And we'll be fine перевод на испанский
241 параллельный перевод
We'll each wear one of your nice ones and carry one of my bad ones, then the effect will be fine and easy.
Llevaré uno de los tuyos y llevarás uno de los míos, entonces causaremos un buen efecto.
Looks like Alice is going to get married, and I think she'll be very happy because we just met the boy you sent her and he looks fine.
Parece ser que Alice se va a casar y creo que será muy feliz, porque acabamos de conocer al chico que le has enviado y tiene buen aspecto.
And you'll tell us all you know... and we'll tell you all we know, and everything will be fine.
Y nos dirás todo lo que sabes... y nosotros te diremos todo lo que sabemos... y todo quedará aclarado.
But we'll take good care of her. She might be fine until you're grown up and married and have kids. ( DOORBELL BUZZING )
Pero la cuidaremos... y te verá crecer y tener hijos.
We'll talk about the way to live and then there'll be a fine reward for you.
Hablaremos del modo de vivir. Y entonces recibirás una buena recompensa.
We'll go home and everything will be fine.
Nos iremos a casa y todo estará bien.
And we'll be a fine, wholesome, young American couple... having a bit of good, clean, nauseating fun over the bacon and eggs every morning.
Seremos una pareja norteamericana pura... divirtiéndose sana y nauseabundamente al comer huevos con tocino a diario.
- We'll put paper inside it and it'll be fine.
- Está un poco grande. - Le pondremos papel adentro.
He's a fine lawyer, and now that he's going to be one of us we'll finally have some law in Ocatilla.
Es abogado, y como va a ser uno de nosotros por fin tendremos ley en Ocatilla.
We'll just give it a little push and we'll be in fine shape.
Sólo un empujoncito e irá estupendo.
We're all for the TVA and we want to help you, so if you'll cooperate on this point, everything will be just fine.
Estamos a favor de la TVA, y queremos ayudarle, así que, si acepta esta condición, seguro que todo irá bien.
You'll be pleased to know that thanks to the quality of this aircraft and the fine weather and my brilliant flying we'll hit idlewild on schedule if our speed holds up.
Señores pasajeros, gracias a la calidad de este aparato al buen tiempo, y a un servidor, alcanzaremos Idlewild a la hora prevista si nuestra velocidad se mantiene.
We'll be fine, Andrew and I.
Andrej y yo estaremos como antes.
For his age, he's shown himself to be of very sound character, and if we all rally around him, he'll do a fine job of leading us
Para su era, demuestra ser de un carácter firme, y si nos unimos a él, hará un buen trabajo en liderarnos.
and in a couple of days, we'll be fine again.
Y en unos días estaremos bien de nuevo.
Fine, lend me the $ 25 and we'll be square.
Bueno, de una vez préstame los 25 para que estemos completos.
We'll be visiting every floor where these fine doctors and nurses... take care of us in life...
Visitaremos cada piso donde estos buenos doctores y enfermeras... nos atienden...
Put it in writing and we'll be fine.
Ponlo por escrito y estaremos bien.
Now we'll just stay right here and everything will be just fine.
Volvió. Vamos a quedarnos aqui hasta que todo pase, bien?
We'll both act normal and everything will be fine.
Nos comportaremos con normalidad y todo saldrá bien.
Just take your lead from me, and we'll be fine.
Tú haz lo que yo haga, y no nos pasará nada.
Stick to that and we'll be fine.
Si eres fiel a ella, estarás bien.
Y una vez que comience la retrospectiva sobre James Dean, todo irá bien.
Between my severance and all your potential patients, we'll be fine.
Entre mi liquidación y tus posibles pacientes, nos irá bien.
Tomorrow morning, we'll find the nearest town swap your watch for some old junker, and everything will be just fine.
Mañana por la mañana encontraremos el pueblo más cercano... cambiaremos tu reloj por un cacharro... y todo estará perfecto.
Dice que agosto estará bien y que lo disfrutaremos.
Listen, sweetheart, it's just like Holliday said - as soon as we get the diamonds, we'll take both your collars off and everything is going to be fine.
Escucha, cielo, es como Holliday dijo. Tan pronto tengamos los diamantes les quitaremos los collares. Y todo saldrá bien.
We'll get you some ice and you'll be fine by tomorrow.
Te pondremos una bolsa con hielo y mañana estarás como nuevo.
We'll just cross the street, and we'll be fine.
Me da igual. Solo hay que cruzar la calle esa.
Really. Just don't touch anything else... and I think we'll be fine. Just don't...
No toques...
All we have to do is pull you out of this popularity pit and we'll be fine.
Escucha Wyatt, todo lo que tenemos que hacer es sacarte de este hoyo de popularidad y estaremos de regreso.
When we'll know how much water Peter and Jack used to wash their ass, everything will be fine!
Cuando sabemos que el agua que estas usar para lavar el culo se nosotros mucho adelantado.
And if we don't, we'll be fine, all right?
Y si no cae, estamos bien!
Do everything my way and we'll be fine.
Hazlo todo a mi manera y estaremos bien.
Just stay still for me... and we'll be fine.
Quédese quieta. Todo irá bien.
Well, all we need is a boiler that works... and we'll be fine in the world that we're in. New boiler.
Bueno, todo lo que necesitamos es una caldera que funcione, y estaremos perfectamente bien en el mundo en que estamos
Stick to our stories and we'll be fine, as long as people close to us know the truth and how important it is to keep this secret.
Estaremos bien siempre que los íntimos sepan la verdad y la importancia de guardar el secreto.
It will be fine. We'll just have dinner and be on our way.
Sólo cenaremos y luego seguimos, te lo prometo.
Um... well, as long as we go slow and easy, we'll be fine.
Si vamos despacio, no habrá ningún problema.
We just gotta find a back road out of this state and we'll be fine.
En cuanto encontremos una carretera poco transitada.
If we meet the police, I'll pay for the fine and I'll be responsible for all.
Si hay policía yo pagaré la multa y me responsabilizaré de todo.
Just don't talk so much tonight and we'll be fine.
Eso sí, no hables mucho esta noche, y saldrá todo bien.
I was hoping we could work this out amicably but apparently you prefer a long, drawn-out court fight which is fine with me, since you'll be liable for all the court costs in addition to statutory and punitive damages.
Esperaba resolverlo amistosamente pero aparentemente prefiere una larga batalla en los juzgados que está bien puesto que será responsable de los gastos legales además de daños legales y punitivos.
Okay, fine, we'll just stay right here, and we'll all be fine.
Bueno, está bien, nos quedaremos justo aquí, y todos vamos a estar bien.
Be invisible, and we'll get along just fine.
Sé invisible y nos llevaremos muy bien.
They'll come and they'll get us, and we'll be fine.
Vendran y nos sacaran de aqui, y estaremos bien.
We'll get you to the medical quarters, and you'll be fine.
Volveremos a los cuarteles médicos, y estarás bien.
Now Kusano and Fuyutsuki are inside all right then, we can start'you sure you'll be fine?
Ahora Kusano y Fuyutsuki están dentro Muy bien, entonces, podemos empezar ¿ Seguro que estarás bien?
We're still screwing down some of the nuts and bolts... but I think she'll be just fine.
Todavía hay que apretar algunos tornillos... pero quedará perfecta.
When you get well, like before, we'll contact Enchant and it'll be fine...
Cuando estés como antes, llamaremos a Enchant y estaremos bien...
Let him settle in. We'll talk, and things will be fine.
Él se aclimatará y las cosas se arreglarán.
and we'll talk 51
and we'll go 28
and we'll 50
and we'll call it even 21
and we'll be on our way 23
and we'll talk about it 17
and we'll take it from there 17
we'll be fine 452
and welcome back 16
and what are you doing 48
and we'll go 28
and we'll 50
and we'll call it even 21
and we'll be on our way 23
and we'll talk about it 17
and we'll take it from there 17
we'll be fine 452
and welcome back 16
and what are you doing 48
and welcome 74
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and well done 16
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and whatever you do 86
and what's more 117
and what happened 146
and who is she 20
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and well done 16
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and whatever you do 86
and what's more 117
and what happened 146
and who is she 20