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Believe you me перевод на испанский

26,805 параллельный перевод
Believe you me, it's tough.
Pero es duro, créanme.
Whatever you may have heard, you must believe me when I say that there are many people jealous of Cosimo's position.
Si habéis oído algo creedme cuando digo que mucha gente envidia la posición de Cosme.
If you believe that I killed your father then kill me.
Si crees que maté a vuestro padre mátame.
"I'm leaving because, contrary to what you'll be told, " I believe in my work.
Me voy porque, al contrario de lo que te dirán, creo en mi trabajo.
I can't believe I even have to ask you, brother.
No me puedo creer que tenga que pedírtelo, hermano.
I just think you believe some of the stuff people have been sayin'about him.
Me parece que te crees algunas de las cosas que la gente dice de él.
That's why I couldn't believe you would do what you did.
Por eso no podía creer que me hicieras lo que has hecho.
I don't believe you care about me.
No creo que te importe.
I can't believe you're playing hooky for me.
No puedo creerme que hayas hecho pellas por mí.
But either you couldn't see that or you didn't believe in me.
Pero o no lo ves o no crees en mí.
I can't believe what you just did.
No me puedo creer lo que acabas de hacer.
Don't you believe me?
¿ No me crees?
- You really expect me to believe your tall tales about serial killers, demons, vampires, ghosts, zombies?
¿ De verdad quiere que crea sus cuentos de asesinos, demonios, vampiros, fantasmas, zombies?
I cannot believe you didn't tell me what he was up to.
No puedo creer que no me dijeras en qué andaba.
Do you really expect me to believe there's no one in there?
¿ De verdad quieres que crea que ahí no hay nadie?
You won't believe me, but...
No vas a creerme.
But you believe me.
Pero tu me crees.
You don't believe me?
No me crees?
You're not going to believe me, but all I did was ask.
- No me creerás, pero sólo se lo pedí.
Now I don't believe in much, as you know, but I do believe in the British constitution in all its tattered glory, and nothing, not even my devotion to you, will stop me from upholding it.
Ahora no lo creo en gran parte, como ya sabe, pero creo que la Constitución Británica en toda su gloria hecha jirones, y nada, ni siquiera mi devoción por usted, me impedirá ratificarla.
I absolutely will not give up my ladies, Sir Robert, and I believe you have no right to ask me.
En absoluto renunciaré a mis damas, sir Robert, y creo que no tiene derecho a pedírmelo.
I don't believe if Sir Robert had been my Prime Minister from the first, I would ever have liked him half as much as I like you.
No creo que si sir Robert hubiera sido mi primer ministro desde el principio, me habría gustado la mitad de lo que me gusta usted.
I find it hard to believe that she has said nothing to you.
Me cuesta trabajo creer que ella no te haya dicho nada.
If you are going to tell me that my marriage is illegal because I did not have the sovereign's consent, then I believe you are nine years too late.
Si vas a decirme que mi matrimonio es ilegal porque no tengo el consentimiento del soberano, entonces creo que llegas nueve años tarde.
Okay, well, I'm Josh, and that beautiful, talented chef I was just talking about, well I can't believe you couldn't kiss me.
Está bien, bueno, soy Josh, y esa chef hermosa y talentosa de la que hablabas, bueno no puedo creer que no pudiste besarme. A ella.
You - - you'd never believe me.
Usted nunca me creería.
If you don't believe me, ask Melissa or the waiter.
Si no me cree, pregúntele a Melissa o al camarero.
You got to believe me.
Tiene que creerme.
Contrary to what you three led me to believe, those women's prisons are nothing like the late-night Skinemax movies, so have fun.
Al contrario de lo que vosotros tres me hicisteis creer, las cárceles para mujeres no son como las películas que hacen de madrugada, así que divertíos.
I can't believe the two of you kept me in the dark about this.
No puedo creer que ambos me ocultaseis esto.
You have to believe me, Javi.
Debes creerme, Javi.
Judging by your reaction, you believe me.
- Se puede ver que cree.
I know you're not gonna believe this, but I really liked your father.
Sé que no vas a creer esto, pero realmente me caía bien tu papá.
But you don't believe me.
Pero tú no me crees.
Oh, Lexie, believe me... you're rich.
Lexie, créeme... eres rica.
It's like you don't believe in this, or me.
Es como si no creyeras en esto, o en mí.
Look, nobody is trying to destroy you, believe me.
Nadie está tratando de destruirte, créeme.
I should've listened to you when you warned me about trusting Mick, but I wanted to believe that he could change.
Debería haber escuchado cuando me advirtió acerca de confiar Mick, pero quería creer que podía cambiar.
You have to believe me.
Tienen que creerme.
You must believe me.
Tienen que creerme.
You lied to me, but that, I believe, was truth.
Me mentiste, pero eso, creo que era verdad.
I can't believe you dragged me to this place.
No puedo creer que me arrastraras a este lugar.
Believe me, you couldn't be in better hands than Dr. Downey's.
Créeme, no podrías estar en mejores manos que las del doctor Downey.
Believe me, Sergeant, I wish I could tell you something.
Créame, sargento, desearía poder decirle algo.
Can't believe you made me eat a sandwich wrapped in lettuce.
No puedo creer que me hayas hecho comer un sándwich envuelto en lechuga.
And believe me, you are not gonna crawl out from under this
Y créame, no va a arrastrarse por debajo de esto
You believe me when I tell you I love Deke and he loves me?
¿ Me creerías cuando te digo que amo a Deke y él me ama?
You know, I can't believe it.
No me lo puedo creer.
So why should I believe you'll keep your promise to me?
¿ Por qué debería creer que cumplirá esta?
You want me to believe it?
¿ Quieres que me lo crea?
I don't believe you don't believe therapy can help.
No me creo que no creas que la terapia puede ayudar.

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