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God bless him перевод на испанский

229 параллельный перевод
God bless him.
Que Dios lo bendiga.
I picked up the papers, and imagine my astonishment when I discovered that they were lists of His Majesty's forces, God bless him.
Recogí los papeles e imagínese mi asombro cuando descubrí que eran listas de las fuerzas de Su Majestad, que Dios lo bendiga.
A toast to our ancestor, that scandalous rogue Rudolph II, God bless him.
Un brindis por nuestro antepasado, ese sinvergüenza Rudolf II, Dios le bendiga.
With the compliments of your royal brother, King Richard, God bless him!
Con los saludos de su hermano, el Rey Ricardo, bendito sea.
God bless him.
Dios le bendiga.
Still, at this moment, God bless him.
Aun así, que Dios lo bendiga.
May God bless him for his generosity.
Que Dios lo compense por su generosidad.
My late husband used to say... before he died, God bless him... that " Ananásia, you have to take care of the girl... because she will be our heiress. She'll inherit all our money.
Mi fallecido Valente siempre decía... antes de morir, que Dios lo tenga muchos años allá... siempre decía : "Ananásia, tienes que cuidar de esa chica... porque será nuestra heredera, se va a quedar con toda nuestra fortuna."
God bless him.
- Aquí. - Por Escocia. - Dios la bendiga.
That and everything else, god bless him.
- Desde luego que lo merece, Dios lo bendiga.
Sure. He's a good little soldier, God bless him. He's got a hearty appetite.
Sí, claro, es un verdadero soldado.
God bless him.
Dios lo bendiga.
God bless him.
God bless him.
Que Dios lo guarde.
God, God bless him.
Dios le bendiga.
God bless him and take care of him.
Ese niño tiene el mejor padre de Tennessee.
God bless him and keep him in exile.
Dios lo bendiga y mantenga en el exilio.
And little Louie, God bless him, he's..... he's not with us any more.
El pequeño Louie, que el Señor lo bendiga... ya no está entre nosotros.
One of your flower is grown up and kisses hand, God bless him.
Una de tus flores ha crecido y besa manos, que Diosla bendita : S.
Although a reporter named Jimmy Stacks, God bless him, nosed around until he uncovered the unofficial information that some of the victims were missing some blood, and that the killer was supposed to be some kind of superman.
Aunque un reportero llamado Jimmy Stacks, que Dios lo bendiga investigó hasta que destapó la información no oficial. que algunas víctimas perdieron algo de sangre y que el asesino se suponía que era algún tipo de súper hombre.
So let him die, God bless him.
Que se muera de una vez y que en paz descanse.
It has to be my Tigre, God bless him!
¡ Tenía que ser mi Tigre, Dios lo bendiga!
God bless him
Qué el señor le bendiga
My late father, God bless him, told us many tales.
Mi difunto padre, Dios le bendiga, nos contaba muchas historias.
Well, whoever is doing the shooting god bless him.
Todos los que nos han ayudado, Dios le ayuda!
I don't know what it was but, but God bless him,'cause he saved my life.
No sé quién era. ¡ Pero Dios lo bendiga, porque me salvo!
- God bless him!
- ¡ Dios lo bendiga!
God bless him
Dios le bendiga.
- God bless him.
Dios lo bendiga.
God bless him!
¡ Bendito!
What do you want? Would some kind friend tell a poor, blind man what's lost the sight of his eyes in the service of King George, God bless him in what part of the country he might now be?
Querría usted decirle a un pobre ciego, que perdió la visión de sus ojos al servicio del Rey Jorge,
- My grandfather, God bless him, he shuffled off when he was 106.
Mi abuelo, que Dios lo bendiga, se nos fue con 106 años.
But when it came to duping this country, Harry, my son, the glorious drunk, God bless him, refused to stay silent, and he was right.
Pero cuando se trató de engañar a este país, Harry, mi hijo, el glorioso ebrio, Dios lo bendiga, se rehusó a callarse, y tenía razón.
To Orson Welles, God bless him and let him live a lot of years for drinking wine from Jerez.
A Orson Welles, que Dios le bendiga y que tenga muchos años para beber vinito de Jerez.
God bless him.
Dios los bendiga.
God bless him. Yeah.
Que Dios lo bendiga.
My father, God bless him, had a little tailor shop right down here on Church St.
Mi padre, Dios lo bendiga, tenía una sastrería en la calle Church.
then god bless him.
entonces que Dios lo bendiga.
May God bless him.
El Dios de mayo le bendice.
And God bless Grandfather, and please make him like me.
Dios, bendice al abuelo y haz que le simpatice.
And may the Holy Virgin give me grace. And God bless Monsieur Rochester and make him polite to mademoiselle... so she will stay with me forever and ever.
Y que la Santa Virgen me dé Gracia, y que Dios lo haga educado hacia mademoiselle, así ella se quedará conmigo para siempre.
And may God bless me this evenin as much as I would bless him... if I were he and he were Charles Dalrymple.
Y que Dios me bendiga esta noche tanto como yo lo bendeciría a El... "si yo fuera El y El, Charlie Dalrymple."
God bless him.
Que Dios le bendiga.
If you killed him, may God bless you.
Que Dios te bendiga si le mataste.
Oh, I know him. He wrote "God Bless America."
- oh, yo lo conozco escribió "Dios bendiga a América"
God bless his soul. God rest him.
Dios lo bendiga Que en paz descanse.
God may bless him with patience.
Dios le conceda paciencia.
- God bless you. - Hold him.
Dios lo bendiga.
God bless you. Don't go to him.
Dios te bendiga.
God bless, I'll be waiting in the boat sent him there as soon as he comes
Dios los bendiga, los estaré esperando en el barco, envíalo ahí tan pronto venga.
Almighty God, bless the insignia of Saint Sebastian the martyr, that it may contribute to the sacredness of him to whom it is given.
Dios Todopoderoso, bendice la medalla de San Sebastián, nuestro mártir, para que contribuya a santificar a aquél a quien le ha sido concedida.

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