And him перевод на испанский
205,600 параллельный перевод
If five minutes goes by, can you check and see if there's no pins in him?
Si pasan cinco minutos, ¿ puedes ver si no tiene alfileres?
And they make me meet him on the bridge, like some romance story.
Y me hacen reunirme con él en un puente, como una historia romántica.
So, I just tell him I'm a comedian and then he goes :
Le digo que soy comediante, y él me dice :
But I thought, maybe I should complain. Like, I don't wanna get him fired, but I wanna complain and get my money back and then just have the manager just tell everyone,
Pero pensé que tal vez debía quejarme, no quería que lo despidieran, quería quejarme y recuperar mi dinero y que la gerente les dijera a todos :
And so, I went year after year after year not getting laid until I met someone who transferred into my college my senior year and he hadn't heard the rumors and I didn't tell him.
Así que pasé año tras año tras año sin tener sexo hasta que conocí a alguien que llegó a mi universidad el último año que no había oído los rumores y no le conté.
I felt respected and then, you know, after a couple of weeks, he asked me to go have wine with him.
Me sentí respetada y luego, tras unas semanas, me preguntó si quería beber vino con él.
And that's why you killed him?
¿ Y por eso lo asesinó?
- And that's why you killed him.
- Y por eso lo asesó.
Even though I hated him, and I wished he was dead.
Aunque lo odiaba y deseaba que estuviese muerto.
And then someone shot him full of heroin.
Y entonces alguien lo llenó a él de heroína.
Saying if anybody deserves to be in a wheelchair it was him, and he'd swap places with me in a heartbeat.
Decía que si alguien merecía estar en una silla de ruedas era él, y que cambiaría de lugar conmigo sin pensarlo.
Dwayne's father walked out on him and his family when he was a just a boy.
El padre de Dwayne los abandonó a él y a su familia cuando era un niño.
So we can only imagine Jerome's guilt when you revealed to him that it was his own negligence that caused Torey's tragedy - - and being the loving family man that he was, he would've been desperate to keep this a secret from Torey and Sabrina.
Así que solo podemos imaginar la culpa de Jerome cuando le reveló... que fue su propia negligencia la que causó la tragedia de Torey... y siendo el hombre de familia cariñoso que era... estaría desesperado por mantener esto como un secreto... de Torey y Sabrina.
He lied to him and said the brakes were faulty.
Le mintió y le dijo que los frenos estaban fallando.
I mean, as it was, Archer came across it first and panicked, tried to get rid of it, but because you'd primed us to think he was our man, we were already there waiting to catch him in the act.
Archer se topó con ella primero y entró en pánico... intentó deshacerse de ella... pero debido a que nos había inducido a pensar que era nuestro hombre... ya estábamos esperándolo a atraparlo en el acto.
And there I was thinking you needed my help, but you've just played me like you've been playing him.
Y yo que estaba pensando que necesitabas mi ayuda, pero has estado jugando conmigo como has estado jugando con él.
The radioactive isotope we've put in him has since worn off, and we are none the wiser.
Lo isótopos radiactivos que le hemos metido han desaparecido desde entonces y no somos los más sabios.
Your job is to learn all you can about him and figure out how best to turn him against his country.
Vuestro trabajo es aprender todo lo que podáis sobre él y averiguar la mejor manera de volverlo contra su país.
I told him everything that was going on, and he made me promise to help him get you out to safety.
Le conté todo lo que estaba pasando y me hizo prometer que lo ayudaría a llevarte a un lugar seguro.
Yeah, well, I barely know him, too, and I've lived with him for under half a year.
Sí, bueno, yo también apenas lo conozco y llevo viviendo con él casi medio año.
She explained to me how the clerk interpreted his one loyalty-card punch per purchase policy, and despite him being completely wrong...
Ella me explicó cómo interpretaba el empleado la política de una perforación en la tarjeta de fidelidad por compra, y a pesar de que él estaba completamente equivocado... acepté que la gente razonable puede no estar de acuerdo,
Now, telling him he's imagining those chickens will just agitate him and make things worse.
Ahora, decirle que está imaginando esos pollos solo lo perturbará y hará que las cosas empeoren.
Sly's symptoms started first, so I'm keeping an eye on him and he's getting a little unsure of foot.
Los síntomas de Sly comenzaron primero, así que lo estoy controlando y tiene las piernas débiles.
And when Oscar took him away from me... it was like I lost my family all over again.
Y cuando Oscar lo alejó de mí... fue como perder a mi familia otra vez.
One day, I found a discrepancy in the accounts, and I confronted him.
Un día, encontré una discrepancia en las cuentas y me enfrenté a él.
But every year at Christmastime, I... leave a voicemail at his old work number, begging him to come back and just turn himself in.
Pero cada año por Navidades... dejo un mensaje de voz en su antiguo número del trabajo, rogándole que regrese y se entregue.
He's in a bad state, he needed to know that his sister is alive and fighting to see him again.
Está mal, necesita saber que su hermana está viva y luchando para volverlo a ver.
Threatening Oliver won't make him surface with the money, and killing Oliver won't destroy him.
Amenazar a Oliver no lo hará aparecer con el dinero y matar a Oliver no va a destruirlo.
And now that you've told the world what he did, the authorities will find him.
Y ahora que usted le dijo al mundo lo que hizo, las autoridades lo encontrarán.
We treat him like a monster, and he's starting to think of himself that way.
Lo tratamos como a un monstruo y está empezando a pensar así de sí mismo.
The most valuable asset against Sandstorm that we've got, and instead of turning him to our side, we're actually pushing him away.
El activo más valioso contra Sandstorm que tenemos y en lugar de ponerlo de nuestro lado, estamos en realidad alejándole.
And every single one of those memories that you're so desperate to pry out of his damaged brain can turn him right back into it.
Y cada uno de esos recuerdos que tan desesperados estáis por extraer de su cerebro dañado pueden convertirlo de nuevo en lo que era.
And it's Bjarke who had given him the name.
Bjarke le puso ese nombre.
And they don't like him because they've been so successful abroad.
Y no les cae bien porque ha tenido demasiado éxito.
My only friend in high school was my piano teacher, and then he got that boyfriend with the Trans Am, and I never saw him again.
Mi único amigo en el instituto era mi profesor de piano y cuando se echó aquel novio que tenía un Pontiac no volví a verle más.
He grabs the kid and the chair, lifts him up above his head, so that the fire doesn't burn this little heavyset boy.
Cogió al niño y la silla, los levantó por encima de su cabeza, para que el fuego no alcanzara al niño corpulento.
And I told him, "I doubt that that would work."
Le dije : "Dudo que eso funcione".
And we would ask him repeatedly, "Why are those ads still online?"
Y le preguntábamos en repetidas ocasiones por qué seguían esos anuncios allí.
"we broke a lot of stories," stuff like that, and then to see him walk away from one of the most distinguished names of newspaper in the history of 20th century journalism to go into the sex ad thing just seemed like, "wow, man, the world is more messed up than I thought."
"dimos noticias exclusivas" y cosas así y luego verlo irse de uno de los periódicos más distinguidos de la historia del periodismo del siglo 20 para ir con el tema de las ofertas sexuales me pareció que el mundo estaba más arruinado de lo que creía.
He reached out to us and asked if we'd be willing to help him
LO ACOMPAÑA UNA FIRMA DE ABOGADOS ESPECIALISTAS EN APELACIONES. Nos contactó y nos preguntó si estábamos dispuestos a ayudarlo
I was hoping to fly to Gotham and talk to him while we walked to where his Testarossa was parked.
Esperaba volar a Gotham y hablar con él mientras caminábamos hacia donde estuviera aparcado su Testarossa.
I'd pick Van because he's rich, and... people would probably look for him.
Yo escogería a Van porque es rico y... la gente probablemente lo buscaría.
Also, I can tell by his brittle nails that he has an iron deficiency, so by day ten... I'd be able to overpower him, and then I'd eat him.
Además, sus frágiles uñas son signo de que tiene un déficit de hierro, así que para el día diez... sería capaz de dominarle y me lo comería.
I had seen him personally, of course, before that, but... When someone of his stature indicates that, uh, they're real, and probably from another planet, it's very convincing.
Lo habia visto personalmente, en efecto, despues de eso, pero... cuando alguien de su estatura indica eso, uhh, son reales, y probablemente de otro planeta, es muy convincente.
And as I was relating this to him, our missiles started shutting down one by one.
y mientras estaba relatandole esto, nuestros misiles empezaron a dispararse uno a uno.
The question is, who are people like Carl Sagan, and before him, Professor Donald Menzel?
La pregunta es, quien es gente como Carl Sagan, y antes de èl, el profesor Donald Menzel?
I asked him about UFOs, and Area 51, and... If he looked in... Because, if I was president that's the first thing I'd do.
le pregunte a èl acerca de los ovnis, y del area 51, y... sì el miro adentro... porque, si yo fuera presidente es la primera cosa que haria.
Sat him down and said would you like to have coffee and juice, and he said, "Yes."
se sento y dijo : Le gustaria tomar cafe y jugo, y el dijo, "si."
I looked at him, I looked down at the picture and I said,
Lo miré, miré la foto y dije,
And George H.W. Bush refused to give him the information.
Y George H.W. Bush rehusò darle la informacion.
He said he'd have to go to Congress, and get Congress to have the congressional resource service at the library of Congress declassify it to get it to him if he was gonna get it.
Le dijo que èl tenia que ir al congreso, y conseguir que el congreso tenga el recurso de servicio congresional en la libreria del congreso desclasificarlo y obtenerlo para èl si el iba a obtenerlo.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41