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Do you like him перевод на испанский

1,624 параллельный перевод
- Do you like him?
- ¿ Te gusta él?
Do you like him?
¿ Te gusta?
- Do you like him?
- ¿ Te gusta?
- How do you like him now!
Cuánto te le asemejas...
Spill it. Do you like him?
Anda. ¿ Te gusta?
Do you like him better than Dad?
¿ Te agrada más que papá?
Do you like him?
¿ ÉI te gusta?
- Do you like him?
- ¿ Te cae bien?
Do you like him?
¿ A ti te gusta?
And it's been like this forever, and you just let him do it. - You can't help it.
Y ha sido así siempre y sólo lo dejas hacer, no puedes evitarlo.
You really don't like him much, do you?
No te cae muy bien, ¿ verdad?
Who do you think taught him how to blow-dry his hair like that?
¿ Quién crees que le enseñó cómo brushing el pelo así?
Look, do you really think we would hurt him? He was like our own son.
¿ Realmente piensan que lo lastimaríamos?
Oh, Emmett, if you only knew him like I do.
Oh, Emmett, si lo conocieras como lo conozco yo.
I just don't want him believing some misleading ad that makes it seem like all you have to do is pop some pill and you're as good as new.
Es solo que no quiero que crea en algunos comerciales que circulan por ahí. hacen sentir que todo lo que tienes que hacer, es tomar la píldora y te sentirás como nuevo.
Well, whatever you are. If you'd like to spend more time with him, all you have to do is ask.
Bueno, seas lo que seas, si quieres pasar más tiempo con él, sólo tienes que pedirlo.
Christopher Duncan Turk, you tell him how you really feel, just like you told me last night, or I will do it for you.
Christopher Duncan Turk, dile como te sientes realmente...
Maybe you should do something nice for Rowdy, like get him cleaned.
Quizás deberías hacerle algo lindo a Rowdy. Como llevarlo a bañar.
What do you like about him?
qué te gusta de él?
How do you know if you like him?
¿ Y cómo sabes si te gusta?
hen... how do you know if you like him?
¿ Y cómo sabes si te gusta?
What--do you not like him? No, he's nice. You two are wonderful together.
No es eso, es simpático y hacen buena pareja.
You really do like him.
De verdad te gustaba.
I mean, all due respect, but do like unless you step to him.
Con todos los respetos, pero a menos que camines hacia él.
I felt like I owed him... the last thing I wanted to do was upset you if there was no point to it, so... if there's anything I can help with or any questions you need answered... or whatever.
Sentí que se lo debía... La última cosa que quería hacer es molestarla si no tiene sentido, así que... Si hay algo en lo que pueda ayudar o alguna pregunta que necesita respuesta.
You don't want to think that you're with someone... just because everyone else thinks you should be... because we're not assigned to people like, you know... parking spaces, and, um... and you do love him, you know?
No quieres pensar que estás con alguien... sólo porque todos los demás piensan que así debe ser... Porque no es que estemos asignados a otras personas como... como si fueran espacios para estacionar. Es porque realmente lo amas...
It might help if you just hugged him, like you used to do.
Quizás ayude si lo llevas contigo como hacías antes.
And I will not let you get him hurt again like that do you hear me?
¡ No dejaré que vuelvas a perjudicarlo!
- You don't know him like I do.
- Tû no lo conoces como yo.
That man Nobu. Do you really like him?
¿ De veras te gusta ese hombre?
It's like those paintings you do of him - they're perfect.
Igual que los cuadros que pintas de él.
- Do you want to end like him?
- ¿ Quieres terminar como él?
Do you like screwing him?
¿ Te gusta coger con él?
- What would you like to do to him?
- ¿ Qué le quieres hacer?
And he said to Jeff, asked him a very important question,'which of these cabin configurations do you like best, Jeff?
Y le dijo a Jeff... Le preguntó algo importante : "¿ Cuál combinación de cabina te gusta más, Jeff?"
What a beauty, you have him at school, not like we that destroy and drain him. Do you keep a cigarette?
¡ Qué belleza, lo tienes en la escuela, no como nosotros que le enseñamos a destruir. ¿ Tienes un cigarrillo?
Or do you wanna die like him?
¿ Quieres morir como él?
With a gesture like this, you would show the Chief that you are prepared to do anything for him.
Con un gesto así le demostrarías al Jefe que estás preparado para hacer lo que sea por él..
Why do you let him talk to me like that?
¿ Por qué dejas que me hable así?
Killed him like a dog, and it's nothing to do with you?
Lo mataron como a un perro, ¿ Y tú no tienes nada con eso?
No... well... I do like him, it's just that... Why do you ask me that?
Porque en la cosa esa sólo mencionaste a tu hermana.
There were some changes in his behavior and we didn't really quite know what was going on with him. Randy : You know, when you do stuff like that, you throw me off, Daniel.
Ya no quería tocar, le cambió el carácter sin darnos cuenta.
I mean, it was like, if I was around van gogh... You know, I've always had contempt for those people who didn't understand genius, and here I am given my shot and what I'm saying is, please put him in the hospital'cause we don't wanna have to deal with him. We don't know what to do.
Yo condenaba a quienes no entendieron a Van Gogh, a los que no entendían a los genios y en cambio yo pedí que lo ingresaran, porque no sabíamos qué hacer con él.
And I wrote him back like, "do I remember you? " I read your poems all the time, still. "
Le respondí que no había dejado de leer sus poemas.
- Do you like him?
¿ Le gusta?
You're forcing him to do what he doesn't like.
Lo estás forzando a hacer algo que no le gusta.
Don't you want to know what it felt like to take a friend and do that to him?
¿ No quieres saber qué se siente al hacerle eso a un amigo?
It's not like i know him better than you, but we do talk.
No es que lo conozca mejor que tú, pero hemos hablado.
Look, I don't like it any more than you do, but if listening to him helps us get the bomb back, I can live with it.
Mira, a mí me gusta menos que a ti pero si escucharle nos ayuda a recuperar la bomba puedo vivir con ello.
All you gotta do is dress up like a bum and fight him.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es vestirte como un vagabundo y pelear.
You don't love him, do you? You don't even seem to like him. But I do love my people.
tu no lo amas ni siquiera te gusta pero amo a mi gente no te vas a casar con ellos tu no lo comprendes tengo deberes con mi padre y con mi tribu tengo que hacer esto adiós

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