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Grade teacher перевод на испанский

381 параллельный перевод
My third-grade teacher, Miss Hickey, said I was a quick study.
Mi profesor de tercero dijo que aprendía rápido.
It was my seventh grade teacher.
Mi profesora de séptimo grado.
Reminds me of something my first grade teacher used to say to me...
Eso me recuerda algo que mi profesora de primaria solía decir...
You're not talking to your sixth-grade teacher, you know.
No le estás hablando a tu maestra de 6º grado, ¿ sabes?
Oh, wait a minute. I can put you ahead of my 8th grade teacher,
Oh, espera un minuto. I puede poner por delante de mi profesora de 8 º grado,
She was my first-grade teacher.
Era mi maestra de primero de primaria.
Just ask my fourth-grade teacher.
Pregúntale a mi maestra de cuarto grado.
- Second grade teacher.
- Profesora de segundo grado.
My sixth-grade teacher used to do that.
Mi maestra de sexto grado solía hacer eso.
I wanna know what your fifth grade teacher was like.
Quiero saber cómo eran tus profesores del colegio.
I remembered asking my kids second-grade teacher :
Recuerdo haber preguntado a una maestra de mis hijos :
She looks like my third grade teacher.
Se parece a mi maestra de 3er. año.
I hated my third grade teacher.
Yo la odiaba.
Wait a minute. She is my third grade teacher!
¡ Un momento, es mi maestra de 3er. año!
Marcie McGuire, my third grade teacher.
Marcie McGuire, mi maestra de tercer grado.
Yes, there will be side effects, but those, thank goodness... will be the province of your seventh-grade teacher.
Sí, habrá efectos secundarios, pero, gracias a Dios, será problema de su profesor de séptimo grado.
So that girlie I've been chasin'? Turns out she's my third-grade teacher.
La muchacha es mi maestra de tercer grado.
You remember that fourth-grade teacher who crossed her legs and we went nuts?
¿ Recuerdas a esa maestra del cuarto grado que cruzaba las piernas y nos volvía locos?
and my second-grade teacher was Miss Thomas and my first-grade teacher was Mrs. Cobb.
... y mi maestra de segundo año, la Sra Thomas y mi maestro de primer año, el Sr. Cobb.
It was while at the courthouse that this man, his younger brother, Richard Gecko, a known armed robber and sex offender pulled off a daring daylight escape, resulting in the death of four Wichita law enforcement officers, and this woman, Heidi Vogel, sixth grade teacher, who was run over by the Geckos... during a high-speed pursuit through downtown Wichita.
Estando en el tribunal, este hombre su hermano menor, Richard Gecko un conocido asaltante a mano armada y delincuente sexual, escapó causando la muerte de 4 oficiales de la policía de Wichita y de la maestra Heidi Vogel, a quien los Gecko atropellaron durante una persecución a alta velocidad.
Jack, this is Miss Marquez... your fifth grade teacher.
Jack, ella es la Srta Marquez... tu maestra de quinto grado.
Eighth grade teacher?
¿ Maestro de secundaria?
Might we have the first grade teacher of the defendant as well?
¿ Quiere ir a la cárcel?
What, my fourth grade teacher?
¿ De mi maestra de cuarto grado?
It's Mrs McCloud, your second grade teacher, the woman who taught you that honesty is the best policy.
la mujer que te enseñó que la honestidad es lo mas importante.
It would really expedite matters... if you'd have the teacher of the fifth grade step in here for a moment.
Acabaríamos antes si hiciera venir al profesor del quinto grado.
I had to cut cards with the teacher to see if I got through the eighth grade.
Tuve que jugar a las cartas con el profesor para sacar el graduado.
Sato, it was the teacher who gave the grade.
Sato, es el profesor quien ha puesto la nota.
I was expecting to meet his first grade school teacher.
Esperaba ver a su maestra de párvulos.
Here, three kids in the sixth grade beat their teacher up.
Tres niños de sexto grado le dieron una paliza a su maestra.
When he was in the 7th grade, I remember his teacher sent me a little note with the report card, and his report card was all As.
Recuerdo que cuando estaba en el séptimo grado el maestro me mandó una nota junto con su boletín.
In 1 922, after failing twice, he became a grade-school substitute teacher in Miyamae.
En 1922, tras fracasar dos veces, se convirtió en maestro sustituto en Miyamae.
- You do it all the time. Ever since you changed schools in the fourth grade, the kids thought you were the substitute teacher. - I do not.
- No es verdad.
We had a similar situation back in St Olaf, with Mrs Gunderson, our grade-school teacher.
En St. Olaf se dio una situación parecida con la Sra. Gunderson, la profesora de primaria.
Yeah, my tenth-grade art teacher.
Sí, mi profesor de arte.
He was just a grade-school teacher.
Era maestro de escuela.
- Eighth grade English teacher.
- Mi maestra del octavo grado.
Yeah, the kind of blatant disregard for human life... that makes an otherwise decent grade-school teacher... want to drag her fingernails on the blackboard... until her pupils'eardrums begin to bleed.
Sí, ese notorio desprecio por la raza humana... que hace a un maestro decente de escuela primaria... desear pasar sus uñas por el pizarrón... hasta que las orejas de sus estudiantes comiencen a sangrar.
Who was your 12th grade English teacher?
¿ Quién fue tu profesor de literatura inglesa?
In 12th grade, your English teacher was -
El último año, tu profesor de inglés fue...
His 11 th-grade social studies teacher.
Su profesor de estudios sociales de 11vo grado.
But my father would tell my mother... that we were going out for a boys'night out on the town. And we would go to his girlfriend's house... my fifth grade health teacher.
Mi padre le decía a mi madre... que se íba a la ciudad con los niños a hacer unas compras... y después se largaba a casa de su novia... mi profesora de quinto grado de la salud.
I had a teacher in fourth grade--Miss Perch.
Tuve un maestro en el cuarto grado, la señorita perch.
The First Grade's teacher, I mean.
La maestra de primer grado.
So, it's, um... the last day of third grade. And you have the teacher, alone, in your tent.
Es tu último día en tercer grado... la maestra está a solas contigo... en tu tienda.
In seventh grade, my Aunt Jennifer took me aside one day and she said, "Tracy, one day you're gonna grow up and be a teacher... and a darned good one!"
En 7mo grado, mi tía Jennifer me sacó a pasear un día y me dijo, "Tracy, un día crecerás y serás maestra... y una muy buena!"
The creep who was my grade school homeroom teacher.
El hijo de puta era mi profesor tutor en el colegio.
My ninth grade science teacher once told me that if you put a frog in boiling water, it'll jump right out.
A mí me enseñaron que si metía una rana en agua hirviendo, saltaría.
In third grade, everybody told me I was crazy but I knew our teacher had to be from Venus or something like that.
En tercer grado, todos creían que yo estaba loco pero yo sabía que mi maestra era de Venus o algo.
In third grade, everyone said I was crazy, but I knew our teacher had to be from Venus or something.
En 3er. año, todos creían que yo estaba loco pero yo sabía que mi maestra era de Venus o algo.
Tell me about your eighth grade math teacher.
Háblame de tu maestra de matemática de octavo grado.

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