And his brother перевод на испанский
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My dad and his brother had a band together when I was younger, and it was kind of like reggae.
Mi papá y su hermano Tenían una banda juntos cuando yo era más joven y era algo así como reggae.
Juan Pacheco is the hinge that moves our enemies. And his brother is the hammer hitting our troops.
Juan Pacheco es el gozne que hace girar a nuestros rivales, y su hermano el martillo que golpea nuestras tropas.
And his brother, Walt Jr., locked himself in the wine cellar.
Y su hermano, Walt Jr., se encerró en la vinoteca.
Kil stabbed me and his brother before he ran away from home.
Killu me apuñaló a mi y a su hermano antes de huir de casa.
I love the guy and his brother.
Me encanta el chico y su hermano.
You're good at finding out stuff about people, right? Mm. I think I might have a little problem on my hands with the guy who bought in to the bar and his brother.
Eres bueno averiguando cosas sobre la gente, ¿ verdad? Creo que podría tener un pequeño problema entre manos con el tío que compró parte del bar y con su hermano.
Mm. Jack Porter and his brother Declan are true-blue townies and proprietors of my favorite watering hole,
Jack Porter y su hermano Declan son unos completos pueblerinos y propietarios de mi local preferido,
Dulles and his brother Allen who was now head of the CIA knew Mosaddegh was not a communist, but feared a takeover by the small communist party.
Dulles y su hermano Allen, que ahora era lider de la CIA conocían que Mosaddegh no era comunista, pero temían un relevo por parte del pequeño partido comunista.
Those thugs who extort money from people work for Boss Seng and his brother Little Tee.
Esos mafiosos que extorsionan a la gente por dinero trabajan para el jefe Seng y su hermano Pequeño Tee.
When the Vietnamese president and his brother were killed by the south Vietnamese military, Kennedy was visibly and extremely upset.
Cuando el presidente vietnamita y su hermano fueron asesinados por los militares sur vietnamitas, Kennedy estaba visiblemente muy molesto.
And his brother, of course.
Y su hermano, por supuesto.
Corporal Collins of the Union shot and killed his brother, Vance, who fought for the Confederacy.
El Cabo Collins de la Unión disparó y mató a su hermano, Vance, que luchó para la Confederación.
Years later... consumed by guilt, no doubt... the corporal dug his brother up where he'd buried him on the battlefield and brought him home.
Años más tarde... consumido por la culpa, sin duda... el cabo desenterró a su hermano de donde le había enterrado en el campo de batalla y lo trajo a casa.
Even his own men wanted to go back in and save my brother's life, but the chief on the scene, Wallace Boden, said no.
Incluso sus propios hombres querían volver a entrar, y salvar la vida de mi hermano, pero el jefe en la escena, Wallace Boden, dijo que no.
We don't think you did anything wrong, but an M.E.'s report will be released soon, and if it says his brother was alive up until the explosion,
No creemos que hiciera nada mal, pero pronto se dará a conocer el informe del forense, y si dice que su hermano estaba vivo antes de la explosión,
Brooks killed his own mother and foster brother.
Brooks mató a su propia madre y a su hermano de acogida.
So, we have Leonard, his mother and his foster brother.
Así que tenemos a Leonard, a su madre y a su hermano de acogida.
And Dr. Gene's brother has propofol ordered under his name that he's not aware of?
El hermano del Dr. Gene pidió propofol a su nombre, ¿ y no lo sabía?
And as far as I know, his brother didn't beat up my father and throw him in jail.
Hasta donde yo sé, su hermano no lo mandó a mi padre a la cárcel. Así que esa es una de las cosas que tiene a su favor.
Out of respect for the brother and his old lady and Jock.
Por respeto a nuestro hermano. su'old lady'y Jock.
Artie created and saw his dark side as Brother Adrian, right?
Artie creo y vio al hermano Adrian como su lado oscuro, ¿ no?
And the Overtons killed his little brother.
Y los Overton mataron a su hermano menor.
My brother and his wife do, right over there.
Mi hermano y su mujer sí, justo ahí.
Where are your brother and his wife now?
¿ Dónde están su hermano y su mujer ahora?
One day, he gave up his throne to his younger brother Dhritarashtra and went to the live in the forest as a hermit
Un día, él renunció a su trono en favor de su hermano menor Dhritarashtra y se fue a vivir en el bosque como un ermitaño.
Pacheco suspects that Chacón is behind his brother's death. And Alfonso is in his hands.
Pacheco sospecha que Chacón está tras la muerte de su hermano, y Alfonso está en sus manos.
Your brother out doing his own thing and your son chasing skirts.
Su hermano haciendo lo suyo y su hijo persiguiendo faldas.
Thanks to you, my brother pushed himself too hard so that his girlfriend wouldn't look at him differently, and now he says
Gracias a ti, mi hermano se forzó demasiado a sí mismo para que su novia no le mirase de forma distinta, y ahora dice
I just, uh, used my brother and his buddies to muscle a heroin dealer away from his addict girlfriend.
Acabo de usar a mi hermano y sus colegas para amenazar a un traficante de heroína para que se aleje de su novia adicta.
My brother is convinced, my father died because of his mistake and feel as if he had killed her. Do you think that someone can lie to such a thing?
Mi hermano cree que murió por su culpa, y se siente como si él mismo le hubiera matado.
No, Ferren killed Miles Kreski and injured his brother.
No, Ferren mató a Miles Kreski e hirió a su hermano. No hay duda, pero...
My parents are rich, and my brother earns his own money.
Mis padres son ricos y mi hermano gana su propio dinero.
Last week Andy set sail for the Bahamas to sell his family's boat, and he took his brother but not me.
La semana pasada Andy zarpó hacia las Bahamas para navegar el yate de su familia, y se llevó a su hermano, pero no a mí.
Detective Rizzoli... my brother and his baby and my partner are trapped in the underground parking level P-3.
Detective Rizzoli... mi hermano, su bebé y mi compañero... están atrapadas en el estacionamiento del tercer sótano.
By the way, I left a message for my brother-in-law and his partner to join us, too.
Por cierto, he dejado un mensaje a mi cuñado y a su pareja para que vengan también.
He has large, powerful organization, and Sidorov killed his brother.
Tiene una gran, poderosa organización, y Sidorov asesinó a su hermano.
I even saw her argue with her brother over his weak spirit. And she loved her brother like her own life.
La vi discutir hasta con su hermano por ser débil de espíritu y os aseguro que quería a su hermano como a su propia vida.
You just have to believe that I can fix your brother, and when his hunter's mark is complete,
Tu solo tienes que creer que yo puedo arreglar a tu hermano, y cuando la marca del carazdor este completa.
There, Don Gonzalo Alarcon, his father's brother, Don Carlos, not yet been called, and finally worse.
- Don Carlos fue envenenado con arsénico, pero tal y como conseguimos la prueba no podemos esgrimirla ante un juez. - ¿ Y cómo espera solucionar eso aquí?
Madam, the doctor told me to give morphine to his brother... and responsibility.
- ¡ Levántate! ¡ Levántate! ¡ Levántate!
Your brother? Instead of shaking his hand, you shook his face and most of his body. Yeah.
¿ Tu hermano?
Yeah, Zack had his little brother James memorize a string of elements, so I started writing down the atomic numbers in that order, and I figured it out.
Sí, Zack hizo que su hermano pequeño memorizara una cadena de elementos, así que empece escribiendo los números atómicos en ese orden, y la he descubierto.
You know, it's a tad old-school, but my father was not one to spare the rod when my brother would sneak into his truck and drink his driving whiskey.
Ya sabes, es un poco de la vieja escuela, pero mi padre no era alguien que evitara la varilla cuando mi hermano husmeaba en su camión y bebía su whisky para conducir.
Yeah. And cares when his kestrel gets killed by his brother. I don't like happy endings.
Mi película favorita es El Hombre Elefante, que se termina suicidando... porque está harto de tener esa cabeza, y Kes... cuando su cernícalo es asesinado por su hermano.
And the bastard was even keeping it secret from his brother. Hmm.
Y el bastardo hasta se lo tenía oculto al hermano.
In early November he unleashed operation Mongoose, a terror campaign overseen by his brother Robert and run by Edward Lansdale, designed to wreck Cuba's economy and, among other things, secretly continue the up-to-now bungled assasination attempts on Castro.
A principios de noviembre se desató la Operación Mangosta, una campaña de terror supervisada por su hermano Robert y dirigida por Edward Lansdale, diseñada para quebrar la economía de Cuba y, además, continuar en secreto los hasta ahora fallidos intentos de asesinato de Castro.
Elsberg asked him, would his brother have accepted defeat at the hands of the communists, and Robert Kennedy replied : we would have... it up, we would have gotten the government in then asked us out or that would have negotiate it with the other side
porque Elsberg le preguntó si su hermano había aceptado la derrota a manos de los comunistas, y Robert Kennedy respondió : la teníamos hasta que abandonamos, habiamos conseguido el gobierno y luego nos pidieron salir, o habría que negociar con el otro lado
Finishing his brother's legacy, he was calling for a new America, white, black, brown, it didn't matter his eyes had... once more the fire of change and reform was afoot :
Culminando el legado de su hermano, clamaba por una nueva América, blanca, negra, marrón, no importaba. Sus ojos tenían... una vez más el fuego del cambio y la reforma estaba en marcha :
You think you're the only kid in the world who ever watched his parents drown, then got sent to an orphanage, then a couple of weeks later had his only brother dragged away kicking and screaming?
¿ Crees que eres el único niño que vio ahogarse a sus padres, le enviaron a un orfanato, y unas semanas después se llevaron a su hermano entre gritos y pataleos?
And when that's so, it's simple truth that your brother's bravery and his death helped make it so.
Y cuando eso sea así, se sabrá que la valentía de su hermano y su muerte lo habrán hecho posible.
If my brother wasn't such a douche and his psycho fiancee wasn't calling him every two minutes- -
Si mi hermano no era un idiota y su novia psicópata no lo estaba llamando cada dos minutos -
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his son 20
his brother 146
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
brothers in arms 18
brothers and sisters 203
brother justin 17
brother prior 48
his brother 146
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
brothers in arms 18
brothers and sisters 203
brother justin 17
brother prior 48
brother jerome 20
brother zhang 17
brother cadfael 72
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
brother zhang 17
brother cadfael 72
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he didn't 42
and here's why 34
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he didn't 42
and here's why 34