And why is that перевод на испанский
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And why is that?
¿ Y por qué fue eso?
- And why is that?
- ¿ Y por qué es eso?
- And why is that?
- ¿ Por qué?
- And why is that?
¿ Y eso por qué?
Oh, and why is that crazy?
¿ Y por qué eso es loco?
That's why Cornwallis is leaving and why this intelligence, as you call it, can be gotten in any local gazette.
Es por eso que Cornwallis se va y por qué esta inteligencia, como usted lo llama, puede obtenerse en cualquier gaceta local.
And that is why I call you eagle eye.
Y por eso te llamo "ojo de águila".
And that is why I can't save you.
Y es por eso que no puedo salvarte.
His name is Phil and he's a bore, and that is why he makes us snore...
Se llama Phil y es aburrido, y por eso nos hace roncar...
And that is why she's an understudy and not prima ballerina.
Y es por eso que es una bailarina suplente y no la prima ballerina.
That is why I have uncorrectable teeth and Brick is a foot shorter than he should be.
Es por eso que tengo dientes incorregibles y Brick mide 30 centímetros menos de lo que debería.
It's believed that cows are people who have died, and they've been reincarnated, and their new life is now the cow, which is why they don't eat them and why they give'em all the love and respect in the world over there.
Creen que las vacas son personas que murieron y reencarnaron, y ahora, en su nueva vida, son vacas, por eso no las comen y les demuestran todo el amor y e! respeto de!
We need to be together, Stefan, or pretty soon we're just gonna end up pictures in a yearbook in a drawer somewhere, and so, that is why I am not going to stop calling you until you pick up the phone and I hear your voice
Necesitamos estar juntos, Stefan. y así, es por eso por lo que no voy a dejar de llamarte.
Once we enter the city and the die is cast, terrible things will happen that is not why I hesitate.
Una vez que entremos en la ciudad y la suerte esté echada, pasarán cosas terribles que no es el por qué titubeo.
And that... that is why you hate me.
Y... por eso me odias.
Is it possible that shamans receive their mysterious powers through alien abductions? NARRATOR : And might this explain why shamans all over the world claim to have a connection to other realms?
¿ Es posible que los chamanes reciban sus misteriosos poderes a través de abducciones alienígenas?
Liber8 already did, and that's why this is going to work.
Liberate ya lo hizo, y eso por eso que esto va a funcionar.
All that matters now is figuring out why Mr. Casey is in trouble and how we can help him.
Lo único que importa ahora es averiguar por qué está el Sr. Casey en problemas y cómo podemos ayudarle.
Is that why you took the test and failed it?
La serpiente se arrastra hacia el mango. ¡ Palomo, encuentra al sargento Hogg
And why do you think that is?
¿ Y por qué crees que es?
You give all us fools second chances when we screw up, and that is why we love you.
Nos has dado a todos nosotros segundas oportunidades cuando metemos la pata, y es por eso que te queremos.
And that is why I'll file petition on petition.
Y es por eso por lo que lo puliré demanda a demanda.
That's why it is perfectly natural to try and sabotage...
Por eso es perfectamente natural para tratar y sabotear...
And that is why I have splurged on this groupon valid Monday through Wednesday, holidays excluded, for the Heavenly Springs Hot Spa down in Jasper.
Y es por eso que he pedido este cupón válido de lunes a miércoles, excepto días festivos, para el Spa Primavera Celestial, en Jasper.
And that is why I am forming an exploratory committee for a run for the presidency of the United States.
Y por eso es por lo que estoy preparando un comité exploratorio por una carrera a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos.
Why would he do that? 'cause he knows Myclone is next-gen twitter level, And he wants to get his name trending.
Porque sabe que Miclon es la nueva generación en tecnología para Twitter, y quiere que su nombre sea tendencia.
But I-I-I just I find it a little interesting that we haven't been intimate in-in, like a week, and maybe this is why.
Pero yo solo encuentro un poco interesante que no hayamos estado intimando en una semana, y quizás es por esto.
I did decide, and I chose I would do whatever it takes to make it to Broadway, and that is why I fought so hard to get into NYADA, to help all of my dreams come true, and they have.
Lo decidí, y elegí que haría todo lo que fuese necesario para llegar a Broadway, y por eso luché tanto para entrar en NYADA, para ayudar a que mis sueños se hagan realidad, y lo han hecho.
And maybe that's why mom is wearing such tight pants.
Y quizá por esto mamá usa pantalones tan ajustados.
That is why it enlightens my bedroom, where only my nearest and dearest are allowed.
I know you keep saying that I won't feel this way forever, but why is it when the guys shows up with chicken vindaloo 40 minutes late with no naan and no silverware, instead of throwing the chutney in his face,
Sé que sigues diciendo que No me sentiré así para siempre, pero ¿ por qué es cuando los chicos se presenta con vindaloo de pollo 40 minutos tarde sin naan y no cubiertos, en vez de tirar el chutney en su cara,
You never even wanted any of this, and I pulled you up on that stage, and I pushed you to write, perform, and now... is that why you stayed away?
Ni siquiera quisiste nunca nada de esto, y yo te empujé a ese escenario, te empujé a escribir, actuar, y ahora... ¿ Por eso permaneciste lejos?
And when I do, there's gonna be plenty of people that are wondering why our consultant's brother is wanted for murder.
Y cuando lo haga, muchas personas se preguntarán por qué se busca al hermano de nuestro asesor por asesinato.
The rest of it is just simple business sense and that's why they paid us the big bucks.
El resto es simplemente olfato para los negocios y por eso nos pagaron tanto dinero.
- And as a disabled African-American football hero that believes Cleveland is the best city in the world, I just have to wonder why a privileged Hollywood actress is attacking me on air.
Y como un héroe del fútbol afroamericano y discapacitado que cree que Cleveland es la mejor ciudad del mundo, me pregunto por qué una actriz privilegiada de Hollywood me ataca al aire.
That is why, Blaine, if I'm gonna launch your career and make the world know who you are, we have to be friends.
Esa es la razón, Blaine, de que si voy a lanzar tu carrera y hacer que el mundo sepa quién eres, tenemos que ser amigos.
That is why I am here today to stand beside General Carver and officially pledge weapons and support to the Texas Republic against this California menace.
Por eso estoy aquí hoy junto al General Carver y prometo oficialmente armas y apoyo a la República de Texas frente a la amenaza de California.
And they'll hand over control to anyone who will give them that, and that is why I can... rape Texas and destroy California, and everyone will just smile and say thanks.
Y le darán el control a cualquiera que les de eso, y es por eso por lo que puedo... violar Texas y destruir California, y la gente simplemente sonreirá y me dará las gracias.
And that is why I cannot do it.
Y por eso no puedo hacerlo.
If anyone reproaches me and asks why I did not resort to the normal courts of justice, then all that I can say to him is this :
Si alguien me reprocha y pregunta por qué no recurrí a los tribunales de justicia ordinarios, entonces todo lo que puedo decirle es esto :
If he hadn't, he wouldn't have survived his setbacks, and that is why, from being a renegade, he was brought straight back into the government and then was Prime Minister.
Si no la tuviera, no habría sobrevivido a sus reveses, y ese es el por qué, de ser un renegado, que fue desplazado del gobierno y luego fue el Primer Ministro.
Yes, of course, but this particular patient is severely delusional, and you're an internist, not a psychiatrist, so hypothetically, why would he think that you could solve his problems?
Sí, por supuesto, pero este paciente particular es severamente delirante, y tú eres un internista, No un psiquiatra, Así que, hipotéticamente, ¿ por qué pensaría? ¿ que que pudiera resolver sus problemas?
And that is why the oxygen isn't getting to her brain.
Y es por eso que el oxígeno no está llegando a su cerebro.
And that is why she's confused.
Y es por eso que ella está confundida.
I've been late to work a couple of times, and Jordan is using our sex life... our magnificent, gravity-defying, why-aren't-they-filming-that-in-3D sex life to get back at me.
Me retrase un par de veces a trabajar. Y Jordán esta usando nuestra vida sexual... Nuestro Magnifico, Desafiante de la gravedad,
And is that why you married me?
¿ Y es por eso que te casaste conmigo?
I taught you how to do your first s.T.E.P. procedure, which is why it blows my mind that you would try and poach my patient.
Yo te enseñé cómo hacer tu primera S.T.E.P., por eso me sorprende que trataras de robarme mi paciente.
If Vince is your son and you want to be reconciled, why tell us you saw him at the beach that Thursday night?
Si Vince es tu hijo y quieres reconciliarte, ¿ por qué nos cuentas que le viste en la playa la noche de ese jueves?
Anyway, the hair and the prints basically just prove that you were at Strauss'apartment sometime in the recent past, which is why my partner spent half the day digging up this.
Como sea, el cabello y las huellas básicamente sólo demuestran... que estuvo en el departamento de Strauss... en algún momento, recientemente... por lo cual mi compañero pasó medio día investigando esto.
And that is why I thought that you and I together, we should do whatever we can to get him freed.
Y eso es por lo que he pensado que usted y yo, juntos, deberíamos hacer lo que esté en nuestras manos para liberarlo.
And that is why I agreed to go on that fake date.
Y por eso acepté ir a esa cita falsa.
and why 465
and why would i do that 99
and why not 256
and why are you here 20
and why should i trust you 22
and why would you do that 35
and why was that 20
and why's that 92
and why do you think that is 17
and why would he do that 23
and why would i do that 99
and why not 256
and why are you here 20
and why should i trust you 22
and why would you do that 35
and why was that 20
and why's that 92
and why do you think that is 17
and why would he do that 23
why is that 1501
why is that a problem 20
why is that funny 66
why is that important 25
why is that good 16
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
why is that a problem 20
why is that funny 66
why is that important 25
why is that good 16
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that a threat 163
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that a threat 163
is that all you got 152
is that what this is 151
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
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is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that all of it 17
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is that true 1272
is that him 366
is that her 187
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