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And she loves me перевод на испанский

355 параллельный перевод
But my mother is very ill, and.. and she loves me.
Mi madre está muy enferma y me ama.
And she loves me.
Y ella me ama a mí.
I love her and she loves me as Farnsworth.
Le amo y ella me ama como Farnsworth.
Yes, Sir, and she loves me.
Sí, señor, y ella también me ama.
I love her and she loves me. "
Yo la quiero y ella me quiere ".
I love Clara and she loves me.
Quiero a Clara y ella me quiere.
I love her and she loves me.
Yo la amo, y ella a mí.
I love her and she loves me.
La amo y ella me ama a mí.
And she loves me, as I love her!
¡ Y ella me ama como yo la amo!
And she loves me.
Y ella me quiere a mí.
And she loves me.
Y ella me ama.
And she loves me, Dad.
Y ella me ama, papá.
I love her, and she loves me.
La quiero y ella me quiere a mí.
And she loves me.
Y me ama.
- And she loves me.
- Y ella a mí. - ¡ No!
If I had known that she loves me that much I'd have said "yes" at once. Yes, yes and... yes yes yes.
Se lo juro, si hubiera sabido que me quiere tanto... le hubiese dicho que sí enseguida.
Because, you see, I am going back to Taronia tomorrow, and even if I loved you like she loves you, still I would have to go back to Taronia, and never, never you would see me again.
Porque, verá, regreso mañana a Taronia, e incluso si le amase como ella le ama, tendría que volver a Taronia y nunca, nunca volvería a verme.
She loves me, even if my clothes are old and ugly.
Ella me quiere igual aunque mi ropa sea vieja y fea.
And as long as she loves you, I'll just step out of the picture.
Y si te ama, me haré a un lado.
Remember when you came to me and said, HHopper, she loves me.
Recuerdas cuando viniste y me dijiste : " Hopper, ella me ama.
- I love Adriana, and she loves me.
- Amo a Adriana y ella me ama. - ¿ Quién lo dice?
I'm not saying you'll strangle your mistress, but you'll rifle my papers if I leave them here, and you'll sleep with Rolande if she loves you.
No digo que vaya a estrangular a su amante, no pero registrará mi cartera si me la olvido aquí y se acostará con Rolande, si se enamora de ud.
What pleased me was that she said "loves" and not "does."
Lo que me agradó fue que dijo "ama" y no "hace".
She loves me and we are going away.
Celestine me ama y nos iremos de aqui juntos
I have no other home than my saddle, but the brat loves me and she's better off with me.
No tengo más hogar que mi silla vaquera, pero Ia mocosa me quiere y está mejor conmigo.
I loved Matilda, and anyone she loves would necessarily be very close to me.
Yo quería a Mathilda, y siendo Ud. su esposo, considérese amigo mío.
And she loves me.
- Sí, y ella a mí.
I love Berta and she loves me.
Quiero a Berta y ella me quiere a mí.
Yes, tell this to all the world, and then to me say very softly that she loves you not.
en voz baja que no os ama Roxana.
And I love her as much as she loves me.
Y la amo tanto como ella me ama.
Fix it that she loves me a little and not only for my money.
Haced que me ame un poco y que no sea solo por mi dinero.
She loves me because I'm sweet and gentle and worried and nervous and shy and tender!
¡ Porque sabe que soy bueno y dulce, y elegante y... ... tímido y cariñoso y nervioso!
This is a good girl, Benny and she loves you.
No me di cuenta... Es una buena muchacha, Benny... y te ama.
And she loves me.
Estoy enamorado y ella de mi.
Look how she loves me and I love her, this girl.
Mira, ¿ y tú? Ella me ama, y de verdad que yo amo a esta chica.
And I also know, that she loves me.
Y yo también sé... que ella me ama.
You see, Missy and I need each other. I don't know how it happened, but she loves me in a way she'll never love any other man.
Missy y yo nos necesitamos, no comprendo qué ha pasado pero ella me quiere como nunca podrá querer a otro hombre.
She loves me and I love her.
Ella me quiere y yo la quiero.
The lady loves me And it shows In spite of the way She turns up her nose
La dama me quiere y se nota a pesar de que se haga la tonta
I love Terezinha and I know she loves me.
Quiero a Terezinha y sé que me quiere también.
I'm in love with a girl and she doesn't love me, she loves some other guy.
Estoy enamorado de una chica y ella no me ama, ama o otro tipo.
She loves me and she'll understand.
Ella me quiere y me comprenderá.
She's told me time and again she loves me.
Me ha dicho sin cesar que me quiere.
To an unwitting spectator, she loves me and I love her.
Para un espectador desprevenido, ella me ama y yo la amo.
And I think she loves me too.
Y creo que ella también me ama.
The old Branca has loved and loves a great dame! I'll always be faithful to her, even if she's closed in a convent.
Debes saber que el viejo Branca amé y amo a una gran dama la cual está recluida en un convento y me será siempre fiel.
Now think of satisfying Rosina's desires I shall not tell her my name or rank l must make sure that she loves me only and truly not the wealth and title of Count Almaviva
Ahora pensad en la forma de satisfacer los deseos de Rosina No quiero decirle mi verdadero nombre Debo asegurarme de que me ama, a mí sólo y no a las riquezas y títulos del Conde Almaviva
Me eetieedes? Eecueetraja y quitaje jo ueico que reajmeete ama.
But I can't drive, and she won't take me.
The Loves of Frankenstein. Pero no puedo conducir y ella no me llevará.
She loves me now and I love her now.
Me sigue queriendo y yo aún le quiero.
And how do you know she loves me?
¿ Cómo lo sabéis?

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