My family перевод на испанский
31,295 параллельный перевод
I want to have dinner with my family every day.
Quiero poder cenar con mi familia todos los días.
Stay away from my family and I'll stay away from yours.
Aléjate de mi familia y me alejaré de la tuya.
They were my family, these people.
Ellos eran mi familia, esa gente.
I'm not telling you anything about my family.
No hablo con usted acerca de mi familia.
I don't want to get my family name mixed up in this.
No quiero tener el nombre de mi familia metido en esto.
I want to protect my family.
Quiero proteger a mi familia.
If I could change my family, I would.
Si pudiera cambiar mi familia, lo haría.
You've checked my family's background.
Has comprobado los antecedentes familiares...
You got my family mixed up in this.
Has mezclado a mi familia en esto.
Leave my family alone!
¡ Deja a mi familia en paz!
Want to hear how my family was blasted away?
¿ Quieres oír cómo destruyeron a mi familia?
They're my family
Ellos son mi familia.
That's how I get my family back.
Así es como recuperaré a mi familia.
Yeah, he already ruined my family.
Sí, ya ha destrozado a mi familia.
Actually I never knew my family, I grew up in an orphanage.
La verdad, nunca conocí a mi familia, crecí en un orfanato.
Having her here could put my family at risk, jeopardize my promotion to sergeant, not to mention your own career.
Tenerla aquí podría poner en peligro a mi familia, arriesgar mi ascenso a sargento, sin mencionar tu propia carrera.
And that became my family, my tribe, my country.
Y esa llegó a ser mi familia, mi clan, mi país.
They stole a painting of my family dog at Christmas.
Robaron un cuadro del perro de mi familia en Navidad.
I pray in hope for my family, relatives, and friends and for all the dead known only to You.
Rezo con esperanza por mi familia, parientes y amigos y por todos los muertos conocidos solo por Ti.
My family, the Nightsisters, were killed.
Mi familia, las Hermanas de la Noche, fueron asesinadas.
That is a picture of me and my family and a spaceship, and I'm being taken away, screaming, "Noooo!"
Es un dibujo de mí, mi familia, y una nave espacial. Me abducen y yo grito "¡ No!".
Well, I'm not inviting my family because they already think that regular therapy is weird.
No invitaré a mi familia porque la terapia ya les parece extraña.
Tired of spending my life looking over my shoulder, watching you hurt my family.
Cansada de pasarme la vida mirando por encima del hombro, de ver cómo le haces daño a mi familia.
My family's waiting for me.
Mi familia me espera.
You've got my family tree, All of my case files, lot of photos.
Tienes mi árbol genealógico, todos mis casos, multitud de fotos.
I will tell my family I was on a mission, and everyone at the church, that I was at conversion camp again.
Le diré a mi familia que estaba en una misión, y a todos en la iglesia, que vuelvo a estar en un campamento de conversión.
I'll tell my family that I'm going to pass the bar in another state.
Le diré a mi familia que lo pasaré haciendo un examen en otro estado.
You want to force me to spend Thanksgiving with my family and then tell them to go to hell?
¿ Quieres obligarme a pasar el día de Acción de Gracias con mi familia y luego decirles que se vayan al infierno?
If this one move cuts the head off the snake, wipes Rittenhouse out, frees me from them, frees my family, then my vote... my vote is yes.
Si con solo esto cortamos el problema de raíz, aniquilamos a Rittenhouse, me libero de él, libero a mi familia, mi voto... mi voto es que sí.
Go home to my family.
Volver a casa con mi familia.
Not with my family.
Ni con mi familia.
Protect my family. Commodus. As if he were your own.
Protege a mi familia, a Cómodo, como si fuera la tuya.
Don't forget, my family's business is party planning.
No olvides, el negocio de mi familia es la planificación de fiestas.
SBK was my family, they brought me in, got me stuff I couldn't get on my own.
Los ASB eran mi familia, me convencieron, me dieron cosas que no podía tener.
I want to go and look for my family.
- Déjame. Tengo que ir con mi familia.
I have to go anyway. I'm responsible for my family!
Debo ir. ¡ Debo cuidar a mi familia!
My family... are they watching me?
¿ Mi familia está mirándome?
I just want to honor the gift you gave to me and my family.
Solo quiero honrar el regalo que le hiciste a mi familia.
But she's still my family and...
Pero es mi familia a pesar de todo, y...
My family is nothing like any of this.
Mi familia no se parece en nada a esto.
My family's coming, and if you make me look like an idiot up there...
Mi familia vendrá. Si me haces ver como idiota...
Hey, it's my job to do the best I can for our family.
Oye, es mi deber hacer lo mejor que pueda por nuestra familia.
I had every intention of asking my future self about the Nightingale after I asked about Mr. Sanders, who was, by the way, about to shoot up a liquor store, killing a family of five.
Tuve toda la intención de preguntarle a mi futuro yo sobre el Nightingale después de preguntarle al Sr. Sanders, quien estaba, por cierto, a punto de disparar a una tienda de licores, matar a una familia de cinco.
I want to celebrate with my husband, My daughter, my lovely family, jerry.
Quiero celebrarlo con mi marido, mi hija, mi adorable familia, Jerry.
I would like to make a toast to my whole family.
Me gustaría hacer un brindis por toda mi familia.
Opportunities that vanish if my entire family turns up dead.
Oportunidades que desaparecen si toda mi familia aparece muerta.
Tell my mother you have to leave on business or tend to a sick family member.
Dile a mi madre que tienes que marcharte por negocios o para atender a un miembro de tu familia que está enfermo.
You think I'd betray my own family?
¿ Crees que he traicionado a mi familia?
He's my son. He's family!
Es mi hijo. ¡ Es mi familia!
Last night, my husband and I were supposed to have dinner with his family, which...
Anoche, mi marido y yo debíamos cenar con su familia, la cual...
Is it horrible to think that it's because it had nothing to do with my own family?
¿ Soy mala por pensar que es porque fue tan distinta a la de mi familia?
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family reunion 17
family emergency 19
family and friends 25
family members 20
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family reunion 17
family emergency 19
family and friends 25
family members 20
family only 25
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42
my fair lady 19
my favorite 192
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42
my fair lady 19
my favorite 192