He's my family перевод на испанский
566 параллельный перевод
I've been visiting my brother. He has the next plantation below here, and it's a lovely place. You know he copied it from our old family plantation in Bluefield, West Virginia.
Vine a ver a mi hermano, vive cerca en una plantación preciosa muy parecida a la de nuestra familia en Bluefield, Virginia Occidental.
He's the only son of a very powerful family which claims to support my rule.
El es el hijo único de una poderosa familia que proclama que me apoyan.
Well, he's rather my family than my friend.
Bueno, es más de mi familia que mi amigo.
I wanted to use the opportunity of this peaceful morning to communicate to you, sir that, as the result of the family entanglements and this night's exciting events I have decided to leave this house and terminate my employment alternatively, I resign.
Quería utilizar la oportunidad de esta agradable mañana para comunicarle, señor que, a resultas de estos embrollos de familia y estos excitantes acontecimientos nocturnos he decidido dejar esta casa y terminar mi relación laboral también. Dimito.
If you only knew what he's done for me, for my family.
Si supieras Io que hizo por mí y por mi familia.
He's a very old friend of my family.
Es un viejo amigo de la familia.
My lady, I've wrestled with my conscience, asking myself... whether it was my duty to hand you to justice... or whether I should consider the noble family whose name you bear... hoping that under heaven's providence... I might be the means of calling you to repentance... and so save your sin-sick soul from the eternal fire.
Señora he luchado con mi conciencia he dudado si debía entregarla a la justicia o proteger el nombre de esta noble familia en la esperanza de que Dios vea en mí el medio de su arrepentimiento y salvar así su alma pecadora del fuego eterno.
Why, I've always considered you one of the family, so to speak. Like my own s-
Siempre te he considerado uno de la familia, como quien dice.
That's my cousin Pierre, he's the pickpocket of our family.
Mi primo Pierre es el ratero de la familia.
I know nothing of the history to which you refer, but I have often felt that the attitude of my husband's family has failed to move with the times, that they think too much of the rights of nobility and too little of its duties.
No sé nada de la historia a la que se refiere... pero a menudo he pensado que la actitud de la familia de mi marido... no ha cambiado con los tiempos... que piensan demasiado en los derechos de la nobleza... y demasiado poco en sus deberes.
If you came here to play, I came to earn my family's living.
Si usted ha venido a jugar, yo he venido a ganar el sustento de mi familia.
I respect the clergy. My family's always been on good terms with your predecessors, terms of mutual respect and friendship.
Respeto al clero, siempre he tenido buenas relaciones.
This is what I get for confiding in a scoundrel, for sacrificing my family's honor.
Lo tengo merecido por confiar en un villano. - ¡ He deshonrado a mi familia!
Well, you've wondered - Your whole family's been wondering... how I've spent my afternoons the past few weeks.
Te has preguntado, al igual que tu familia... qué he hecho por las tardes estas últimas semanas.
That's why in the past, I never worried, I knew that when I couldn't take it any longer, I could die and give the numbers to my family so they could live comfortably.
Por eso siempre he estado tranquilo, sabía que cuando no pudiera aguantar más, me moriría y le daría los números a la familia para que viviera tranquila.
Mr. Tollinger, this is my daughter, Stella, and this young man ain't a member of the family yet, but he's the next thing to it.
Sr. Tollinger, ésta es mi hija, Stella, este joven aún no es miembro de la familia, pero lo será muy pronto.
It's been in the family for years. My father always used it up until he died.
La hemos tenido desde hace años, mi padre la utilizó hasta su muerte.
But he's been a close friend of the family since I was a girl with braces on my teeth.
Pero ha sido un buen amigo de la familia desde que era una niña con frenillos en los dientes.
He's my family.
Es mi familia.
Now you can put this boy in office, and take my word for it, he'll do a job for this community and for every home and every family, and in every pot there's gonna be plenty.
Ahora usted puede colocar a este chico en la oficina, y por él creer en mi palabra. Hará un trabajo para esta comunidad para cada casa y cada familia, y en cada olla haya abundancia.
He kept on about my uncle's death and the curse on the family, and... I asked if he was trying to frighten me and told him to mind his business.
Hablaba de la muerte de mi tío y de la maldición de la familia y le pregunté si trataba de asustarme y le dije que no se entrometiera.
well, a young relative, from my mother's side of the family... He's a wretched young man who doesn't share my ideas.
Pues tengo un joven pariente y este joven desgraciado, no me avergüenza decirlo no opina como yo.
He's my brother and he belongs to this family as much as I do.
Es mi hermano y pertenece a esta familia tanto como yo.
For the family's pride, I agreed to deceive my country's justice system.
Por el honor de la familia, he accedido a engañar a la Justicia de mi país.
Honor! My grandfather was a clergyman, and he'd have been very angry to have thought any of his family had taken up with Molly Seagrim's leavings.
Mi abuelo era clérigo y se hubiera enojado si alguien de su familia hubiera estado con ese desperdicio de Molly.
So can you give me one good reason why I should send my family, that took me a lifetime to raise, down that road like a bunch of damn fools to do somebody else's fighting?
¿ Puede darme un buen motivo... para que envíe a los hijos que he criado... a pelear a una guerra ajena como si fueran unos tontos?
By keeping me here, he brought shame upon my family and, at first, I tried to kill myself to spare my father's honor.
Manteniendome aquí, avergüenza a mi familia, y, al principio, traté de matarme para deshonra de mi padre.
He saved my mother's life... even though doctors are not allowed to treat their own family.
Salvó la vida de mi madre. Aunque no se permite que los médicos traten a sus parientes.
I married into my wife's family and have been henpecked for 20 years.
Me casé y he estado dominado por la familia de mi mujer durante 20 años.
But, he's in the family. His daughter's married to my brother, Vinny.
Pero es de la familia. ¡ Su hija está casada con mi hermano Vinny!
Two days ago I drove him out of my room, and he wrote to my mother about Sofia Semyonovna's character, aiming at dividing me from my family.
Pero tres días atrás lo eché de mi cuarto, y enseguida escribió a mi madre... sobre la profesión de Sofia, intentando poner a mis familiares en mi contra.
Now, he returns 7 : 00 a.m. the next morning, driving a pony and cart, in the guise of a rag-and-bone man, loads up the sack, and drives away with £ 5,000 of my family's silver under the seat, calling out "any old iron."
El regresó a las 7 de la mañana, del día siguiente... montando un caballo y una carreta, disfrazado... de carbonero... cargó la bolsa, y se fue... con las 5.000 libras de plata... de mi familia, bajo el asiento... sin que nadie se diese cuenta.
Oh, he was very clever, anyway, to Oxford ( at least ), but he owes his career entirely to my mother's family.
Era muy inteligente y estudió en Oxford... pero debe toda su carrera a la familia de mi madre.
In my opinion, we're talking about a madman who put his life and his family's on the line out of revenge. Or he's decided to take control and this was his debut.
Según mi parecer, o es un loco que por venganza personal arriesga su vida y la de sus parientes por cinco generaciones, o de un pretendiente al poder, siendo su espectacular primer golpe.
That's between us. You, however, proclaim that I poisoned three members of the royal family, usurped the Regency, and plan to do in my nephew, the king.
Pero lo que me importa ahora... es que vos habéis proclamado que he envenado a tres miembros de la familia real,... he usurpado la Regencia y me dispongo a deshacerme de mi sobrino el pequeño rey.
He's the biggest fool in my family.
Es el peor loco de toda mi familia.
My dear opponent doesn't have to cow tow to the Liegard group since he's part of the family! Or soon will be.
Mi generoso adversario no tiene por qué obedecer a Liégard puesto que forma parte de la familia o lo hará en breve.
He's my little family, only mine!
Es mi pequeña familia, mía.
But he's out of my Iife now. And, anyway, Andy's family is happy it's over.
Ya se fue de mi vida ahora... y la familia de Andy está feliz de nuestro fracaso.
I've not been much moved by family piety until now but I am frankly appalled at the prospect of Beryl taking what was once my mother's place in this house.
Nunca me he sentido atraído por la devoción familiar... pero ahora estoy aterrado, cuando me imagino a Beryl... ocupando el que un día fue el lugar de mi madre en esta casa.
He's been my family...
Ha sido mi familia...
I know, I followed him here to try to salvage what's left of my reputation with the Ega family.
Lo sé. Le he seguido hasta aquí para intentar salvar lo que ha dejado de mi reputación con el Clan Ega.
Now he's condemned to an eternity in purgatory... till a member of my family can perform an act of extraordinary courage.
Ahora está condenado a pasar la eternidad en el purgatorio. Un miembro de mi familia puede realizar un acto de coraje...
Vittorio's my man he's from a distinguished family in Orvieto
Vittorio es mi compañero. Pertenece a una distinguida familia de Orvieto.
I haven't seen a table set like this since my family's.
No he visto una mesa como esta desde la de mi familia.
In spite of what I say, MacGyver, he's still my brother, still my family.
A pesar de lo que diga, MacGyver, él aún es mi hermano. Sigue siendo mi familia.
But my brother- - he's my only family.
Pero mi hermano, es mi única familia.
- My uncle's much too busy to raise a family of his own, so he settles for us.
Dos matrimonios, dos hijos. Mi tío está muy ocupado como para formar su propia familia... así que se encarga de nosotros.
My husband's tragedy was that he lived too, squandered the family fortune.
La tragedia de mi esposo fue que vivió demasiado, dilapidando la fortuna de la familia.
I've wanted to write to thank you for my family's share in the wonderful... food parcels you've been sending to Marks Co.
Hace tiempo que he querido escribirle para agradecerle por las maravillosas raciones de comida que ha estado enviando a Marks Co.
He said my family's in danger.
Dijo que mi familia estaba en peligro.
he's my uncle 44
he's my husband 167
he's my brother 335
he's my baby 20
he's my best friend 106
he's my cousin 54
he's my dad 94
he's my man 22
he's my hero 20
he's my friend 298
he's my husband 167
he's my brother 335
he's my baby 20
he's my best friend 106
he's my cousin 54
he's my dad 94
he's my man 22
he's my hero 20
he's my friend 298
he's my father 168
he's my little brother 20
he's my nephew 35
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my 53
he's my patient 35
he's my little brother 20
he's my nephew 35
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my 53
he's my patient 35
he's my boss 62
he's my lawyer 20
he's my kid 16
my family 595
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
he's my lawyer 20
he's my kid 16
my family 595
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19