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His death перевод на испанский

8,985 параллельный перевод
So what do you say to the accusation that Susan Wright saw Nigel Carter carrying your son's body the night of his death?
Entonces, ¿ qué dice de la acusación de que Susan Wright vio a Nigel Carter llevando el cuerpo de su hijo la noche en que murió?
Acutely. His death was acute.
Agudamente, su muerte fue aguda.
Benjamin's birth and his... and his death...
El nacimiento de Benjamin y su... y su muerte...
You saw his death certificate.
Viste su certificado de defunción.
Let his death be on me.
Deja que yo lo mate.
So this is the first time you heard about his death?
Entonces ¿ esta es la primera vez que oyes lo de su muerte?
Kiz pulled his death certificate.
Kiz ha sacado su certificado de defunción.
I'm afraid I don't know anything about his death.
Me temo que no sé nada acerca de su muerte.
His death treated with dignity.
Su muerte se trató con dignidad.
We believe his death is connected to something he salvaged from the sea on your behalf.
Creemos que su muerte está conectada con algo que rescató del mar para usted.
So, where's his death certificate?
¿ Dónde está su certificado de defunción?
And when you blamed his death on me,
Y cuando me culpaste de su muerte,
Henry claimed his soul before his death.
Henry reclamó su alma antes de su muerte.
Prior to his death,
Antes de su muerte,
But not his death.
Pero no su muerte.
I told you six weeks ago that his death saved lives, possibly thousands of them.
Hace seis semanas te conté que su muerte salvó vidas, posiblemente miles.
Planned Ibrahim there before his death or Thomas participation - and had contact with Ibrahim contrary to what he says?
¿ Lo planificaba Ibrahim antes de su muerte o participaba Thomas... y tenía contacto con Ibrahim al contrario de lo que dice?
It pained me to hear of his death.
Sentí mucho enterarme de su muerte.
That it makes a total mockery of his death?
¿ Que es una burla de su muerte?
You'll live to regret your hand in his death.
Vivirás para lamentar tu mano en Su muerte.
He said... Danny's death was his fault.
Dijo... que la muerte de Danny fue culpa suya.
Why would a father not want an investigation to restart into the death of his own daughter?
¿ Por qué un padre no querría reabrir la investigación del asesinato de su hija?
Why would a father not want an investigation into the death of his own daughter?
¿ Por qué un padre no querría reabrir la investigación del asesinato de su hija?
Fear of punishment so vivid in his mind that he fears it even more than certain death.
El miedo al castigo es tan vivido en su mente que lo teme más que a la muerte.
I do not believe that Julio followed Mr. Rodriguez back to his apartment and beat him to death, no.
No creo que Julio siguiera al Sr. Rodríguez... hasta su apartamento y lo matara a golpes, no.
His skull had been fractured, and he'd bled to death from a brain hemorrhage.
Tenía el cráneo fracturado y se desangró por un hemorragia en el cerebro.
So he didn't take the pills close to his time of death.
Entonces no tomó las pildoras cerca de la hora de su muerte.
Elliot's ideology is founded on his desire to avenge his father's death.
Robot ", la ideología de Elliot está basada en su deseo de venganza por la muerte de su padre.
He was convinced they were some secret society that had to do with his father's death.
Estaba convencido de que había alguna sociedad secreta que tenía que ver con la muerte de su padre.
What transformed this ordinary man into someone who was capable of sending hundreds and thousands of children to their death while going home every evening and kissing his own children goodnight?
¿ Qué transformó a este hombre ordinario en alguien capaz de enviar cientos de miles de niños a la muerte mientras iba a casa cada tarde a dar un beso de buenas noches a sus hijos?
Yeah, the great Tom Mason takes his daughter and flies her to her own death.
Sí, el gran Tom Mason lleva a su hija y vuela con ella hasta su propia muerte.
I think it's fair to say that his presence, motivating factor that it is, could be the difference between life and death for her.
Me atrevería a decir que su presencia, siendo un factor tan motivador, podría marcar para ella la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte.
When I was 12, my older brother went to prison for killing his girlfriend and was on death row for the next 20 years...
Cuando tenía 12 años, mi hermano mayor fue a prisión por matar a su novia y estuvo en el corredor de la muerte durante 20 años...
It's his pension protection plan... but if he handed it over to us, Silvexpo would sue him to death in a Swiss court.
Es su plan de protección de la pensión pero si él nos lo entregara, Silvexpo lo demandaría en un tribunal suizo.
Michael Woodruff was desolate about his friend's death.
Michael Woodruff estaba desolado por la muerte de su amigo.
Between you, you four people - supposedly his nearest and dearest - are responsible for that death, however it came about. Yes, and I know that I may never know exactly what happened.
Padre Misericordioso y Señor de toda la vida, te alabamos que estamos hechos a Tu imagen y reflejamos Tu verdad y Tu luz.
He can't cope with the fact that his own killing spree led to the death of his family.
No puede soportar el hecho de que su propia espiral asesina llevó a la muerte de su familia.
Did my dad plan his own death?
¿ Planeó mi padre su propia muerte?
But then again, it's about a cold war spy who's secretly planning his own death.
Pero nuevamente, se trata de un espía que está planeando en secreto su propia muerte.
He's planning his own death.
Estaba planeando su propia muerte
Well, we know you destroyed a book that began with a line about a man planning his own death.
Bueno, sabemos que destruiste el libro que comenzó con una linea de un hombre planeando su propia muerte
Must be hard to accept that your father spent his entire life profiting from the death of millions of innocent people.
Debe ser difícil aceptar que tu padre se pasó la vida entera sacando partido de la muerte de millones de inocentes.
There's a small scratch on his forehead, But it healed well before the time of death.
Tiene un pequeño arañazo en la frente, pero estaba bien curado antes de la hora de la muerte.
It's the knife that killed Adam in his original death.
Es el cuchillo que mató a Adam en su primer muerte.
And what, he faked his own death?
¿ Y qué, fingió su propia muerte?
Daniel's death is not how we will remember his life.
La muerte de Daniel no es como recordaremos su vida.
Only to later turn death into his own form of art.
Solo para convertir luego a la muerte en su propia forma de arte.
Do you understand that from the moment I looked upon his body in that tiny cave in Bethlehem that I had been following behind him all the way to the end marked with blood and death? When the stone was rolled in front of the tomb, our world torn down by confusion and doubts so great, you hid in the darkness, longing for it to be the end of your life...
Comprendan que desde el momento que vi su cuerpecito en esa pequeña cueva en Belen lo he estado siguiendo detras todo el camino hasta el final marcado con sangre y muerte? Cuando la piedra fue puesta frente a la tumba,
He had thoughts of death and wanted to ease his conscience.
Tenía pensamientos sobre la muerte y quería aliviar su conciencia.
Maybe because you've got to fight me to the death in the morning, or maybe that your brother has decided that I'm gonna be his champion, and for the first time ever, you've decided to fight one of your own battles, and your whole kingdom's at stake.
Quizá porque tenéis que combatirme a muerte por la mañana, o puede que vuestro hermano haya decidido que seré su campeón y por primera vez decidáis luchar una de vuestras propias batallas, y todo vuestro reino está en juego.
I'm sure he's sick to bloody death Of everyone always talking about his perfect face.
Estoy segura de que está harto de que todos hablen de su rostro prefecto.

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