And you know перевод на испанский
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That is the perfect fishtail and you know it!
Esa es una coleta perfecta ¡ y lo sabes!
And you know that I can't go to the bathroom unless there are people around to give me a sense of comfort and security.
Y tú sabes que yo no puedo ir al baño si no tengo gente a mi alrededor que me proporcione una sensación de confort y seguridad.
And you know, there's a new name.
Y tu sabes, hay un nuevo nombre.
And you know the Tooth Fairy won't come to this neighborhood ever since I cheated on him.
El Hada de los Dientes no viene por aquí desde que lo engañé.
And you know a lot about watches.
Y sabes mucho sobre relojes.
And you know when to leave well enough alone.
Y tú sabes bien cuando dejar las cosas correr.
And that's when I learned about the other things that, you know, that she had shot her...
Y ahí fue cuando me enteré de las otras cosas que... Ya sabes, que había...
Village Voice had a strong reputation, you know, for fighting corruption, and for them right now to be doing this, and in some way promoting sex trafficking because you allowing these ads to happen is really unfortunate.
Village Voice tenía la reputación... de luchar contra la corrupción y que ellos ahora hagan esto y de una manera fomenten el tráfico sexual... MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL porque ustedes permiten estos anuncios es sumamente inapropiado.
They ended up deciding that, you know, I could go ahead and do the oral argument.
Decidieron que podía presentar el alegato.
I remember being at the courthouse, and there were people outside holding signs and I thought, you know, how cool to have all this support.
Recuerdo estar en los tribunales y había gente afuera que sostenía carteles y pensé que era genial tener todo ese apoyo.
You know, the first month passed, and then the second month passed, and then the fifth month passed.
Pasó el primer mes, pasó el segundo y luego pasó el quinto mes.
Thank you to everybody for gathering and, you know, particularly to Yiota coming up from Washington DC and Erik, all the way from Seattle, Washington.
Gracias a todos por venir y en especial a Yiota, que viene de Washington D. C, y a Erik, de Seattle, Washington.
Ron, I didn't know that you and William H. Macy - are from the same place.
Ron, no sabía que tú y William H. Macy procedierais del mismo lugar.
And do you know how we are going to do that?
¿ Y sabes cómo haremos eso?
Ah! You know what, gentlemen, why don't we crack open that bottle of LaCoursiere and hammer out these details?
¿ Saben qué, caballeros, por qué no abrimos esa botella de LaCoursiere y cincelamos los últimos detalles?
And do you know who would've respected the hell out of that?
¿ Y sabes el respeto de quién te has ganado por eso?
Of course I'm not a nobody, but you know judges, they're unpredictable, and if they were dumb and they didn't pick mine, I mean, I'm still obviously immensely talented and... oh, my God.
Claro que no soy un donnadie, pero ya conoces a los jueces, son impredecibles, y, si son idiotas y no escogen el mío, obviamente seguiré siendo inmensamente talentoso y...
- And I want you to know that I don't expect you to tell me why you need the money, but I am available to you as a friend.
- Y quiero que sepas que no espero que me digas para qué necesitas el dinero, pero estoy aquí para ti como amiga.
You know, I've got my karaoke machine, and...
Tengo mi karaoke y...
It's just that Jackie's smart and practical, and plus, she's a mom so you know she keeps snacks in her purse.
Es que Jackie es inteligente y práctica, y, además, es madre, así que seguro que tiene comida en el bolso.
You know, the four fragile fingers, and the long arm, real short joint.
Tu sabes, los cuatro fragiles dedos, y el largo brazo, con articulacion realmente corta.
But along that way, you know, and eventually, a man who is friends with the director of the CIA, by the time Clinton became president, and who said, "You're not gonna be the first person to brief."
Pero a lo largo del camino, tu sabes, y eventualmente, un hombre quien es amigo del director de la CIA, para el tiempo en que Clinton se convirtiio en presidente, y quien dijo, "tu no vas a ser el primero en informar."
You know, because you think of generals, and you think of Conservatives and Republicans as being very pro-military and business.
Tu sabes, porque piensas en generales, y ud piensa en conservadores y republicanos siendo muy pro militares pro-military negociantes.
They said, "Yes, sir, we know who you are, and you don't have a need to know."
Elos dijeron, "si, señor, sabemos que ud esta, y ud no tiene la necesidad de saber."
" And if it's not the Stealth bomber, then, you know, it's a UFO.
" y si no es un bombardero Stealth, entonces, tu sabes, es un ovni.
"And if it's a UFO why wouldn't you want the people to know?"
"¿ y si es un ovni, porque ud no quiere que la gente lo sepa?"
If you, Miss Maclaine, know of any proof about aliens, you can give it to me and I guarantee you I will get it out, but I am skeptical.
Si tu, señorita Maclaine, sabe de alguna prueba acerca de alienigenas, puede darmela y yo le garantizo que la sacare, pero soy esceptico.
A false flag operation also know as a false indication, and warning is a military tactic in which you create the illusion of a threat often by attacking yourself and blaming the desired enemy.
Una operaciond bandera falsa tambien conocida como falsa indicacion, y alerta es una tactica militar en la cual tu creas la ilision de una amenaza algunas veces atacandose a si mismo y condenando al enemigo deseado.
When they power up, and when they accelerate it looks like a spark off a grinding wheel, and you could never know the difference.
Cuando ellos lo iniciaron, y cuando lo aceleraron parece como la chispa de un esmeril, y tu nunca podras saber la diferrencia.
You're right. Everybody gets together and makes nice, and, you know... You and Bill O'Reilly would be hiding in a bunker together.
Todo el mundo se une y hace el bien, y tu sabes... tu y Bill O'Reilly estarian escondiendose juntos en un bunker.
By having all the secrecy and refusing to set up any kind of diplomatic protocols as I know that you have called for and I believe in very strongly.
Teniendo todo ese secretismo y rehusando establecer cualquier tipo de protocolo diplomatico como se, para el que uds han sido llamados y en el que creo firmemente.
You know, President Clinton asked for some information about some of these things, and in particular some information about what was going on at Area 51.
Tusabes, el President Clinton solicito alguna informacion sobre algunas de estas cosas, y en particular informacion sobre lo que estaba pasando en el area 51.
And they should, you know... American people can handle the truth.
Y ellos deberian, tu sabes... el pueblo americano puede manejar la verdad.
So I just decided to grab, like a quick drink down at the Belvedere, you know, and there she was, just sittin'there alone, at the end of the bar, man.
Pues decidí tomar una copa rápida en el Belvedere, ya sabes, y allí estaba, sentada sola al fondo del bar, tío.
And... you know what I mean by "fun?"
Y... ¿ sabes a lo que me refiero con "diversión"?
You know, I feel terrible about how everything went down between you and Tucker, and I have a proposition for you.
¿ Sabes? Me siento fatal por cómo han ido las cosas entre Tucker y tú, y tenía una proposición que hacerte.
And she says, "You know what, I'll give it a go, but I'm not sure that stick's gonna fit in my mouth."
Y dice : ¿ Sabes qué? , voy a intentarlo pero no creo que ese palo vaya a caberme en la boca.
But the difference being, of course, that I know that and you don't.
Pero la diferencia reside en que, claro, yo lo sé pero tú no lo sabes.
And I know it's crazy, but it's God's honest truth when I tell you that my team is in trouble and they need my help.
Y sé que es una locura pero te juro por dios que es verdad lo que te digo de que mi equipo tiene problemas y necesitan mi ayuda.
Yeah, yeah, no, but I-I got in this thing and so... you know, but it's-it's not a big deal.
Sí, sí, no, pero acabé en esta cosa y... Bueno, da igual.
I know what you're thinking, and whipped cream will not be a part of it.
Sé lo que estás pensando y la crema batida no será parte de esto.
Vitaminwater, and maybe they know that you love them while they're doing it, and maybe it means they're nice to a cashier.
Y sabe que la amas mientras está comprando agua vitaminada. Quizá por eso sea amable con la cajera.
Before we begin, I'd just like you to know that the president and the former president are on the line.
Antes de empezar, quiero decir que la presidenta y el expresidente están al teléfono.
You know, Ted and I just had the most remarkable piece of red meat at a steak house out in Canton.
Ted y yo comimos una pieza de carne roja fabulosa en una churrasquería cerca de Cantón.
- And how do you know that?
- ¿ Cómo lo sabes?
Now, you take that away, and I don't know what this country has left.
Si le quitamos eso, no sé qué le queda a este país.
And we know... that you are no different.
Y sabemos que tú no eres distinto.
And you should know better.
Deberías saberlo.
You know, Doug... you and I, we've been around long enough to see the guard change.
Doug. Llevamos tiempo suficiente para ver un cambio de guardia.
Mr. Stamper, I really appreciate all the work you do for him, but you and I know that my bloc is growing.
Le agradezco el trabajo que hace para él, pero ambos sabemos que mi bloque está creciendo.
You know, they say the most vulnerable part of the human body... is the throat... and that you never really know how you feel about somebody... until they have their hands around your throat.
Dicen que la parte más vulnerable del cuerpo humano es la garganta. Y que no sabes lo que alguien te hace sentir hasta que te pone las manos en la garganta.
and you know it 1023
and you know what else 101
and you know that 230
and you know what 1324
and you know this 20
and you know why 265
and you know what that means 67
and you know me 28
and you know what they say 26
and you know that how 18
and you know what else 101
and you know that 230
and you know what 1324
and you know this 20
and you know why 265
and you know what that means 67
and you know me 28
and you know what they say 26
and you know that how 18
and you know this because 25
and you know something 28
and you know this how 71
and you 7643
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
and your wife 79
and you're next 17
and your point is 28
and you know something 28
and you know this how 71
and you 7643
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
and your wife 79
and you're next 17
and your point is 28
and you're here 49
and you didn't tell me 78
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your mother 135
and you're right 279
and you didn't tell me 78
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your mother 135
and you're right 279