For your wife перевод на испанский
2,875 параллельный перевод
And this... For your wife.
Y esto... para tu mujer.
Ah. Want to tip one back for your wife?
¿ Quieres un nuevo consejo para tu esposa?
Christopher, do you take Aurore for your wife, and promise to remain faithful to her, in happiness and in hard times, in sickness and in health, and love her all the days of your life?
¿ tomas a Aurore como tu esposa, y prometes serle fiel, en la felicidad y en los momentos difíciles, en la enfermedad y en la salud, y amarla todos los días de tu vida? Si. Aurore,
Be sure to take some home for your wife.
Asegúrese de llevarse a casa para su mujer.
For your wife? !
¿ Para tu esposa?
That's no place for your wife.
No es buen camino para su esposa.
It could be very upsetting for you, and for your wife.
Podrían afectarle mucho y también a su esposa.
None of them have links to the terrorists that were responsible for your wife's death.
Ninguno de ellos tiene vínculos con los terroristas responsables por la muerte de tu esposa.
I shall have a word with the medic, get something for your wife, help her sleep.
Voy a hablar con el médico para que le dé algo a su mujer que la ayude a dormir.
For your wife?
¿ Para tu esposa?
No, actually I'm here for your wife.
No, en realidad, estoy aquí por su esposa.
And there's someone for you to call, and for your wife to turn to if there are problems.
Así, usted y su esposa pueden llamarnos si surge algún problema.
Did you order extra for your wife?
- ¿ Encargaste extra por tu esposa?
Shall I ask the nurse to arrange for your wife to come and collect you?
Voy a pedir a la enfermera los arreglos para que su esposa venga a recogerlo?
It's as real as the love that you feel for your wife.
Es real como el amor que sientes por tu esposa.
If you're looking for your wife...
Si estás buscando a tu esposa...
For your wife.
Para tu mujer.
Well, I mean, it's... it's natural, you know, to still have feelings for your ex-wife.
Bueno, lo que quiero decir es, es... Es natural, ya sabes, tener aún sentimientos por tu ex-esposa.
Look, I'm sorry that your wife is sick, but the people who are on that list ahead of her are there for a reason.
Mira, siento que tu mujer esté enferma, pero la gente que está por delante de ella en esa lista están ahí por una razón.
Sort your wife out or I'll do it for you!
¡ Corrige a tu mujer, si no lo haré yo!
Your wife is presenting her pupil for the national scholarship.
Tu mujerva a presentar a su alumna a la beca nacional, ¿ no?
I was wondering if there was a possibility for me to be invited to one of those parties you and your wife have occasionally?
Quería saber si existe la posibilidad de ser invitada... a esas fiestas que su esposa y usted organizan.
If you don't, I'll kiss your wife goodbye for you.
Si no lo haces, me despediré de tu esposa por ti.
They're a present for you and your wife.
Son un regalo para usted y su esposa.
It's not gonna change the fact that your wife left you for an Indian.
Eso no cambiará la realidad que su esposa lo dejo por un Indio.
That's for you and your wife to decide.
Eso es algo que tú y tu esposa deben decidir.
Mr Rackham! I've been telling you for months, your wife requires specialist treatment away from this house.
¡ Mr Rackham! Te he estado diciendo durante meses que tu esposa necesita tratamiento especial lejos de esta casa.
Your son will live with coach Gardner and his wife for the remainder of the school year.
Su hijo va a vivir con el entrenador Gardner y su esposa por lo que queda del año escolar.
Then we won't have to go after your wife for aiding and abetting, and as a conspirator in the escape.
Así no tendremos que ir tras tu mujer por complicidad y encubrimiento, y como conspiradora en el escape.
- Yeah, well, we have your wife To thank for food poisoning us.
Bueno, tenemos a tu mujer para agradecerle que nos intoxicase con su comida
Wilkins took out your wife first, but not before torturing her for your whereabouts.
Wilkins llevó a tú mujer primero, pero no antes de torturarla por tú paradero.
You and your wife served your cock for breakfast?
Que tu esposa te sirva tu pene de desayuno, no es muy dulce.
Say hello to your wife and kids for me, Billy. How old is Jack now?
Saluda a tu esposa y niños por mí, Billy. ¿ Qué edad tiene Jack ahora?
Last I heard, he was in prison for killing your wife.
Lo último que supe, es que estaba en prisión por matar a su mujer.
I know it's too low brow for your Harvard tastes but my wife loves snow globes.
Sé que es demasiado vulgar para tu gusto de Harvard pero a mi esposa le encantan las esferas de vidrio.
See, our good friend's sitting in your living room right now with your wife and daughter, waiting for a kill order from me.
Mira, nuestro buen amigo está sentado en este momento en tu salón con tu esposa e hija, esperando una orden mía para matarlas.
And I have snacks for you or your wife.
Y conseguí los piqueos para Ud. o su esposa.
Somehow you're gonna improve on that snow globe that you got your wife for your anniversary.
Vas a tener mejorar ese globo de nieve que le diste a tu esposa en su aniversario.
You invited your wife out for drinks so you could point her out to the hit man.
Invitaste a tú esposa a unos tragos para que pudieras señalarsela al asesino a sueldo.
And buy some chocolates for your poor wife.
Y cómprele algunos chocolates a su pobre esposa.
Back in Urman, we have people, food, kids, TV... Lyoshka! - Your wife will be calling me names... for your food.
Verás, en Orman, hay gente, hay comida, hay chicos, hay televisión, Loshka, podrás jugar con los chicos.
Very well. You work for a company that has a contract with the U.S. military, and you keep it secret from your very own wife, do you not?
Trabaja para una compañía que tiene un contrato con el ejército, y no se lo ha dicho ni a su propia esposa, ¿ verdad?
Your wife's waiting for you.
Tu esposa te está esperando.
Mr. Holland... You were spying on your wife for the DEA.
Sr. Holland... espiaba a su mujer para la DEA.
And if you're not gonna help us, I will settle for you and your wife.
Y si no va a ayudarnos, les acusaré a usted y a su esposa.
Everyone's well aware of your enduring fondness for Lord Stark's wife.
Todo el mundo está al corriente de vuestra imperecedera debilidad por la mujer de Lord Stark.
He had given me money to be your wife only for a day.
Él me había dado dinero por hacer de tu esposa un día.
But you kept me as your wife for three days.
Pero he estado contigo tres días.
You forgive me for murdering your wife. ♪ ♪ - Hey, Goldenface.
Me perdones por asesinar a tu mujer.
Your wife prayed for liberation.
Su esposa rezó por la liberación.
And your wife will leave with the painting you paid for.
Y tu esposa se irá con la Pintura que has pagado.
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your mother 31
for your 26
for your safety 30
for your own safety 97
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your mother 31
for your 26
for your safety 30
for your own safety 97
for your time 16
for your trouble 28
for your help 20
for your family 28
for your own protection 24
for yourself 58
for your loss 23
for your son 19
for your father 16
your wife 674
for your trouble 28
for your help 20
for your family 28
for your own protection 24
for yourself 58
for your loss 23
for your son 19
for your father 16
your wife 674
your wife is calling 16
your wife is here 25
your wife is dead 22
your wife's 16
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
for you 2938
for you too 25
for you and me 24
for years 380
your wife is here 25
your wife is dead 22
your wife's 16
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
for you 2938
for you too 25
for you and me 24
for years 380