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And it was beautiful перевод на испанский

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I found that it was totally possible to create these beautiful gardens using recycled materials, and building compost, sheet mulching, using perennial and annual vegetables In combinations of designs
Pero una vez que aprendí sobre permacultura, me di cuenta que era totalmente posible crear estos magníficos jardines usando materiales reciclados, compostaje, pajotes de hojas, verduras temporales y anuales, uniéndolos en un diseño.
The food Erlich brought made it possible to have a feast that was rare for Moscow, and remember "the beautiful past".
Los víveres que trajera Ehrlich permitieron organizar un festín, raro para Moscú, y recordar "el pasado hermoso".
I saw a copy of it a long time ago and I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
Yo vi una copia hace mucho tiempo, y es la cosa más hermosa que haya visto.
It was so moving, so touching and beautiful.
Fue conmovedor, emocionante y hermoso.
Pygmalion carved a statue from marble and it was so beautiful, he fell in love with it.
Pigmalión era un escultor que esculpió en mármol una estatua de mujer. La estatua era tan bella que él se enamoró de ella.
It was a beautiful little piece of framing, and I think I know who did it.
Quisieron incriminarme de lo lindo y creo que sé quién fue.
Scarlett, I thought of you at our wedding yesterday... and I hoped that yours would be as beautiful, and it was.
Ayer en mi boda pensé en ti y esperé que tu boda fuera igual de bonita. ¡ Y lo ha sido!
It was in the reign of dear, gay King Edward and his beautiful Alexandra.
¿ No llevan mucho casados? Nos casamos antes de ayer. No.
And I remember that some of it wasnt very nice but most of it was beautiful.
Recuerdo que algunas cosas no eran agradables pero casi todo era bonito.
And at first it didn't seem like so much and then I began to see how beautiful it was.
Primero, no parecía gran cosa, después he comenzado a ver lo bonito que es.
when I tell them how beautiful it all had been, how we danced the postmaster and the grandduchess and how beautiful the bride was my Dunjichka and the cavalry captain a handsome bridegroom
¡ Los ojos que va a poner Pjotr, y la tía, y cuando les cuente lo bonito que ha sido todo y cómo he bailado... ¡ El maestro de postas y la gran duquesa! y... ¡ lo guapa que está la novia!
I was in a shop once, and I saw a postcard with a beautiful house on it, right by the sea.
Entré a un negocio y vi una postal con una casa hermosa sobre el mar.
Well, experts never know. It takes outsiders to know. - And I tell you it was beautiful.
Los expertos nunca saben, los aficionados lo perciben mejor, y le digo que fue hermoso.
It was like a beautiful, horrible dream - at the same time delightful and agonizing.
Fue como un hermoso sueño horrible... al mismo tiempo encantador y angustioso.
You said you were going to a camp where it was warm and beautiful.
Dijiste que ibas a un campamento que era muy hermoso.
I kept seeing her face smiling because she was beautiful enough... to take my family in her hands and tear it apart.
Seguía viendo su sonriente cara porque ella era tan hermosa... para tomar a mi familia en sus manos y hacerla trizas.
We'd been happy once. It's just that... she was too spoiled and... too beautiful.
Habíamos sido felices, lo que pasa es que era una niña mimada, demasiado bella.
It sounds silly, but I still think she was the most beautiful woman... I ever saw, and I've never forgotten her.
Parecerá una tontería, pero creo que era la mujer más hermosa... que he visto nunca, jamás la he olvidado.
The city was in ruins. But they saw it not as a fallen citadel. But as a great and beautiful dwelling place.
La ciudad estaba en ruinas, pero no la veían como un lugar triste, sino como una ciudad bella y paradisíaca.
Criticisms, insults, inkwells, slippers, vases and some beautiful glassware. - It was really a shame.
Críticas, insultos, tinteros, zapatos, jarrones, y piezas hermosas de cristalería.
It was beautiful and I thought it was my coming-home present.
Es precioso y pensaba que era mi regalo de bienvenida.
It was all so beautiful and brave.
Fue tan bonito y tan valiente.
"It was a beautiful melody and a beatiful love."
"Una maravillosa melodía para una maravillosa historia de amor".
I just took the long way to say that when I said that was a beautiful dress and you look wonderful in it I sincerely meant it.
He tratado de decirle que cuando alabe su vestido y lo preciosa que esta lo dije de verdad.
I had everything laid out in the dining room and it was just beautiful.
Lo había preparado todo en el comedor y había quedado precioso.
- I felt it was going to be a beautiful day and it is.
Me parecía que iba a ser un día precioso, y lo es.
Oh, it's so hot, one cannot sleep. You know, it reminds me of a very, very hot night on the Riviera, and there was a lovely brunette and a beautiful blonde.
Esto me recuerda, en la Costa Azu una sala pintada de marrón y una súper-rubia...
And it was gonna be such a beautiful dinner.
Y pensar que iba a ser una linda cena.
I was in a shop once, and I saw a postcard... with a beautiful house on it, right by the sea.
En una tienda vi una postal... de una casa preciosa en la costa...
- I felt ashamed for not knowing. - Manderley is beautiful. To me, it's just the place where I was born... and have lived in all my life.
- Manderley es preciosa... pero para mí, sólo es donde nací... y he vivido toda mi vida.
There was a time when Ruby was beautiful and alive, and I believe it was this spirit of life and love that caused so much envy and resentment to be voiced against her by the narrow, class-conscious citizens of our town.
Ruby solía ser hermosa y llena de vida, y creo que fue esa alegría de vivir y de amar la que hizo que tanta envidia y resentimiento fueran dirigidos en su contra por los ciudadanos, rígidos y elitistas de nuestro pueblo.
Phyllis always thought it was so beautiful, and someone was gonna buy it.
A Phyllis siempre le pareció hermoso, y alguien iba a comprarlo.
Cicerenella had a rooster and mounted it all night long. How beautiful it was!
Cicerenella tenía un gallo, todas las noches montaba a caballo.
As a matter of fact, I was a very beautiful baby and I have a picture on a fur rug to prove it.
De hecho, era un bebé muy guapo y una foto mía en una alfombra lo demuestra.
He onlysaid that when he saw me in church, it suddenly occurred to him... that it was a beautiful day, and something should be done about it... and didn't I agree?
Sólo dijo que cuando me vio en la iglesia, se le ocurrió... que era un día hermoso y que había que hacer algo... y me preguntó qué me parecía a mí.
- And while it lasted, it was beautiful.
- Y mientras duró fue maravilloso.
Look at this beautiful silver comb and brush set, it was made for you.
Un hermoso juego de peine y cepillo de plata hecho a su medida.
Oh, it was beautiful and sweet.
Fue hermoso y dulce.
And he slowly drove around the block three times, and I could tell by the way he was looking at me that if I had been any other kind of a girl, it would have been the start of a very beautiful romance.
Le dio la vuelta a la manzana tres veces, lentamente. Me di cuenta de que por la forma en que me miraba... si yo hubiera sido otro tipo de chica... habría sido el inicio de un hermosísimo romance.
It was there from the beginning, and was always beautiful.
Ha estado ahí desde el principio, y siempre ha sido hermoso.
It was a lovely reception, and the bride was beautiful
La boda ha sido fantástica.
It was a beautiful evening and night and sunrise.
Fue una hermosa noche y un hermoso amanecer.
He brought it over and it was a beautiful painting of Vera Miles!
Lo trajo y era un hermoso retrato de Vera Miles.
There was a shining bright star in the sky, and it was a beautiful time.
En el cielo había una gran estrella brillando. Fue maravilloso.
So this is my first time in this apartment, and as I was telling your sister, why, it's just beautiful.
Y esta es mi primera vez en este apartamento. y como le estaba diciendo a su hermana, es precioso.
And it was so beautiful a few seconds ago.
Y estaba tan hermosa hace unos segundos.
Of course, it was pure and beautiful.
Claro, era puro y hermoso.
I must say, our city is bigger and more beautiful than it was. From now on Brecious, it will also be Daina's home.
Qué grande y qué bella parece nuestra ciudad.
It was silk, and so beautiful.
Era de seda, me gustaba mucho.
Can you imagine what it was like to see her always so fresh and beautiful while my mirrored image grew seared and yellowed with age?
¿ Puede imaginarse lo que es... verla siempre tan lozana y hermosa... mientras mi imagen en el espejo se secaba y palidecía con la edad?
It was very beautiful and peaceful
Eran muy hermosas, transmitían sosiego.

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