And she is перевод на испанский
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And she is about her evil once more.
Y está a punto de hacer el mal una vez más.
- And she is in the room alone?
- ¿ Y está sola en la habitación?
She's gone, and she is never coming back.
Ella se ha ido, y ella nunca va a volver.
See, I'm the good cop and she is... Well, Detective Pilgrim would just as soon kill you as talk to you.
Verás, el poli bueno soy yo y ella es... bueno, la agente Pilgrim preferiría matarte a hablar contigo.
Coming up next, Marisol Campos is gonna join us live here in the studio, and she is going to make a startling revelation about her brother, who, of course, happens to be the middleweight champion of the world.
A continuación, Marisol Campos va a estar con nosotros en directo y va a hacer unas declaraciones sorprendentes sobre su hermano, quien, por supuesto, resulta ser el campeón del mundo del peso medio.
Algoma means, "Valley of the flower," and she is my beautiful flower.
Algoma significa : "Valle de la flor", y ella es mi preciosa flor.
And she is the one who has to propose.
Y ella es la que debe pedir mi mano.
And you would let him believe she is dead when she is not.
Y permite que crea que está muerta cuando no lo está.
And further to that, Abel, the woman you shelter, I now know who she is.
Y en relación a la mujer que cobijas, Abel, ahora sé quién es.
Ah, here she is... my beautiful daughter, up and ready to explore this wonderful day!
Aquí está, mi hermosa hija... despierta y lista para explorar este hermoso día.
Mm, yeah, then I found out that she doesn't want to hang out with me, so enjoy your cartoon talk now, because this is a one-and-done.
Sí, y luego descubrí que ella no quiere salir conmigo, así que... disfruta tu charla de historietas porque esto es algo de una sola vez.
She was playing the piano, she couldn't hear, so I went in..... and the next thing I remember is... .. she's dead.
Ella estaba tocando el piano, ella no podía escuchar, así que entré y lo siguiente que recuerdo es estaba muerta.
"Find all the letters and they will make up the name of the room the prize is in." She is so fucking anal.
Encuentrenlas todas y harán el nombre de la sala en la que se esconde el premio.
And she was using this to get more money out of him, which is why she wasn't bothered about being in some much debt.
Y ella estaba usando esto para obtener más dinero de él, por eso no se preocupó por tener tantas deudas.
Yeah, but trees and plants is one thing, isn't it, but why would she kill Bernie's fish?
Sí, pero árboles y plantas es una cosa, ¿ pero por qué matar los peces de Bernie?
Much fairer to be straight with her and put her out of her misery, like the talentless no-hoper that she is.
Es más justo ser honesto con ella y no hacerla sufrir más, como la perdedora sin talento que es.
She just dropped by and was cross that I was going out, which is why I'm late.
Paso a visitarme y se molestó porque yo iba a salir, por eso llegué tarde.
And so is she.
- Y ella también.
Well, if she didn't make it up, then Barrington is our prime suspect and a dirty old man.
Bueno, si no lo inventó, entonces Barrington es nuestro principal sospechoso y un viejo verde.
She's saying I have assaulted her and that the only thing stopping her going to the police is if I promise to reduce the price of the wedding reception by Ј5,000.
Decía que la ataqué y que lo único que evitaría que fuera a la policía era que le prometiera reducir el precio de la fiesta de la boda unas 5.000 libras.
Word is she deals in black market software and hardware. Bardot may have bought something from her.
Bardot debió comprarle algo.
I think she is the courier between Thomas Shaw and the reporter.
Creo que ella es el correo entre Thomas Shaw y la periodista.
Calista is still sleeping, and she hasn't slept in weeks.
Calista aún sigue durmiendo, y hace semanas que no duerme.
Where she and the truth part ways is in the assumption that I am presently in danger.
Cuando ella y las formas parte de la verdad se encuentra en el supuesto de que estoy actualmente en peligro.
This is a television, and these are some of her little cartoon characters that she likes to draw.
Esta es una televisión, y estos son... algunos de sus pequeños personajes... de dibujos animados que le gusta dibujar.
and the clothing, and she said what was surprising is how few times she had to start over.
Y la ropa, y ella dijo que lo sorprendente es... cuántas veces tuvo que empezar de nuevo.
Well, all we know is that the saldana brothers alibied out. And clearly she's wrapped up in all of this.
Los hermanos Saldana tienen coartada y sabemos que ella está involucrada.
And the paper trail for how she ended up at the facility - Is pretty thin. - Intentionally so?
y su acusación es muy pequeña...
How great she was, how beautiful and smart, and what a shame it is that I let her get away.
Lo genial que era, lo hermosa e inteligente, y qué lástima sería si la dejaba ir.
I'm afraid the only way you're getting out of here alive is if she kills me, and that is not going to happen.
Me temo que la única forma que tienen de salir vivos de aquí es que ella me mate, y eso no va a suceder.
She's thinking about writing that our patent investments are based on a thin assessment and that the factory is overvalued.
Ella piensa escribir acerca... de que nuestras inversiones de patentes se basan en una evaluación simple... y que la fábrica está sobrevaluada.
Her femur is fractured in two places and she has a compound fracture in her wrist and possibly in a vertebra.
Un fémur se quebró por dos sitios. Tiene una muñeca rota y posiblemente una vértebra fracturada.
Maybe what we think is all we got, which is why I'm a little jealous of Maxine over here,'cause all she gives a shit about is eating and sleeping.
Tal vez lo que pensamos es todo lo que tenemos, por lo que Maxine me da algo de envidia, porque lo único que le interesa es comer y dormir.
I can only give you one piece of advice, and that is to hope for the best and believe that she will wake up again.
y es esperar lo mejor... y creer que va a despertar de nuevo.
And if she is telling the truth, she's worth her weight in gold.
Y si está diciendo la verdad, ella vale su peso en oro.
After a detailed observation by Dr. Victor, it has been concluded that she suffers from severe bipolar disorder, depression, and is prone to extreme, and often violent, outbursts.
Luego de una detallada observación por parte del Dr. Víctor, Se ha llegado a la conclusión de que Ella sufre de un severo desorden bipolar, depresión, y es propensa a extremos, y recurrentes ataques de violencia
And word is, she'll be revealing some shocking revelations about...
Y se dice que va a hacer unas revelaciones impactantes sobre...
She doesn't want to be part of a rebound thing, which is understandable, and, uh, she thinks my head's not in the game.
Ella no quiere ser segundo plato, lo que es comprensible, y cree que no tengo la cabeza donde debería tenerla.
A spell of calm and seclusion is what she needs, sequestered from the cares of her position.
Un tiempo de calma y retiro es lo que necesita, aislada de las preocupaciones de su posición.
Well, she is exactly my type : small and with...
Bueno, ella es de mi tipo exactamente, pequeña y con...
She is not a queen and I am not a cow.
Ella no es una reina y yo no soy una vaca.
She is a wicked witch who offed your husband and tried to kill you, so if she shows up here, you punch her, you stab her, you drop a freaking house on her if you have to.
Es una bruja blanca que mató a tu marido e intentó matarte, así que si aparece por aquí, la pinchas, la apuñalas, tírale una maldita casa encima si es necesario.
News of our investigation is spreading, so I asked around and she's been seen out and about with this new fella ever since Cedrik died.
Las noticias de nuestra investigación se han propagado, así que pregunté por los alrededores y ella fue vista por ahí... con este nuevo chico desde que Cedrik murió.
Her arm is set, and she's back in normal sinus rhythm.
Su brazo está listo, y ha vuelto al ritmo sinusal normal.
And what kind of life is she gonna have if she's scared of everything?
¿ Y qué tipo de vida tendrá si le da miedo todo?
Tell me where she is, and I'll make your trip back to hell an express.
Dime dónde está y haré que tu viaje al infierno será muy rápido.
I was just gonna say, if she really is Willa, then we stopped looking for her a long time ago, and we're really horrible people, but...
Solo iba a decir que si realmente es Willa, paramos de buscarla hace mucho tiempo, y somos unas personas horribles.
First thing she recommended I do to tackle my commitment issues, is contact all the women I've hurt from my past and make amends with them.
Lo primero que me recomendó para afrontar mi miedo al compromiso, es contactar a todas las mujeres que herí de mi pasado y hacer las paces.
My food truck is doing so well that Rachael Ray found out about it, and she wants me to be on her TV show.
Mi camión de comida está yendo tan bien que Rachael Ray se enteró y me quiere en su programa de televisión.
Number Five is just jealous because Number Three and I got asked out by Dr. Brock and Dr. Cascade, and she didn't.
Sí. Número Cinco sólo está celosa porque a Número Tres y a mí, nos invitaron a salir el Dr. Brock y el Dr. Cascade, y a ella nadie.
Lucca needs to know that she is answerable to the firm, and not just to you.
Lucca necesita saber que ella es responsable ante la empresa, y no sólo a usted.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
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and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she just 19
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she didn't 24
and she just 19
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27