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And she said yes перевод на испанский

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And she said yes.
Y ella dijo si.
And she said yes.
Y ella me dijo que sí, pero...
And she said yes, I could.
Y ella me dijo que sí, que podía.
I told her what I wanted and she said yes.
Le dije lo que quería y ella accedió.
So I asked her to and she said yes.
Asi que se Io he preguntado y me ha dicho que si.
- I asked my mom if I could use it and she said yes.
Le pregunté a mi mamá si podía usarlo y me dijo que si.
We went there for a picnic and made love under that oak and I asked and she said yes.
Fuimos para hacer un picnic e hicimos el amor bajo el roble le pregunté y ella dijo que si.
- And she said yes?
- ¿ Y ella dijo que sí?
I've ask her to marry me and she said yes!
He pedido su mano... ¡ y me ha dicho que sí!
You popped the question, and she said yes.
Le hizo la pregunta, y ella dijo que sí.
" "and she was happy," " yes, precisely, you said" "happy" ",
, si, ciertamente, dijeste,
If I had known that she loves me that much I'd have said "yes" at once. Yes, yes and... yes yes yes.
Se lo juro, si hubiera sabido que me quiere tanto... le hubiese dicho que sí enseguida.
She asked me if I was from Los Angeles and I said, "Yes".
Me ha preguntado si era de Los Ángeles y le he dicho que sí.
Yes, and you said she was public.
Sí, y tú dijiste que era pública.
It took three years until she said "yes." And I was proposing to her!
Cuando yo la cortejaba, espero 3 años para decirme si.
Yes, she said we could give ourselves airs, and get ourselves all slicked up... like racehorses but we were just mules in horse harness... and we didn't fool anybody.
Dijo que aunque nos diéramos aires de caballos de carreras no éramos más que mulas y no podíamos engañar a nadie.
And, oh, yes, I remember she said something that struck me as being very peculiar at the time.
Recuerdo que en ese momento dijo algo que me resultó muy peculiar.
Yes, and besides, I always said that when my daughter got married, she'd have the finest wedding in the territory.
Siempre dije que cuando mi hija se casara haría la mejor boda.
After she stood here in this very house and promised if she said yes, she'd go through with it. That no power in this world would stop her...
Después de decir aquí mismo... y prometer que si decía que sí, lo haría, que nada en este mundo impediría...
And, oh yes, I remember she said something... that struck me as being very peculiar at the time.
Recuerdo que dijo algo que me sorprendió por raro...
I liked her best when the sound went off and she said : "Yes, yes, yes."
Me gustó cuando el sonido no salió y ella dijo : "Sí, sí, sí".
And she said, " Yes, there is one thing and one thing only :
Y ella dijo, " Si, solo hay una cosa, solo una cosa :
You said she heard a kitten and went to see what was the trouble and accidentally missed her footing and fell to the courtyard below. - Yes, it's true.
Dijiste que oyó maullar a un gato y, al ir a ver qué le pasaba se cayó por la escalera.
Yes. Yes, and she said her first word last week.
Sí, y dijo su primera palabra la semana pasada.
- Yes. She said to be sure and say hello.
- Si, sabiendo que estoy con Ud., esta tranquila.
Yes, Franz said, and that she had soft skin.
Franz dijo que sí, y que tenía la piel suave.
We're in Sicily. She said no and maybe she means yes.
Estamos en Sicilia.Si ella dice que no tal vez quiera decir que si.
'Let's go act like idiots at the Pentagon? "' And she said, "Oh, yes." Remember, I made you notice it.
Dijo que fuéramos a hacer el imbécil a la Patagonia... ella dijo que sí, ¿ te acuerdas?
Yes. Phyllis Korwin's on the committee, and she said she'd be holding a table for us.
Sí, Phyllis Korwin organiza esto, y me dijo que nos reservaba una.
Yes, but she lives in Yonkers and she said to pick out something reasonable.
Sí, pero vive en Yonkers. Dijo que escogiéramos algo razonable.
She asked me and I said yes.
Me lo pidió y acepté.
And I said, "Yes?" But I had to go over, because she was waiting there.
Y yo dije : "¿ Sí?" Pero tuve que ir porque estaba esperando.
Yes. She said : She who loves must hide her secret and be resigned to it
Contestó : "Ten destreza con su amor, guarda su secreto, se paciente y serás recompensada"
Yes, sir, and she said afterwards that it was the worst thing Lizzie could have done.
Sí, señor, y después dijo que era lo peor que Lizzie podría haber hecho.
I called her out and she said "Yes".
He estado insistiendole y apenas me dio el "Si".
"And I said,'Yes. She has three legs. "'And I always carry her around on my back.'
Le contesté : "Sí, tiene tres piernas y la llevo siempre en la espalda."
Yeah, and she'd have said yes if she didn't think it'd have broke your heart.
Además, tú eras el que siempre le proponía matrimonio.
She said neither yes nor no that's the way of girls and boys.
Ella no dijo ni que sí ni que no. Es una chica con un chico.
And she said, "Yes, it's true."
Y ella dijo : "Sí, es cierto".
- And she says, "Yes." And I said, "Jesus Christ, make out a check for a thousand dollars."
Y yo dije : "Jesucristo, escribe un cheque por mil dólares".
Since Grandfather has said... I've just asked Anna to marry me... and I'm pleased to say she said yes.
Como ha dicho el abuelo,... acabo de pedirle a Anna que se case conmigo... y tengo el placer de decirles que ha dicho que sí.
And she still said yes?
¿ Y aún así aceptó?
She asked you ifyou wanted to try it, and you said yes.
Ella preguntó su querías probarla, y dijiste que sí.
She asked me to jump out of an airplane tomorrow and I said yes.
Ella me preguntó si quería saltar de un avión mañana y yo dijo sí.
oh, no. And she said yes.
Y ella aceptó.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sí, yo soy Daniel", y se entabla, ¿ eh? , "mucho gusto", y se entabla lo que puede llegar a ser... bueno, siempre y cuando se llame Esther, si se llama Alicia sigue viaje, tampoco se entera, por más que uno le diga Esther....... una vez venía caminando una, le dije "Esther" se dio vuelta y me dijo "yo me llamo José Luis", y no se entabló nada porque a mí no me va ese tipo de, ese tipo de ni ese tipo ni ningún tipo, quiero decir, no es lo mío, a mí me educaron mis padres de una manera y yo he sabido responder a esa educación, honrando, honrándola, digamos, me educaron en la libertad de poder pensar lo que me dé la gana, pero sí, las cosas se hacían de una forma ; también había que poder respetar a los demás, porque cada cual podía hacer de su vida lo que se le diera la gana, ¿ no?
And the answers are... Sydney ellen Wade, because she said yes.
Y la respuesta es, "Sydney Ellen Wade, porque ella aceptó".
But immediately she said to me, "You want Anne?" And I said, "Yes."
"¿ Quieres Anne?" Y yo dije : "Sí".
- And you said, " Yes, she is.
- Y vos dijiste, " Si, nos dejara.
And she actually said "yes".
¿ Y no dijo sí?
She said yes, and you're stuck good.
Ella dijo que sí, y usted está atascado.

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