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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ G ] / Get on your feet

Get on your feet перевод на испанский

751 параллельный перевод
- Get on your feet.
- De pie.
- Get on your feet, I say.
- De pie.
I said get on your feet, all of you. Now come on.
Dije que se levantaran, todos.
Get on your feet and put your hands up.
Ponte de pie y levanta las manos.
Get on your feet.
Póngase de pie.
Get on your feet.
Boys, get on your feet.
En pie, chicos.
Get on your feet here.
Ponte de pie.
Will you get on your feet and get back there.
Póngase de pie y retroceda.
Get on your feet, men. Up and at'em.
De pie, todos.
Come on, get on your feet, Todd.
Vamos, levántate, Todd.
Fresh air will take away that headache. Get on your feet.
Le vendrá bien tomar el aire.
So get on your feet and start digging in.
Así que en pie y a cavar.
Stand up! Get on your feet!
En pie, levántate.
Get on your feet. Get in here.
Levántense, formen fila.
Come on. Get on your feet.
¡ Poneos de pie!
All right, kid, get on your feet.
Muy bien, chico, de pie.
You'll get on your feet again.
Pronto estará de nuevo en pie.
Get on your feet.
Stand up. Get on your feet.
Poneos en pie, levantaos.
Get on your feet, Bennie.
Oh, well, this will spot you till you get back on your feet then, huh?
Entonces esto le servirá hasta que salga del arroyo.
Get your feet on the ground.
Pon los pies sobre la tierra.
- You two, get your feet on the ground.
- Ustedes dos, de pie.
You can still fall down but you will always get back on your feet.
Todavía pueden caerse pero siempre volverán sobre sus pies.
You'd better put your shoe on, or you'll get cold feet.
Mejor que te pongas el zapato antes de que se te enfríen los pies.
Come on, get up on your feet.
Venga, levántate...
If that's what it takes to get you on your feet, go ahead!
¡ Si es lo que hace falta para que te pares, hazlo!
Don't just clap your hands for exercise, but get off your feet and get on them.
No se limiten a aplaudir, levántense y háganlas ustedes.
Get up on your feet.
Ponte en pie.
Get up on your feet.
Ponte de pie.
You may be broke but you've got us and we'll get together and put you back on your feet where you belong.
Puedes estar arruinado pero nos tienes a nosotros... y nos uniremos y te pondremos en pie en el lugar al que perteneces.
And I said the way to get in was for you to be important... to stand on your own feet... not depend on your father for everything you want.
Y te dije que el importante debías ser tú darte a valer solo y no depender de tu padre para todo.
She'd get me on my feet so quick, it'd make your head swim.
Me curaría en un periquete.
Now then, since I don't care to get my feet wet, you'll carry me across on your back.
Y como no quiero mojarme los pies me llevarás en tu espalda.
Get up on your feet.
¡ Ponte de pie!
De pie.
Levántate y mira hacia la pared.
Go on. Be a good boy. Don't get your feet wet.
Ve y sé un buen muchacho, no te mojes los pies.
Listen, next time you're out on that range, be sure your sling is tight. Get a good grip on the ground and dig your feet in the dirt.
Óyeme : cuando estés en el campo de tiro, asegura tu portafusil, sujétalo firmemente, y pon los pies en tierra con firmeza.
The McGuire slogan is to get there on your feet, not your face.
McGuire quiere que uses los pies, no la cara.
You're gonna be a star, but you gotta get there on your feet, not your face.
Serás una estrella, con los pies en la tierra, no por la cara.
Come on, get up on your feet.
¡ Por favor! Levántate.
Just to tide you over, sort of get you on your feet.
-... sólo para ayudarte a echar a andar...
"Get up." Get up on your feet!
"Arriba" Ponte de pie!
Now, you, farmer, get your hands up. And you, Fritz throw the bag on the floor. Over here by my feet.
Y tú, campesino, manos arriba y usted, Fritz, arroje al piso ese maletín aquí, cerca de mis pies.
You and me oughta get friendly when you're on your feet again, Dixon.
Deberíamos ser buenos amigos cuando se encuentre bien.
We'll get together when you're on your feet.
Ya nos veremos cuando te levantes.
And you just can't get back on your feet, and you get fed up.
Y ya no puedes regresar, y acabas harta.
But when you get back on your feet, I'll be waiting.
Pero cuando se recupere le estaré esperando.
Company commander, get your men on their feet.
Que se prepare la tropa. ¡ Vamos a ponernos en marcha!

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