Brain tumor перевод на испанский
925 параллельный перевод
What's the matter with me? Is it a brain tumor?
¿ Es un tumor cerebral?
Brooks, I'm not ruling out your diagnosis of brain tumor. I'm merely indicating other possibilities.
No descarto tu diagnóstico de un tumor cerebral, pero hay otras posibilidades.
But you don't agree he had a brain tumor.
- Pero ¿ no cree que tuviera un tumor?
It's official now, Biddle. Your brother died of a brain tumor, just as Dr. Brooks diagnosed it.
Tu hermano murió de un tumor cerebral, como diagnosticó el Dr. Brooks.
It was a brain tumor.
Era un tumor cerebral.
When it was too late, he stumbled on the idea that it was a brain tumor.
Cuando era demasiado tarde, a él se le ocurrió que era un tumor cerebral.
With all these others, like brain tumor, there would've been early indications.
Para los demás, como un tumor cerebral, habrían tenido síntomas precoces.
Those records there show that for six weeks preceding his death Morton Stearnes was being examined for a brain tumor and was suffering constant pain.
Su historial indica que seis semanas antes de su muerte a Morton Stearnes le detectaron un tumor cerebral que le provocaba continuos dolores.
-... disease, cancer, birth defects -... to answer on grounds... mental illness, ringworm, poison ivy -... tooth decay, acne, dandruff, athletes'... refuse to answer on grounds - -... measles, brain tumor -
-... enfermedades, cáncer, defectos congénitos. -... para responder a los cargos... -... enfermedad mental, hongos, alergias caries, acné, pie de atleta... -... rehúso responder en base a - -... sarampión, tumor cerebral.
That's what she died of- - Anita Louise. A brain tumor, but it was different.
Ella muere de eso, de un tumor cerebral, pero es distinto.
You thought you had a brain tumor once and it was your bowler hat.
Una vez pensaste que tenías un tumor cerebral y era el bombín.
His sister has a brain tumor.
Su hermana tiene un tumor cerebral.
I had a brain tumor... and I had visions.
Yo tuve un tumor cerebral, y tuve visiones.
The signal induces a brain tumor in the viewer.
La señal induce un tumor cerebral en el televidente.
This patient is suffering from a brain tumor... and I should not be surprised if within several weeks he died.
Este pacíente sufre de un tumor cerebral y no me sorprendería que muríera en las próxímas semanas.
Ironically, within two weeks'time... it is Dr. Birsky himself who dies of a brain tumor.
Irónícamente, dos semanas más tarde el mísmo Dr. Bírsky muere de un tumor cerebral.
I guess the dark side of the spectrum is a brain tumor.
Lo peor que podría ser es un tumor cerebral.
I got the classic symptoms of a brain tumor.
Tengo los síntomas de un tumor cerebral.
He removed a brain tumor from a lizard.
Le quitó un tumor cerebral a un lagarto
If I medicined you, you'd think a brain tumor was a birthday present.
Si yo te medicara, pensarías que un tumor cerebral es un regalo de cumpleaños.
I have a brain tumor. I'll tell you what my problem is.
Te diré cual es mi problema :
Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?
¿ Has desayunado un tumor cerebral?
My dear professor, the causes of coma are encephalitis, cerebral bleeding, thrombosis, brain tumor, uraemia, diabetic complications.
Querido profesor, las causas del coma son... encefalitis, hemorragia cerebral, trombosis, tumor cerebral, uremia, complicaciones diabéticas...
I thought you had a brain tumor or something.
Pensé que tenías un tumor cerebral o algo así.
"You have an inoperable brain tumor in your cerebellum."
"Tiene un tumor cerebral inoperable en el cerebelo".
He does another CAT scan, he comes in and says, "You don't have a brain tumor in your cerebellum, you have a subdural hematoma here."
Me hizo otra tomografía, viene y me dice, "Ud. no tiene un tumor cerebral en el cerebelo sino una hematoma subdural".
I mean, if you had a brain tumor, you wouldn't shop around for the cheapest surgeon, you'd look for the best.
Quiero decir, si uno tiene un tumor cerebral, no buscarían al cirujano más barato, buscarían al mejor.
I have a grade four brain tumor.
Tengo un tumor cerebral avanzado.
Of a sick brain, yes.
- Sí, tiene un tumor cerebral.
Emilio says that a tumor is swallowing my brain.
Emilio me ha dicho que un tumor se está tragando mi cerebro.
You may not know this, But Ambrose's father died of a tumor on the brain.
Puede que no lo sepas,... pero el padre de Ambrose murió de un tumor cerebral.
The tumor, they said, was beginning to press on his brain.
El tumor, dijeron, empezó a presionar su cerebro.
There is a particular affliction of the brain, in the case of a tumor Or similar growth, which results in the sufferers becoming troubled with delusions
" Hay una particular afección del cerebro, en el caso de un tumor o un bulto similar, lo cual resulta que los enfermos vean ilusiones.
she's got a brain tumor.
Tiene un tumor cerebral.
I'm not exactly sure, but I think it's different with a brain tumor.
No estoy seguro, pero no creo que sea un tumor, tiene otros síntomas.
We removed a tumor from, her brain.
Sacamos un tumor de su cerebro.
Unless, of course, there's some major organic cause behind it all : In the brain, a tumor in the midbrain.
A menos que haya algún gran hallazgo orgánico en el cerebro, un tumor, en el mesencéfalo.
A brain tumour.
Un tumor cerebral.
I think that it is not really a tumor... not an uncontrolled, undirected little bubbling pot of flesh... but that it is in fact... a new organ... a new part of the brain.
No es un pedazo de tejido sin rumbo e incontrolable, sino es en realidad... un nuevo órgano, una nueva parte del cerebro.
Brain tumour.
Un tumor cerebral.
I'm sure I'm getting a brain tumour.
Creo que tengo un tumor en la cabeza.
I have a brain tumor!
Tengo un tumor cerebral!
If you've got a headache, she's got a brain tumour.
Si uno tiene jaqueca, ella tiene un tumor.
I have a brain tumour.
Tengo un tumor cerebral.
- Or we can give her a brain tumour.
- O un tumor cerebral.
Wonderful, a brain tumour!
íGenial, un tumor cerebral!
What's that, the third brain tumour this season?
¿ El tercer tumor de esta temporada?
Billionaire patriarch Carter Hedison, having recently recovered from a brain tumour, battles death once again as his ambitious daughter Rachel plots her next move.
hospital comunitario ASHFORD FALLS El patriarca millonario Carter Hedison, recientemente recuperado de un tumor cerebral, lucha por su vida mientras su ambiciosa hija Rachel planea su siguiente paso.
Lee, you think you got a small part now, how would you like a brain tumour?
Lee, tu papel te parece poca cosa. ¿ Qué tal un tumor cerebral?
He knows about our phony drug test, your brain tumour, and even my... My... Amnesia!
Sabe lo de la prueba falsa de la medicina, tu tumor cerebral, y hasta mi... mi... íAmnesia!
- You're going to give me a brain tumour!
- Me pondrás un tumor cerebral.
tumor 31
brain 227
brains 203
brainiac 28
brainstorm 21
brain freeze 19
brainy 41
brainer 146
brain damage 30
brained 21
brain 227
brains 203
brainiac 28
brainstorm 21
brain freeze 19
brainy 41
brainer 146
brain damage 30
brained 21