And she said перевод на испанский
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And she said I could go to prison for telling such wicked lies.
Y ella dijo que podría ir a la cárcel por contar cosas mentiras tan infames.
I asked my wife and she said no.
Le pregunté a mi mujer y dijo que no.
- Yes! Dad just asked her if "Aunt Flo" came, and she said, "no."
Papá le acaba de preguntar si venido la tía Flo... y ella dijo que no.
We talked about it afterwards, and she said it felt good.
Estuvimos hablando sobre eso, pero ella dice que se siente bien.
Well, Laurie, I should tell you we almost never accept unsolicited material, but Kerry here is the queen of the slush pile and she came to me and she said,
Bueno, Laurie, debería decirte que casi nunca aceptamos material no solicitado, pero Kerry es la reina de los manuscritos y vino y me dijo,
And she said, you know, Kate, if anything ever happens to me or Joe, just promise me that you'll take care of my little girl.
Y ella me dijo, sabes Kate, si alguna cosa nos pasara a mí o Joe, sólo prométeme que vas a cuidar de mi niña.
I told Mrs Patmore and she said not to worry.
Le dije a la Sra. Patmore y me dijo que no me preocupara.
And she said- - I'll always remember, she said, " Listen to that.
Ella, siempre lo recordaré, me dijo : " "Escucha" ".
And she said, "It is fantastic."
Y me dijo : " "Es maravilloso" ".
Well, I asked my mommie last night and she said, "The women are right."
Bueno, le pregunté a mi mami anoche y dijo : "Las mujeres tienen razón".
Her parents sent her to one of those schools in Montana, and she said it was like a prison.
Sus padres la enviaron a uno de esos internados en Montana, y dijo que era como una cárcel.
I asked one young lady, and she said she got something called a "Tweet"
Le pregunté a una señorita, y me dijo que recibió algo llamado "tweet"
And then I remembered she said that she was going to the movies with some friends.
Y entonces recordé que había dicho que iba a ir al cine con unas amigas.
She was a member of the "Believe the Children" movement, which encouraged cops to believe anything the kid said about the SRA, and if the kiddos didn't have anything to say, she'd tell the cops to twist their arms until they did.
Era miembro del movimiento * Cree a los niños * que animó a la policía a creer cualquier cosa que dijeran los niños y si los niños no tenían nada que decir, les diría a los policías que les torcieran los brazos hasta lo tuvieran.
Jessica said she'll bring you some clothes when she and Jack come home.
Jessica ha dicho que te traería ropa cuando Jack y ella vuelvan a casa.
My mom... said that she will tell me once I grew up, and passed away.
Mi madre... me dijo que me lo contaría cuando creciera... pero también murió.
She took one look at me and said,
Me echó un vistazo y dijo,
She may have called me and I may have briefed her and she may have said yes to the chopper because it's definitely on its way right now!
Puede que me haya llamado y puede que yo le haya informado de los avances y puede que ella haya dicho sí a lo del helicóptero porque, ¡ ya viene de camino!
She took a pot of boiling water that was meant for drinking, That was meant for drinking, pulled it from the fire and Pulled it from the fire and said, put your feet in there and
Jenn inmediatamente entró en acción, tomó la olla llena de agua que se suponía que era para beber.
She said she didn't feel great about how we left things, and wanted to thank me again.
Dijo no sentirse bien por cómo dejamos las cosas... y quiso darme las gracias de nuevo.
'No, I saw her on Tuesday, saw her on Tuesday,'and she came up to me'and she actually came up to me and said, "Hiya." Ha, ha!
No, la vi un martes, la vi un martes y se me acercó y de hecho se me acercó y dijo : "Hola". ¡ Ja, Ja!
And everyone said that Chloe didn't move, she didn't make a sound.
Y todo el mundo dice que Chloe no se movió, ella no hizo ruido.
She went home, the neighbours called 911, they said she ran off north and that's where the cops are looking but I think she's gone to the school.
- Fue a casa, los vecinos llamaron al 911, dijeron que huyó al norte y es dónde los policías están buscando pero creo que ha ido al colegio.
And by the way, thanks for doing everything she said you would do.
Y, por cierto, gracias por hacer todo lo que dijo que harías.
And I said, "well, " what I know is that those "broads always like to be on top," and she hits me.
Y he contestado, "Bueno, lo que sé es que a esas tías siempre les gusta follar encima", y me ha pegado.
And said she was gonna drag you down with him.
Y dijo que te iba a joder vivo como a él.
And when I asked my mother why they could never get along, she said that it was because Astra didn't have faith in people.
Y Cuando le PREGUNTE a mi por Madre Nunca Qué llevarse podrian busque, DIJO ella Porque era Que Astra sin Tenia fe en las personalidades.
You said she died of weakness and shame.
Me dijiste que murió de debilidad y vergüenza.
She said that she was up near the ceiling and she could look down and see them working on her body.
Dijo que estaba arriba cerca del techo y podía mirar hacia abajo... y verlos trabajando en su cuerpo.
And Dr. Tyler... she said she wasn't gonna let him go home without her.
Y la Dra. Tyler... dijo que no va iba a dejar que se fuera a casa sin ella.
She knew computers, and said she could help without even having to be there.
Sabía de ordenadores, y me dijo que podía ayudarme sin ni siquiera estar en mi casa.
She said it would take a while for my PFE to go through, but. that I could stay with you and your mom in the meantime.
Ella dijo que tardaría un tiempo para pasar mi PFE, pero que podía quedarme contigo y con tu madre mientras tanto.
She said she's made a lot of progress with her stability and she thinks that this sort of confrontation might set her back.
Dice que lleva mucho tiempo manteniéndose cuerda y que venir hasta aquí puede empeorar las cosas.
And I said, "Frank, you're mixed up. She has to apologize to me."
Suponía que, con la madurez, en algún momento se cansaría de esa rutina y se daría cuenta de lo que tenía.
She placed a call to Harry and said...
" "El hijo de puta de mi marido" ".
And besides, we don't really know anything until we can establish something besides "she said, he said."
Y además, no sabremos nada hasta que podamos sacar algo en claro además del "él dijo, ella dijo".
Mom and dad said that grandma tippy and my aunt Robin were coming down from upstate New York and that my aunt Robin had something special for me that she made.
Mamá y papá dijeron que la abuela tippy y mi tía Robin venían del norte del estado de Nueva York y que mi tía Robin tenía algo especial para mí que ella hizo.
The night she said it happened, the attack, me and my mates were throwing a party.
Esa noche dijo lo que le había pasado, el ataque, mis amigos y yo habíamos ido a una fiesta.
My roommate told me to put that in there'cause she said I'd get a lot of hits. Oh. And here I am.
Mi compañera de piso me dijo que pusiera eso porque dijo que así conseguiría mucho éxito. Y aquí estoy.
And then she said no.
Y entonces ella ha dicho que no.
The doctor said she's lucky the angle of the blade resulted in a laceration and not a puncture wound.
El médico dice que tiene suerte de que el ángulo provocara un corte y no una perforación.
But Jeanie was, and you know she was, and everybody said she was...
Pero Jeanie era, tú lo sabes bien... -... y todos lo decían, una conchuda.
[Tambor] "So, then, Mommy and Daddy tolded me about a special place for kids like me, and it was Heaven, and then she said about Jesus, because of before..."
"Entonces mami y papi me hablaron de un sitio especial para niños como yo, y era el paraíso. Y ella me dijo que Jesús, por lo de antes...".
She said she couldn't protect her, and then Jianna ended up killing herself.
Dijo que no pudo protegerla y que terminó suicidándose.
I told her my hand got burnt, and she looked at me strange and said, "What did your daddy do to you?"
Le dije que mi mano se quemó, y me miró raro... y dijo : "¿ Qué te hizo tu papá?"
I did not want her to be mad at me, so I said it was daddy's fault, and she kept asking questions.
Yo no quería que se enojara conmigo, así que le dije que era culpa de papá, y ella siguió haciendo preguntas.
And every time I said no, she got angry, so... so I finally said yes.
Y cada vez que le dije que no, se enojó, así que... así que finalmente dije que sí.
And 6 : 00... That's when the coroner said she took those pills.
Y las 6 : 00... fue cuando el forense dijo que ella tomó las píldoras.
And when she reached out, he couldn't be bothered, even though he said to us, he said to her,
Y cuando ella lo llamó, él no podía molestarse, incluso cuando nos dijo, le dijo :
I, um... I spoke with Miss Tatlock on the telephone shortly before she took her life, and I said some cruel things.
Yo... hablé con la Srta. Tatlock por teléfono poco antes de que se quitara la vida, y dije cosas crueles.
The day she died, I called her on the telephone and I said some terrible things.
El día que murió, la llamé por teléfono y dije algunas cosas terribles.
and she said yes 23
and she said no 16
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she didn't 24
and she just 19
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she didn't 24
and she just 19
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27