Even if you did перевод на испанский
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You think you're superior, but you're quite an ordinary man... even if you did marry money... and people like me have got to slave for you... for 320 marks a month.
Se cree superior, pero es un hombre de lo más corriente... aunque se casara con el dinero... y la gente como yo tenga que ser su esclava... por 320 marcos al mes.
Even if you did get one, why, all he'd do is sit by the side of the bed and start crabbing the government for not stamping out fever.
Aunque consiguiera uno, no hacen más que lamentarse del gobierno y recetar brandy para la fiebre...
Even if you did, it wouldn't make any difference to me.
Aunque lo hubieras hecho, no cambiaría nada para mí.
And even if you did, what could you do with a million soldiers?
Y aunque la tuvieras, ¿ qué harías con un millón de soldados?
Even if you did tell the cops, I was in on it with you what could they do to me?
Aunque cuentes a la poli que estaba contigo ¿ qué me pueden hacer a mí?
All right, so even if you did, which I doubt... - Who'd get the money?
Vale, si lo hicieras, cosa que dudo, ¿ quién se llevaría la pasta?
And even if you did, don't you see?
Y si Ie encuentras,?
Even if you did have a fight with him, he's in trouble.
Incluso aunque te hayas peleado, está en problemas.
Look, kid, even if you did it you're not here to be punished.
Mira, niño, aunque tú hayas sido aquí no se te va a castigar.
Even if you did make a promise to your father.
Aunque se lo hayas prometido a tu padre.
And even if you did, they'd only say you should've divorced her, that's all, instead of...
Y aunque lo hiciera el jurado pensaría... que podría haberse divorciado, en vez de...
Even if you did see your husband last night, you could not have killed him.
Aunque anoche viera a su esposo, no pudo matarle.
And I wouldn't even know you if I did. And yet, I'll remember you always.
Si volviera a verte, no te reconocería... y sin embargo te recordaré siempre.
It's good to have you here, Luke, even if it did take a bullet to bring you.
Me alegra tenerte aquí, aunque tuvieran que herirte para ello.
Well, even if I did have, haven't you got every boy in town on your string?
Aun si así fuera, ¿ no tienes a todos los... chicos pendientes de ti?
But even if she did, why did you leave without a word?
Pero aunque lo hiciera. ¿ Por qué se fue sin decir una palabra?
Even if she did betray you, don't commit a worse crime.
Incluso si ella le ha traicionado, no cometa un crimen peor.
But even if he did, you've got to take the case.
Igualmente, debes aceptar el caso.
It wouldn't hurt you even if it did.
No te lastimaría aunque se disparara. Mira.
Even if I did, I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you.
Y aunque lo supiera, lo siento, no podría decírtelo.
You're thinking that she's a fool for doing it even if it did save your hide.
Piensas que es tonta, aunque te salvó el pellejo.
Well, even if I did want to write the book, and I don't, mind you...
Aunque quisiera escribir el libro, que no quiero, ten en cuenta...
In the first place, there's no reason why they should acquit me and even if they did, I wouldn't marry you.
No hay razón para que me dejen en libertad. Y si lo hicieran, no me casaría contigo.
He'd have come in and when he did, even if he'd never met you.
Habría venido cuando vino aunque nunca la hubiera conocido.
But even if I did think you werert the worst-looking guy in the world, supposing even I told you you looked like someone I was once dumb enough to go for, what would it get me?
Incluso si no fueras tan feo, incluso si me recordaras a alguien por quien hice una tontería, ¿ qué sacaría?
Y aunque Margot dijera que eras malo y tuvo que abandonarte, creo que si estás casado, después puedes aprender a amar a alguien.
If you loved me at all, you never would have left here, even if I did tell you to get out.
Si me quisierais, no os hubierais marchado, aunque yo os lo hubiera dicho.
Even if you thought you did, you'd give him a break...'cause he might be a good guy.
Aunque sea solo una corazonada, déle una oportunidad, pues podría tratarse de un buen tipo.
But even if I did call you "Sir", I hope that we're still friends.
Pero aunque le trate de usted seguimos siendo amigos.
Even if it did, my darling, do you think I'd care a rap?
Incluso si fuera así, querida, ¿ crees que me importaría lo más mínimo?
And he's out of reach and likely to stay there, even if he did amuse himselfwith you when there was nothing better about.
Y ése está fuera de tu alcance y lo seguirá estando... incluso aunque se entretuviera contigo cuando no tenía nada mejor a mano.
"What makes you so different?" Of course, I could always trim his eyebrows a little, but even if I did, what would I have?
Puedo cambiar, pero si lo hago, ¿ que tendría?
It was nice of you to recognize me... even if Step did give me the cold shoulder.
Yo lo he olvidado. Me alegra que me reconociera, aunque Paso me diera de lado.
I don't know what's said here, and even if I did - - You wouldn't tell me.
No escucho lo que se dice aquí, pero si lo supiese No me diría nada.
Even if I did marry Steve, I wouldn't be leaving you forever.
Aunque me casara con Steve, jamás te dejaría.
Did you ask yourself even once if I loved you?
¿ Te has preguntado una sola vez... si yo te amo?
The Emperor wouldn't listen to you. Even if he did, he wouldn't believe his ears.
Y si lo hace, no se creerá lo que oye.
You see, if she'd slipped from here... or even a few steps down... she couldn't possibly have landed where she did... - because we've tested that... - unless she was pushed.
Mire, si ella hubiera resbalado desde aquí... o incluso desde un poco más abajo... posiblemente no hubiera caído donde lo hizo... porque hemos comprobado eso... a no ser que la empujaran.
Now, Mr Cadell, even if I did know, do you think I'd tell?
Vamos, Sr. Cadell, aunque lo supiera, ¿ cree que se lo diría?
Because I want to help you. I want you to feel that even if you think... you did something you shouldn't have, nobody'll punish you here.
Porque quiero que sienta que incluso si piensa que hizo algo que no debió hacer, nadie la castigará aquí.
Even if I did, I don't think you could possibly understand.
Aunque lo supiera, creo que no lo entenderías.
Well, even if I did have one, what would you do with it if I threw it?
En caso de que la tuviera, ¿ qué harías si te la lanzara?
Mr. Johnson, even if I did make an exception, it wouldn't do you any good.
Sr. Johnson, Si hiciera una excepción, no aportaría nada.
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
No sé lo que hizo o no hizo tu padre, pero debes entender que no importa.
Even if I did, I'd make an exception to you.
Aunque así fuera, haría la excepción por usted.
Even if I did, you wouldn't.
Aunque así fuera, no huirías.
And anyway, even if I did, why did I have to go and tell you about it?
Y aunque así fuera, ¿ por qué tuve que contárselo a Ud.? - ¿ Estás llorando de nuevo?
Even if he did want to marry you,
Aun si él quisiera casarse contigo,
When did you decide to betray me? Didn't you know that it's impossible to run? Even if you were locked up in the monkey's quarters?
Cuando decidiste traicionarme nunca pensaste que era imposible escapar... ni aunque te entregases a la policía y te guardasen en el cuartel de los macacos.
Well, look, dad. Now, that's not going to be so easy. You see, it's kind of late, and even if I did want to do it...
Papá, no va a ser tan fácil, verás, ya es tarde y aunque yo quisiera hacerlo...
And even if I did, I wouldn't take something from someone like you... with a tarbrush rubbed across his face.
Y aunque lo hiciera, no le quitaría nada a alguien como tú... con alquitrán en toda la cara.
even if you don't 27
even if it hurts 20
even if it is 23
even if 79
even if i wanted to 108
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even if that's true 36
even if you're right 47
even if it hurts 20
even if it is 23
even if 79
even if i wanted to 108
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even if that's true 36
even if you're right 47
even if it's true 16
even if i was 18
even if it kills me 19
even if that were true 32
even if i could 39
even if it was 20
even if he did 22
if you didn't 56
if you did 198
if you did that 17
even if i was 18
even if it kills me 19
even if that were true 32
even if i could 39
even if it was 20
even if he did 22
if you didn't 56
if you did 198
if you did that 17
if you didn't know 17
if you didn't do it 20
you did 4907
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
if you didn't do it 20
you did 4907
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't like it 52
you did great 231
you didn't call me 25
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't do it 92
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't like it 52
you did great 231
you didn't call me 25
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't do it 92