tek şey bu. Her şey kazara ütüye takıldığında oldu.
Well. it's the only thing that survived the fire that Grandma caused when she mistakenly answered the iron.
Paralarımı bana verdiğinde ve eli kazara elime değdiğinde, bir şey oldu.
When he handed me back my pennies and quarters, And his hand Accidentally touched mine,
Yani pedere saldırıyordu ve Jamie kazara ona engel oldu.
So he was attacking the priest, and Jamie just happened to get in the way.

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