At the last moment перевод на испанский
434 параллельный перевод
At the last moment... it seems that he managed to hide it from the criminals.
... En el último momento parece que consiguió esconderlo a los criminales.
My tummy even hurt. Uncle asked whether she had been afraid and she told him she had had a little pain in her tummy at the last moment.
El tío le ha preguntado si ha pasado miedo, y ella le ha dicho que le dio dolor de barriga.
Needed something at the last moment.
Necesitaba algo en el último momento.
And, gentlemen, I regret to inform you... that at the last moment... our guest of honor was taken ill.
Y, caballeros, lamento informarles... que al menos por el momento... nuestro invitado de honor se ha puesto enfermo.
We are going to ask him at the last moment... to replace the late Junius P. Withers... and to accept the nomination for mayor!
Vamos a pedirle en el último momento... que reemplace al difunto Junius P. Withers... y que acepte la nominación para la alcaldía.
Number one, Commander, the Billing's entry, was scratched at the last moment.
El número uno, Commander, en la entrada de Billing se ha lesionado en el último momento.
I didn't want to, but at the last moment, I couldn't resist.
No quería pero no he podido resistir.
My courage failed at the last moment.
Mi valor falló a último momento.
You go ahead with your foolishness but at the last moment don't come crying to me to sing your... your masterpiece!
Sigue adelante con tus necedades pero al final no vengas a llorarme ¡ a cantar tu... tu obra maestra!
I know we've had problems before but at the last moment always it appeared something that allowed us to continue.
Sé que ya hemos tenido dificultades antes, pero en el último momento siempre apareció algo que nos permitió continuar.
Mr. Gardner and I got off the boat in a daring and dangerous manner at the last moment.
El Sr. Gardner y yo abandonamos el barco en una audaz y peligrosa maniobra en el último momento.
But at the last moment, Gerber decided not to use the button trick.
Pero en el último momento, Gerber decidió no usar ese truco.
I wish I could go out of my head at the last moment too.
Ojalá pudiera escapar de la realidad como tú.
We escaped at the last moment.
Nos escapamos.
La Señora Lawry cambió de idea y se volvió en el último momento.
I took her space at the last moment.
Tomé su lugar en el último momento.
Always those customers at the last moment.
Siempre hay clientes de última hora.
At the last moment, I couldn't go through with it.
Pero en el último minuto me arrepentí.
The Lord and I always have a bright idea at the last moment.
El Señor y yo siempre tenemos una idea en el último momento.
At the last moment, I couldn't find the necessary strength to do it. So he paid the price instead.
En el último momento no encontré la fuerza necesaria para decidirme.
They came from Santiago at the last moment to relieve me of my command... but I believe I've successfully convinced them... that I am going to be the captain of this company... or there isn't going to be any captain... eh, gentlemen?
Han venido de Santiago para relegarme del mando. Pero los he convencido de que o soy capitán de la compañía o no habrá capitán, ¿ eh, caballeros?
At the last moment, like the thief on the cross.
Como el ladrón de la crucifixión.
Or are they coming later for dinner? Um, no. They all decided to go to Hot Springs at the last moment.
Decidieron ir de vacaciones a última hora.
He said Harry had been anxious at the last moment.
Dijo que sus últimas palabras fueron para mí.
At the last moment, I told myself that if I were to die, I wouldn't see you again.
En el último instante pensé que si moría no volvería a verle.
We had tickets on the plane and everything, and at the last moment he wouldn't let me fly.
Teníamos los billetes de avión y en el último minuto no me dejó subir.
Oh, yes. Even if you arrive at the last moment, it doesn't matter.
Sí, aunque sea en el último momento, no se puede hacer nada.
He catches trains and things, but always at the last moment.
Alcanza los trenes, pero siempre en el último momento.
At the last moment, they found they had the wrong man I was saved
En el último momento descubrieron que era el hombre equivocado.
Now we were actually sailing, and we moved doubtfully... fearful that at the last moment, we might be snatched back.
Ahora íbamos a navegar de verdad y nos movíamos incrédulos temerosos de que en el último momento nos volvieran a echar atrás.
Will you not still reconsider at the Last moment, Mr. Pickwick? ALL you have to do is pay the damages and costs.
Todo lo que ha de hacer es pagar la indemnización... y las costas.
At the last moment, he cracked.
En el último momento, se vino abajo.
- Yet, at the last moment, they didn't.
En cambio, al último momento, no...
He might recant at the last moment.
Podría retractarse en el último momento.
But what happens to me, at the last moment?
A mí, en cambio, al último momento.
But you gotta do it 100 meters ahead. Not at the last moment! - Silence!
- Pero hay que hacerlo cien metros antes, no en el último momento. - ¡ Silencio!
Changed his mind at the last moment and recovered.
Cambió de opinión y se recuperó. No se puede contar con él.
At the last moment, I sent him away.
En el último momento le rechacé.
About that, uh, scene I mentioned... we ran overtime and had to cut it at the last moment.
Con respecto a la escena que mencioné... nos excedimos en el tiempo y tuvimos que cortarla.
At the last moment, someone stole my bathing suit.
alguien me robó el traje de baño.
However, the defense will be pleased to learn that, at the last moment, a witness has come forward, and that the prisoner had been seen wearing this coat and this hat.
Pero la defensa se sentirá encantada de saber que a último momento ha aparecido un testigo que ha visto al acusado con este piloto y este sombrero.
In 1918 Paris was saved at the last moment.
En 1918, París se salvò en el último momento.
And as his life ebbed, his feverish last thoughts were for his dear Edith, whom he had loved so much without her knowing it, and who at that moment may have been laughing in the gentle light of Provence.
Y mientras su vida se extinguía, sus febriles pensamientos eran para su querida Edith, a quien había amado tanto si que ella lo supiera, y quien mientras tanto debería estar riendo bajo la dulce luz de Provence.
My stiff shirt only came at the last moment.
Mi camisa almidonada llegó a última hora.
Here I stand looking at you... and a moment ago I was surrendering my last illusion... vowing to hate the world forever.
- Sí, de veras. Ahora estoy a su lado. Y hace nada era un hombre sin ilusiones.
When you go away tomorrow at the very last moment you understand, after you've said goodbye to me and to everybody else just as Lanning puts you into the carriage lean down and give your last kiss to Aunt Charlotte, will you?
Cuando te vayas mañana en el último momento cuando te hayas despedido de mí y de todos los demás cuando Lanning te haya subido al coche inclínate y dale el último beso a la tía Charlotte, ¿ vale?
We will give your orders on the village at the last possible moment.
Nos veremos al lado del pueblo para ultimar la acción.
Last night at the theater was not the right moment.
Anoche, en el teatro, no era el lugar ni el momento oportuno.
He's afraid that at, the last moment, in the arena with all the gladiators there to fight him... one of them may say something to annoy him.
Teme que en el último momento, en la arena, con los gladiadores, alguno de ellos le diga algo desagradable.
At the last possible moment, so that your enemies have no chance of striking back.
En el último momento, para que el enemigo no pueda replicar.
At this very moment, the last few passengers are deplaning.
En este momento están desembarcando los últimos pasajeros.
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the 118
at the bar 60
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the 118
at the bar 60