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And that's one of the things I like about you.
Es una de las cosas que me gustan de ti.
He said you didn't really like me, and that... you were just using me, and that... what we had wasn't special.
Dijo que en realidad no te gusto y que solo me usabas y que lo nuestro no era especial.
It's like every day, I learn a little bit more about her, and I think I start to understand her, then she does something that just, like...
Todos los días aprendo algo de ella, y cuando creo que comienzo a comprenderla, hace algo...
You wanted to be treated like dirt and be ignored,'cause that's what you're familiar with.
Quieres que te traten como escoria porque eso es lo que conoces.
Okay. In that case... maybe we could pretend like nothing happened and see if anyone notices?
En ese caso quizá podamos fingir que no pasó nada y ver si alguien lo nota.
And it was super funny, but what's that about? Like...
Y fue muy gracioso, pero ¿ qué es eso?
That they had quarreled over the money, that Mrs. Allen had struck Father Tabakian with the trophy, and then planted the scissors in his hand to make it look like self-defense.
Que pelearon por el dinero. Que la Sra. Allen golpeó al padre Tabakian con el trofeo y luego plantó las tijeras en su mano para aparentar que fue en defensa propia.
I always thought, like most people, that if someone got arrested and went to jail then they probably did it, or did something bad.
Siempre pensé, como la mayoría de la gente, que si alguien era arrestado e iba a la cárcel era porque lo merecía, o había hecho algo malo.
This is like a rehearsal dinner, so I thought it appropriate that I make a toast... to the woman who saw my RV... in her neighborhood, and 48 hours later...
Es como una cena de ensayo, así que pensé que sería apropiado hacer un brindis... por la mujer que vio mi casa rodante... en su vecindario, y 48 horas después...
I don't think Ty and I are gonna be able to afford a place like that.
No creo que Ty y yo podamos costear un lugar como ese.
I feel like we're finally moving forward, and I... I... I just don't want anything to mess that up.
Siento que por fin estamos avanzando y yo... solo no quiero arruinarlo todo.
I feel like... if I had just asked Emma myself if she was pregnant and told her that I was hurt, I wouldn't have kept it inside and lashed out.
Me siento como si... solo hubiera preguntado a Emma yo mismo si estaba embarazada y le dijera que estaba dolido, no lo habría mantenido dentro y azotado.
I said that I would never get into a situation like this, but if... if I did, I wouldn't... but it's Emma's body. I mean, obviously, Ana could have had an abortion, and... and... and I wouldn't be here.
Quiero decir, obviamente, Ana podría haber tenido un aborto, y... y... y yo no estaría aquí.
Cause it looks like you're running away, and I know y'all are not that dumb!
¡ Porque parece que estáis huyendo y creo que no podéis ser tan tontas!
Seems like all we had to do was tell her that falsifying evidence was a felony, and well...
Todo lo que tuvimos que decirle fue que falsificar evidencia era un delito y pues...
I'd like to thank district attorney Chase, who stepped out of his lane to represent my friend John Diggle and to make sure that justice was done.
Me gustaría agradecer al fiscal del distrito Chase, representó a mi amigo John Diggle yendo más allá de sus obligaciones y se aseguró de que se hiciera justicia.
And I can understand that it feels like it's--it's getting worse every day.
Y puedo entender que parece que empeora cada día.
You... you cannot name it like that and keep it apart from you.
No puedes darle un nombre así nada más y mantenerlo separado de ti mismo.
And that's, like, really cool and noble and all.
Y eso suena muy genial, noble y todo.
You're thinking that you can get yourself free from those chains, slam me to the ground, and snap my neck just like I did to Evelyn.
Estás pensando que puedes liberarte de esas cadenas, tirarme al suelo, y romperme el cuello justo como yo le hice a Evelyn.
You and joking are not exactly made for each other, but that looks like it does.
Las bromas y tú no estáis exactamente hechos el uno para el otro, pero eso parece que sí.
Gay didn't deserve dying like that, and no other family deserves this pain.
Gay no se merecía morir de esa forma, y ninguna familia merece este dolor.
Lyla, clearly Argus security is under attack, but this doesn't feel like Chase, and quite frankly, that is where we have to keep our focus.
Lyla, la seguridad de ARGUS está bajo ataque, pero no parece que sea Chase, y francamente, en eso es en lo que tenemos que centrarnos.
And if Malcolm Merlyn has proven anything, it's that when it comes to the League of Assassins, locks are more like suggestions.
Y si Malcolm Merlyn ha demostrado algo, es que cuando se trata de la Liga de los Asesinos, las cerraduras son más bien sugerencias.
And, quite frankly, I am surprised that someone like you is willing to give in to a man like Chase.
Y, sinceramente, me sorprende que alguien como tú esté dispuesto a rendirse a un hombre como Chase.
We're just gonna go back and live in the past and pretend like everything that happened never actually happened.
O sólo viviremos del pasado... y pretender que todo lo que pasó, en realidad nunca ocurrió.
I mean a noise like that, it'd wake the boy and then we'd know about it, that's for sure.
Digo un ruido como ese, despertaría al niño y entonces... sabríamos de él, eso por seguro.
An expression of pattern-matching systems, lattices that mimic beta sheets, and expand on them, but capable of control systems like brain tissues, two-stage pumps adapted from hearts.
Una expresión de sistemas de concordancia de patrones, entramados que imitan láminas beta, y se expanden en ellos, pero capaces de controlar sistemas como los tejidos cerebrales, bombas de dos etapas adaptadas de los corazones.
And at the very center, a particle nothing leads to, like a... Like a seed crystal that requires, and provides, a massive amount of energy.
Y en el centro, una partícula que no conduce a nada, como un... como un cristal semilla que requiere, y provee, una cantidad enorme de energía.
A pump of that juice hits you like an ice cold bullet in the spine, and you're out there flying, just on pure instinct.
Una dosis de ese jugo te golpea como una bala helada en la columna, y estás allí afuera volando, solo con tu instinto.
I just want to stay on top of her grades, and that seems like the only thing we can control here.
Solo quiero concentrarme en sus notas, que es lo único que podemos controlar.
And then, just like that... she became absolutely infatuated with her, didn't you?
Y de un momento a otro estaba totalmente encaprichada con ella, ¿ cierto?
And you told me that you got rid of it like eight years ago.
Me dijiste que lo habías entregado hace ocho años.
Do you have that stuff where you, like, if you put it on a rag and you smell it, i-i-it knocks you out?
¿ Tienes esa cosa en la que, si lo pones en un trapo y lo hueles, te hace dormir?
And can we please not use "retarded" like that?
¿ Y podemos usar la palabra retardado así?
Well, actually, on flights like this, the boys like to go over the Pole, so that, technically, is a little more north to south, and Jackson is quite a bit further north.
En realidad, en vuelos como este, prefieren volar sobre el Polo, así que, técnicamente, es más de norte a sur y Jackson es más hacia el norte.
So, I think that means you and my dad would have to agree on who replaces Richard, and pretty sure my dad would, like, never approve you.
Así que significa que mi papá y tú tendrían que estar de acuerdo en quién reemplaza a Richard y mi papá jamás te aprobaría.
I'm Leila, wish I was black, and all bacon e'rythang. - All right, like that.
- Muy bien, eso me gusta.
And it's like everything that made the world anything more than what it is is just... is just stories.
Y es como todo. Que hizo al mundo algo más de lo que es. Son sólo...
Like a naughty little secret, something you think about when you're old and you're worried that you never did anything with your life.
Como un pequeño secreto travieso, algo en lo que pensar cuando seas viejo y estés preocupado que nunca hiciste algo con tu vida.
When you do, I'm going to reach up under those ribs, and I'm going to pluck that coin out of you like a berry.
Y cuando te pase, voy a escarbar debajo de esas costillas, y voy a sacarte esa moneda de ti.
I'm gonna reach up under those ribs, and I'm gonna pluck that coin out of you like a berry.
Meteré las manos entre esas costillas y sacaré esa moneda de tu interior como si fuera una baya.
Although it was you that brought me here, you and a few others like you.
Aunque tú fuiste quien me trajo aquí, tú y unos pocos como tú.
And I would like to share that with you.
Y me gustaría compartir con ustedes.
You're gonna tell Penguin that you know where this Bridgit is and that you'd like to meet.
Vas a decirle al Pingüino que sabes dónde está Bridgit y que deberían reunirse.
Okay, so we're up against a guy with a futuristic rifle that steals jewelry and looks like a pirate.
Bueno, por lo que nos enfrentamos a un tipo con un rifle futurista que roba joyas y se ve como un pirata.
- I spoke to the owner, and he said he doesn't think that the restaurant can survive an attack like this...
- Hablé con el propietario y dice que no cree que el restaurante pueda superar un ataque como este...
I do. And I like that you like me.
Y a mí me agrada que te agrade.
Like the fact that I'm a genius and you're a moron.
Como el hecho de que soy un genio y tú eres un imbécil.
And I thought, like, after, you know, our success with the gorillas, that we should, like, celebrate the love.
Y pensé, que, después de nuestro éxito con los gorilas, deberíamos como, que celebrar el amor.
Yeah, but she's on a different Earth than him, and Grodd's telepathy can't cross dimensions like that.
Sí, pero está en una Tierra diferente que él y la telepatía de Grodd no puede cruzar dimensiones así.
and like you said 33
and like it or not 28
and like i said 57
and like 54
and like you 18
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
and like it or not 28
and like i said 57
and like 54
and like you 18
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
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that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
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that's my girl 410
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that's good 7000
that's great 6151
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that's all 8171
that's 10531
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that's my girl 410
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that'll be it 25
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that is 2872
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that'll be me 20
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
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that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20