For sure перевод на испанский
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- For sure.
- Por supuesto.
But'71, he would have beat that boy for sure.
All I know for sure is, whatever Judy has to say, it won't be pointed in my direction.
Solo sé que nada de lo que diga tendrá que ver conmigo.
Gentle jog for sure.
Trotando, seguro.
He's hiding something for sure.
Fijo que está escondiendo algo.
I know that for sure.
Eso seguro.
No, no, for sure that's on.
No, no, claro, eso sigue en pie.
- Yeah, for sure.
- Sí, claro.
But there is no way of knowing for sure.
Pero no hay manera de estar seguros al 100 %.
Yeah, they would have gotten out of the city for sure.
Sí, habrán salido de la ciudad con seguridad.
Dehydration, bruises easy, joint hyper mobility... that's for sure.
Deshidratación, magulladuras, junto con hipermovilidad articular... Eso seguro.
So I cried that day, for sure.
Ese día lloré, por supuesto.
- For sure!
- ¡ Claro!
- For sure.
- Sin lugar a duda.
You know, at the same time, adulthood is just a mask, a sophisticated mask, for sure.
Ya sabes, al mismo tiempo, la adultez es sólo una máscara, una sofisticada máscara, con certeza.
I didn't, really, not for sure, but I guess I do now.
No lo sabía. - No estaba segura.
They would've killed him, for sure.
Lo habrían matado, seguro.
For sure.
Con certeza.
I'd know for sure.
Estoy segura.
He didn't say what for, but he's sure as hell after us.
No dijo por qué, pero... es tan seguro como el infierno que anda tras nosotros.
Could I show you around? There are some real feasts for the eyes here. [Laughs ] [ Chuckles] Sure.
hay verdaderos deleites para los ojos aqui claro despues de ti y luego, me deleitare de tus ojos Lub-lub-lub-lub-lub-lub.
That's for damn sure.
Eso está jodidamente claro.
I'm sure that would work out great for you.
Seguro eso funcionaría genial para tí.
♪ I'm afraid that I'm not sure of ♪ ♪ A love there is no cure for ♪
* Tengo miedo de no estar segura de que * * no hay cura para el amor *
Then we will find him for sure.
Entonces, lo encontraremos, seguramente.
I will do something for sure.
Voy a hacer algo seguramente.
Sure, once in a while, we got lucky and picked somebody up. But it was rarely the guy we were looking for.
A veces teníamos suerte y dábamos con alguien, pero rara vez era quien buscábamos.
So, as I'm sure you know, I recently asked for a resource redirect into some emerging players in the trafficking world.
Como sabrás, hace poco pedí que desplazáramos recursos para controlar a ciertos actores emergentes del narcotráfico.
And then now you come traipsing back here for who knows how long, and I'm gonna make Goddamn sure that when you fail him, at least he saw it coming.
Y ahora apareces aquí no se sabe por cuánto tiempo, y me voy a asegurar de que cuando le falles, al menos lo vea venir.
She's sure they knew she was there and she's out for blood.
Además está obsesionada con que alguien sabía que ella estaba allí, y ahora quiere sangre.
Anyway, I don't know if that's what you're looking for, but either way, you can be sure this life of mine is punishment enough for the things I've done.
De todos modos, no sé si eso es lo que estás buscando, pero de cualquier manera, puedes estar seguro que esta vida mía es castigo suficiente por las cosas que he hecho.
Frank brings Little Jay and pals, makes sure Little Jay trades the cash for Chester's fine product, and then you duck,'cause we're coming in hot and nasty.
Frank trae a Little Jay y sus amigos, asegúrate de que Little Jay intercambia el dinero por el producto de Chester, y luego agáchate, porque vamos a llegar a tope y desagradablemente.
No one knows for sure why this happens.
Nadie sabe a ciencia cierta por qué pasa.
You know, I'm sure it's fun having some disposable income, but you gotta stop... buying stuff you don't even have room for.
Ya sabes, estoy segura de que es divertido tener algo de dinero, pero tienes que parar de comprar cosas para las que ni siquiera tienes sitio.
I'm not sure that would've worked out for either of us.
No estoy segura de que hubiese funcionado, para ninguna de las dos.
You know, for a pretty scared guy, you sure do hang around with some dangerous types.
Sabes, para una persona muy asustada, te gusta andar con personas muy peligrosas.
- I'm sure it'll all work out, as long as we find the thing we're looking for.
- Estoy seguro de que todo se resolverá siempre y cuando encontremos la cosa que estamos buscando.
For a while, Catherine looked more forward thinking than any of her European counterparts and she made sure that they knew it.
Por un momento, Catalina tuvo una visión de más largo alcance que cualquier otra contrapartida europea y se aseguró de que lo supieran.
Sheriff Acosta and I are doing everything possible to make sure that we apprehend the person responsible for these heinous crimes.
El sheriff Acosta y yo hacemos todo lo posible para asegurarnos de que se capture al responsable de estos crímenes atroces.
Sure, haven't slept for three days, when he gets out I'm throwing a big party, everyone's gotta come.
Ya lo creo, llevo tres días sin dormir. Pero ahora que sale tengo que hacer una gran fiesta. Tiene que venir todo el mundo.
Thank you for joining me on what I'm sure will be a memorable evening.
Gracias por venir a lo que será una noche memorable.
Sorry for bluntness, but I need what I need. So that means I must make sure that you're never tempted to kill them ever again.
Siento ser rudo pero haré lo que sea necesario, así que... debo asegurarme que jamás vuelvas a intentar matarlos.
And we now know that they knew about this for, you know, a good 18 months and were completely working overtime to make sure no one would find out about it. There's no doubt in your mind this was a cover-up?
Y ahora sabemos que lo sabían desde hacía unos 18 meses... y trabajaban tiempo extra para que nadie se enterara.
I'm not looking for an answer any time soon, and I'm truly not suggesting that we get back together,'cause I don't think we should, but... if you want to be a part of this kid's life, I will make sure that there is space for that to happen.
No estoy esperando una pronta respuesta, y tampoco estoy sugiriendo que volvamos juntos, porque no creo que debiéramos, pero... si quieres formar parte de la vida de este niño, me aseguraré de que haya espacio para que esto ocurra.
I, haven't packed up... anything up for you, because I wasn't sure what you wanted.
No te he empaquetado nada, porque no estaba seguro de lo que querías.
Okay, I'm sure you both want to settle in and you should probably rest up for the blessing of the mangoes, so I'm gonna go.
Bien, estoy seguro de que ambos desean instalarse y descansar para la bendición, así que me iré.
Besides, I'm sure you had a really good reason for standing me up.
Además, estoy segura de que tuviste una buena razón para plantarme.
I'm sure you can understand how painful your constant reports are for this family.
Estoy segura de que puede comprender lo dolorosos que... sus constantes reportajes resultan para esta familia.
I'm not sure we're gonna have power for this little while.
No estoy seguro de que vamos a tener el poder para este momento.
I'm sure he had a good reason for being there.
Seguro que tenía un buen motivo para estar ahí.
I've been busy, you know, fighting for my homeland and making sure Vulchazor doesn't get his hands on the staff of Quiv, okay?
He estado ocupado, ya sabes, luchando por mi patria Y asegurandome que Vulchazor no ponga sus manos sobre la gente de Quiv, ¿ ok?
sure 38285
surely 971
suresh 61
sure i'm sure 17
sure you were 30
sure i can 72
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you do 255
sure we can 55
surely 971
suresh 61
sure i'm sure 17
sure you were 30
sure i can 72
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you do 255
sure we can 55
sure is 153
surely not 99
sure i do 177
sure does 54
sure it is 177
sure i am 51
sure thing 785
sure we are 22
sure you are 144
sure there is 44
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sure does 54
sure it is 177
sure i am 51
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sure we are 22
sure you are 144
sure there is 44
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sure i will 32
sure he will 16
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sure they are 18
sure it does 32
sure it was 24
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sure he is 30
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sure they are 18
sure it does 32
sure it was 24