And you know something перевод на испанский
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When you put a bull to the wind, you know, there's something that happens with his eyes and his horns, and it's like bully town.
Cuando se pone un toro al viento, hay algo que sucede con sus ojos y sus cuernos, y es como la ciudad de Bully.
I don't know, there is something cool about showing up and feeling like you already know so much about the other person, like...
Hay algo genial en presentarse y sentir que sabes mucho sobre la otra persona.
There was something almost transgressive and exciting about seeing on TV somebody say, about a movie, you know what you might always want to say to your friend, or your girlfriend or your mother or your sister,
Había algo casi transgresor... y emocionante de ver... a alguien en T.V. decir algo, sobre una película, tú sabes lo que siempre quieres decir a tu amigo, o a tu novia o a tu madre o a tu hermana,
But I don't know. I feel like this is... this is one of those moments, a moment to really discover something, and it's happening to us, you and me.
And he can let your new captain know you have withheld something of great value that rightly belonged to his latest prize.
Y él puede hacerle saber a tu capitán que tú retienes algo de gran valor que pertenecía a su último botín.
And you want to know something?
¿ Y quieres saber algo?
And know this unpleasantness is eating at you. And you're determined to do something about it.
Sé que este malestar te está carcomiendo, y estás decidido a hacer algo al respecto.
And it's just such a delight to sit there and watch people create something and know that you're a part of it.
Y es sólo una delicia sentarse allí y ver personas creando algo y saber que tú eres parte de eso.
And you know Dave, he likes to think that he's all up to date, and if you suddenly tell him something like that, he'll just go...
Y sabes a Dave, le gusta pensar que es todo hasta la fecha, y si de repente le dijiste algo como eso, que va ir solo...
You know, and do something fun...
Ya sabes, hacer algo divertido...
But there's something I want you... and only you to know.
Pero hay algo que quiero que sólo tú... sepas.
You might cut their head off or smash it in and the body still comes after you or something like that, you know? ( laughing ) I think, you know, movies show that there really is no good weapon, they always find a way.
tras de ti, o algo por el estilo las películas nos enseñan que de verdad no hay un arma ideal, ellos siempre hallan alguna forma se te pueden acabar las balas son demasiados para detenerlos con una espada el fuego no los detiene
Now that we know each other better and that you're involved with my mom and all, there's something I think I should tell you.
Ahora que nos conocemos mejor y que sales con mi madre y todo... hay algo que creo que debería decirte.
Well you know what she's like, I tell her something and she'll go in the opposite direction.
Ya sabes cómo es, si le digo algo se va hacia la dirección contraria.
Phoebe, there's something you don't know about Mal and Sarah and me
Phoebe, hay algo que tú no sabes sobre Mal y Sarah y yo.
I always thought I'd have a grand story to tell. You know, something they would publish in all the papers, and...
Que tendría una gran historia que contar, que se publicaría en los diarios, y...
You know, she's a great kid, and then just something happened.
Sabe, es una buena muchacha, y de repente algo paso.
You have absolutely no right to enter here under false pretenses and try to trick me into admitting something that I know 110 % for sure never happened!
No tiene absolutamente ningún derecho para entrar aquí con maneras totalmente falsas y tratar de engañarme para que admitiera algo de lo que estoy 110 % seguro que nunca sucedió!
We, well, something happened to a girl, and we need to know if any of you knew her.
Nosotros... Bueno, algo le pasó a una joven, y necesitamos saber si la conocían.
There's something so relaxing, you know, and elegant about the beach.
- Sabes, hay algo muy relajante y elegante de la playa. ¿ Sí sabes de lo que digo?
"I can hear you saying something, and I don't know what you said, but it's making her laugh."
"Puedo escucharte decir algo. No sé qué dijiste, pero la hiciste reír".
Look, I don't claim to know exactly what's going on, but you needed something concrete before you could start a formal investigation, and here it is.
Mira, no digo que sepa exactamente lo que está pasando, pero necesitabas algo concreto antes de comenzar con una investigación formal, y aquí lo tienes.
Look, you know, everyone wants to know If I experienced something amazing or even supernatural in my dying, and quite frankly the answer is yes.
Mira, ya sabes, todo el mundo quiere saber si he experimentado algo increíble o incluso sobrenatural en mi muerte, y, francamente, la respuesta es "sí".
I know you're feeling something that is magical and clearly exciting to you, but if you think about it logically, literally for one second...
Sé que sientes algo mágico... y que claramente estás entusiasmada... pero si lo piensas de manera lógica, literalmente por un segundo...
I know you, Hannah Lee Baker, and you're up to something.
Te conozco, Hannah Lee Baker, y tú estás en algo.
You know something Ivan, you and I we possess a gift that these fools can only dream of.
¿ Sabes algo, Ivan? Ambos poseemos un don que estos tontos sueñan tener.
You know, I try to remember things because I feel like I should, like it's my job or something, you know, early days, and I'm tired of trying to remember.
Sabes, intento acordarme de cosas porque siento que debo, que es mi trabajo recordar los viejos tiempos. Y estoy cansada de intentar recordar.
But, you know, I think I should put you together with one of our clerical workers and see if they can't help you find something.
Debería ponerlo en contacto con uno de los trabajadores clericales que le ayuden a encontrar algo.
We know what it takes to build something... and how little recognition you get from the outside world.
Sabemos lo que hace falta para construir algo... y el poco reconocimiento que uno recibe del mundo exterior.
Well, you seem to harbor quite a bit of anger towards me, and considering we hardly even know each other, I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing.
Bueno, pareces albergar cierto resentimiento hacia mí y considerando que apenas nos conocemos, me pregunto si me he perdido algo.
You know, there's not enough chicken and waffles I could order to make this something that it isn't.
Sabes, no hay suficiente pollo y gofres... que pueda pedir para hacer de esto algo que no es.
I remember one time my sister being very upset about something, and my father putting her to bed and then leaving the room and turning the light off, and my sister was sort of sobbing in the bed, you know,
Recuerdo una vez que mi hermana estaba muy molesta por algo..... y mi padre la puso en la cama y luego se fue del cuarto... y apagó la luz, y mi hermana estaba sollozando en la cana, viste?
The guitar player, who was about 70 or something, picked up his amp, put it under his arm and walked off, like this old amp he must have had since day one, you know, and it was like, that's what it was like about, you know.
El guitarrista, que debía tener unos 70 años... agarró su amplificador, se lo puso bajo el brazo y se fue... Ese viejo amplificador lo debía tener desde el día 1, viste... Y fue... de eso se trató todo, viste...
And if you're going to run a gallery, you know, it's something you need to know.
Y si vas a manejar una galería de arte, deberías saber eso.
And I'll tell you something. If he ever chose to fish, I know that he'd be able to cast upstream, to anticipate, and at that very first bite, reel it in.
Y les diré algo si alguna vez decidiera pescar... sé que él sería capaz de lanzar... el anzuelo río arriba... y cuando el primero picara, sacarlo con ganas.
And I'm gonna sleep with it in case your fuckin'dinner guest wants to come back for, you know, dessert or something.
Y voy a dormir con ella, en caso que tu invitado a cenar... quiera volver, sabes, a comer el postre o algo.
You know, when they're little kids, and it's like that Braveheart thing where, he gives her a token or something, I mean, like a flower, but not a flower,'cause that's...
Ya sabes, cuando son pequeños, y es como algo valiente donde, él le da algo, es decir, como una flor, pero no una flor, porque eso es...
Look, I know you've been with us 14 years and have something like 111 unclaimed vacation days.
Mira, sé que llevas con nosotros 14 años y tienes algo así como 111 días de vacaciones sin reclamar.
We know that you have an obligation to take a firm stance, but entitlement reform is something you ran on, and now it's within your grasp.
Sabemos que tienes la obligación de adoptar una postura firme, pero la reforma de la prestaciones es algo sobre lo que hiciste campaña, y ahora esta a tu alcance.
So, if any of you know something - doesn't matter what it is - then please come and talk to us.
Así que, si alguno de vosotros sabe algo, no importa lo que sea, por favor, venid a hablar con nosotros.
I was thinking maybe you and I could play a game..... where I say something that I know about Catherine and then you say something you know.
Estaba pensando que quizá tú y yo podríamos jugar a un juego... en el que yo digo algo que sé de Catherine... y luego dices algo que sepas tú.
And I'm gonna have a talk with him, you know, about girls, and try to make sure he doesn't get arrested for something.
Y voy a ir a hablar con él, ya sabes, sobre chicas, para tratar de asegurarme de que no le detengan o algo así.
I was a wild child, and there is something you should know about me.
Era una niña loca y necesitas saber una cosa de mí.
Eduardo, we've been together for 10 years now, and I know when something is bothering you.
Eduardo, te conozco tanto. Convivimos hace 10 años. Sé muy bien cuando algo te trae mal.
You were humble enough to know you were wrong and brave enough to risk something you cared deeply about to prove it.
Fuiste lo suficientemente humilde para saber que estabas equivocado y lo bastante valiente como para arriesgar algo que te importaba mucho para demostrarlo.
You know, maybe... maybe you and I should both just cut our losses and tell the Ewings the truth before we both become something we don't want to become.
Sabes, tal vez... tal vez los dos deberíamos simplemente aceptemos la derrota y contémosle a los Ewing la verdad antes de que los dos nos convirtamos en algo que no queremos ser.
Well, I don't want to keep anything from you either, and if you're going out to see Sophie, then there's something that you should know.
Bueno, yo tampoco quiero esconderte nada, y si vas a ir a ver a Sophie, entonces hay algo que debes saber.
Something nice, you know, you wear to formal events and that kind of thing?
Algo lindo, lo que sueles vestir en reuniones formales.
But you know, when the screaming stopped, I thought I was alone until something very swift and frightening moved by me.
Pero sabes algo, cuando cesaron los gritos, Pensé que estaba solo, hasta que algo muy rápido y atemorizante se movió junto a mí.
He's got something wrapped in a newspaper and you don't know what's going on.
Él tiene algo envuelto en un periódico. Y no sabes lo que es.
And do you know something?
¿ Y sabes una cosa?
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
and your wife 79
and your point is 28
and you're next 17
and you're here 49
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
and your wife 79
and your point is 28
and you're next 17
and you're here 49
and you didn't tell me 78
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your mother 135
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your mother 135
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34