His brain перевод на испанский
3,147 параллельный перевод
Well, you know, his brain was being seriously taxed.
Bueno, ya sabes, su cerebro estuvo seriamente sobrecargado.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby.. Kyle suffered a major head trauma in the fall, causing his brain to bleed.
Sr. y Sra. Shelby Kyle sufrió un gran trauma craneal en la caída lo que causa el sangrado del cerebro.
Pressure is being exerted on the corpus callosum of his brain.
La presión se está ejerciendo en el cuerpo calloso del cerebro.
That what I was doing was in his best interest... even though he couldn't understand and that his brain was too small.
Que lo que yo estaba haciendo estaba en su mejor interés a pesar de que no podía entender y que su cerebro era demasiado pequeño.
His brain is damaged!
Su cerebro está dañado!
The desert sun boiled his brain.
El sol del desierto le quemo el cerebro.
They shouldn't have stuck a chip in his brain!
¡ No deberían tener pegado un chip en su cerebro!
He pickled his brain on heroin and meth for 20 years and even he wrote a book.
¿ Y Keith Richards? Puso su cerebro en escabeche con heroína y metanfetaminas durante 20 años y hasta escribió un libro.
Encephalitis makes his brain swell, which causes symptoms that are hard to distinguish from his Alzheimer's.
La encefalitis provoca inflamación cerebral, lo que causa síntomas que son difíciles de distinguir de los del Alzheimer.
No, that's your technique, and if that doesn't work, you can always take your thumb, jam it in his eye socket, and twist till you hit his brain.
No, esa es tu técnica, y si eso no funciona, siempre puedes meterle los pulgares en la cuenca de los ojos, y retorcerlos hasta que llegus al cerebro.
It's like looking inside of his brain.
Es como mirar dentro de su cerebro.
Everyone around him knew about that burden in his brain.
Todo su entorno sabía que pesaba una carga en su mente.
Clot in his lung increases right ventricular afterload, drops the blood flow to his brain.
Un coágulo en el pulmón que aumente la poscarga del ventrículo derecho y reduzca la irrigación a su cerebro.
Blast his brain with harmonics to find out.
Inundad su cerebro con ondas y averiguadlo.
Like his brain.
Como su cerebro.
You two, find out where he bought them, and then MRI his brain.
Vosotros dos, averiguad dónde las compró y luego haced una resonancia magnética de su cerebro.
That's not a piece of the clot from his brain.
Eso no es un trozo del coágulo de su cerebro.
But an MRI of his brain could reveal white matter disintegrity, which is the effect of CTE.
Pero una RM del cerebro mostraría desintegración de la materia blanca, lo cual es un efecto de la ETC.
Biopsy his brain.
Háganle la biopsia del cerebro.
Scleroderma, advanced to the point that it's affecting his brain?
¿ Escleroderma, avanzado al punto de afectar su cerebro?
His brain felt the pain in his neck, created the dream to explain it.
Su cerebro sintió el dolor en su cuello y creó el sueño que lo explicara.
Not according to his brain His temporal lobe is completely lit up.
No según su cerebro. Tiene el lóbulo temporal completamente iluminado.
Doctors wanted to take his eyes out before the cancer spread to his brain.
Querían vaciarle los ojos antes de que el cáncer llegara al cerebro.
We're hoping it's just excess fluid on his brain from an extreme migraine.
Esperamos que sea exceso de líquido en el cerebro por una fuerte migraña.
So the artery's been pressing against the temporal lobe of his brain, right above the ear canal.
La arteria le está presionando el lóbulo temporal del cerebro, encima del conducto auditivo.
His brain, stomach, and intestines were all inflamed.
Su cerebro, estómago e intestinos estaba inflamados.
Inside Kyle's mouth, the muscles contract to force a smile, even though in his brain, Kyle is thinking, "Dude, fuck you."
Dentro de la boca de Kyle los músculos se contraen para forzar una sonrisa. A pesar de que en su cerebro, Kyle está pensando :
His brain is already lacking excitement, and now, just the word "shuttle" makes Kyle's brain fire neurons that bring up memories of just how lame shuttles can be.
Su cerebro ya está carente de emoción. Y ahora, la palabra "transbordador" hace que el cerebro de Kyle queme neuronas que traen recuerdos de qué tan aburridos los transbordadores pueden ser.
I think a bit of his brain broke.
Creo que se la jodido una parte del cerebro.
Did I inject an air bubble into his brain or is that just another urban legend?
¿ Le inyecté aire a su cerebro, o es solo otra leyenda urbana?
I can't imagine what would have happened if this Observer had disappeared with your consciousness still inside his brain.
No me imagino lo que habría pasado si este observador hubiera desaparecido con tu conciencia dentro de su cerebro.
Ignore him. The competition is warping his brain.
Ignoralo. la competencia le esta deformando el cerebro
Adam's an Alpha, and the infrasound- - it affected his brain.
Adam es un Alfa, y el infrasonido... le ha afectado al cerebro.
It caused his brain to bleed again by violently shaking front and back huh?
Y el cerebro sangró de nuevo por sacudirse violentamente hacia adelante y atrás.
The big guy was a robot and he had a freaky-weird alien brain thing in his chest.
El gran hombre era un robot y él tenía un extraño y'freaky'cerebro cosa en el pecho.
Any guy here with half a brain in his skull would kill to be with you.
Cualquier chico de aquí con medio cerebro mataría por estar contigo.
Clearly he's controlling your mind with his superior alien brain.
Claramente está controlando tu mente con su cerebro extraterrestre.
A sin.. A sin is giving a brain tumor to a.. To a kid who's never done a bad thing in his life.
Un pecado, un pecado es darle un tumor cerebral a un chico que nunca ha hecho nada malo en su vida.
He had his future taken away because of a brain injury.
Le han arrebatado su futuro por una lesión cerebral.
We can deal with his metabolism crashing, we can't reverse brain damage if we go too slowly.
Podemos solucionar el fallo metabólico, lo que no podemos revertir es el daño cerebral si somos muy lentos.
Shall these quips and sentences and paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career of his humor?
Los chistes, las sentencias, todos esos proyectiles de papel que lanza el cerebro ¿ han de torcer en un hombre la inclinación de su gusto?
I'll be sworn upon it that he loves her, for here's a paper written in his hand, a halting sonnet of his own pure brain, fashioned to Beatrice.
Y yo estoy seguro de que él la ama, pues he aquí un papel escrito de su mano, un soneto cojo, de su propia y singular invención, dedicado a Beatriz.
His daughter's going up for brain surgery.
Subieron a su hija a una cirugía cerebral.
Ah! If I were now by this rascal, I could brain him with his lady's fan.
Si estuviese en este momento cerca de ese villano, le rompería el cráneo con el abanico de su mujer.
I'm thinking either massive brain tumor, or his soap got canceled and he's distracted.
Un tumor cerebral masivo o cancelaron su novela y está distraído.
And given his history, there's got to be brain swelling.
Y dados sus antecedentes, debe haber inflamación cerebral.
Look, I don't have control over what this thing is doing to my brain, but I have control over when I tell Mason and destroy his childhood.
Mira, no tengo control sobre lo que esta cosa le está haciendo a mi cerebro, pero tengo control sobre cuándo se le digo a Mason y destruyo su infancia.
He's got a little brain up in his head.
Tiene un buen cerebro ahí donde lo ves.
John and his colleagues have discovered around 100 mutations in genes controlling brain chemistry that have taken place since humanity migrated from Africa.
John y sus colegas han descubierto alrededor de 100 mutaciones, en genes que controlan la química cerebral, que han tomado lugar desde que la humanidad emigró de África.
His window into the human brain is through the bulbous eyes of flies.
Su ventana dentro del cerebro humano es a través de los ojos prominentes de las moscas.
No bleeding in the brain, all his blood vessels were missed.
No hay sangrado en el cerebro, y todos sus vasos sanguíneos se salvaron.
brain 227
brains 203
brainiac 28
brainstorm 21
brain freeze 19
brainy 41
brainer 146
brain tumor 25
brain damage 30
brained 21
brains 203
brainiac 28
brainstorm 21
brain freeze 19
brainy 41
brainer 146
brain tumor 25
brain damage 30
brained 21