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His highness перевод на испанский

1,205 параллельный перевод
I have the honor to be the governess of His Highness, the prince imperial.
Tengo el honor de ser la institutriz de Su Majestad, el Príncipe Imperial.
And what has his highness of Hassir to say?
¿ Y qué tiene que decir Su Alteza de Hassir?
And his highness can try and find us in the wilderness of the desert.
Su Alteza puede probar a buscarnos en el desierto.
Well, His Highness thinks only of your true welfare, Your Majesty.
Su Alteza piensa solo en su bienestar, Su Majestad.
We must take a trip to Washington, Basil and visit His Highness.
Debemos hacer un viaje a Washington, Basil... para visitar a Su Alteza.
His Highness is having nervous attacks.
Tiene ataques de nervios.
His highness is back at the castle.
Mi señor acudirá hoy.
And His Highness is safe.
Pero les hemos detenido a todos.
I'm myself so saddened that I'm thinking about going to ask for his forgiveness to His Highness.
Es una situación incómoda, me gustaría pedir a nuestro señor que le perdone.
Sir Naito is His Highness'favourite. He will probably listen to him.
Si le apoya el Sr. Naito, en quien confía nuestro señor, conseguirá fácilmente el perdón.
His Highness holds you in high esteem, he will ask for your return soon.
Usted es importante y podrá regresar en poco tiempo.
His Highness the Duke Deschamps.
Su Alteza, el duque de Chandre.
Then I'll to his highness and let him command upon me, to the which my duties are with a most indissoluble tie forever knit.
Puede subir. Y yo le dije a su alteza que me ordenara lo que quisiera. Porque mis obligaciones van en estos tiempos unidas sólo a sus deseos.
You have no idea what we've been through. His highness is impossible.
Su Alteza está imposible.
His highness is not well.
Su majestad está indispuesto.
His Highness Omar Bey, heir to the throne of Agapur, who, after breaking the hearts of the most beautiful women in Capri,
Su Alteza Omar Bay, heredero al trono de Agapur. El cual después de haber roto en un solo día, el corazón de las mujeres más bellas de Capri,... incluida nuestra Sonia Bulgarov,
His Highness can not tolerate dishonesty.
Su alteza no tolera la deshonestidad.
In honour of His Highness, the Prince!
En honor de su Alteza, el Príncipe!
Now remember, when you're presented to His Highness,
Recuerden, cuando sean presentadas a Su Alteza,
His Highness'new coach.
La nueva carroza de su Alteza.
Nothing His Highness might do could surprise me.
Nada de lo que nuestra Alteza haga podría sorprenderme.
Señor Martinez is confidential secretary to His Highness, the viceroy.
El Señor Martínez es el secretario particular de su Alteza, el virrey.
His Highness, the viceroy, has graciously invited the company... to give a performance at the palace. - At the palace?
Su Alteza, el virrey, ha tenido la gentileza de invitar a la compañía a dar una actuación en palacio.
His Highness'generosity is already legend in the colony.
- Camilla. La generosidad de su Alteza es legendaria en esta colonia.
- This dreadful mania of His Highness for trying to mix with the rabble... going out in the streets in disguise... inviting these low comedians to the palace.
- Esa extraña mania de su Alteza de mezclarse con la plebe saliendo por la ciudad de incógnito, admitiendo a estos miserables en palacio.
I remind you that His Highness is awaiting the ladies. Sì, sì.
Os recuerdo que su Alteza espera a las señoras.
His Highness, in appreciation of your great talent... hopes you will accept this token.
Su Alteza, en reconocimiento de vuestro gran talento espera que acepteis este regalo.
- I'll return it to His Highness myself.
- Se lo devolveré yo mismo a su Alteza.
Well, His Highness gave instruction, but will you wait in His Highness'suite?
Su Alteza ha dado instrucciones, pero ¿ podéis subir a la suite de su Alteza?
Because His Highness...
Porque... Porque su Alteza...
I want to see His Highness... surrounded by the gentlemen of his court... with their ladies.
Querría ver a su Alteza rodeado por los caballeros de su corte con sus damas.
I thought I heard His Highness order you to your place at the cathedral.
Me parece que he oído a Su Alteza ordenarle ocupar su lugar en la catedral.
His Highness Prince Michael is waiting to pay his respects to you, Your Majesty.
Su Alteza el Príncipe Michael espera para daros sus respetos, Majestad.
Not every man keeps his word as you do, highness keep your princess!
Extraña manera de cumplir su palabra, alteza. ¡ Quédese con su princesa!
His Imperial Highness the Regent of Thailandia, one of our guests recently expressed his great satisfaction with the suite.
Su Alteza Imperial el Regente de Siam, uno de nuestros huéspedes... recientemente expresó su gran satisfacción con la suite. Por favor.
And if your father's highness do not, in grant of all demands at large, sweeten the bitter mock you sent his majesty, he'll make your Paris Louvre shake for it.
Decidle que si mi padre le da respuesta favorable, es en contra de mi voluntad. Yo no deseo sino lucha con Inglaterra. Él hará que vuestro Louvre de París tiemble por ello.
His royal highness, the Prince of Hassir.
Su Alteza Real, el Príncipe de Hassir.
His royal highness, the Prince of Hassir. Hassir, Hassir?
- Su Alteza Real, el Príncipe de Hassir.
His serene highness is thus assured that you will be conducted to his presence in a manner befitting your exulted position and the distinction of your house.
Su Alteza Serenísima quiere asegurarse de que seáis conducido ante su presencia de un modo a la altura de vuestra elevada posición y la distinción de vuestra casa.
His serene highness, commander of the faithful, lion of the imperial forest, rider of the spotless horse, shadow of Allah on earth, ruler of all Arabia.
¡ Su Alteza Serenísima, Comendador de los Creyentes,... León del Bosque Imperial,... Caballero del Caballo Inmaculado,... Sombra de Alá en la Tierra, gobernante de toda Arabia!
His Imperial Highness, Prince Ito.
Su Alteza Imperial, el príncipe Ito.
His Imperial Highness, Prince Ito, has retired.
Su Majestad Imperial, el príncipe Ito, se ha retirado.
What did you say to His Imperial Highness?
¿ Qué le dijiste a Su Alteza Imperial?
In attempting to close it, his gracious highness, the last of the Vanicheks, and General Trina Grimovitch fell from the heights to an untimely death.
Al intentar cerrarla, Su Majestad, el último de los Vanichek... y el general Trina Grimovitch se cayeron y murieron.
And very frankly he confess'd his treasons, implored your highness'pardon and set forth a deep repentance.
Confesó su culpa con franqueza e imploró vuestro perdón con muestras de hondo arrepentimiento.
And should one be found upon whose foot said slipper... shall properly fit... such maiden shall be acclaimed the object of this search... and immediately forthwith shall be looked upon... as the one and only true love of His Royal Highness,
Y deberá hallarse a aquella en cuyo pie dicha zapatilla... ajustará de manera adecuada... tal dama será aclamada el objeto de esta búsqueda... y rápida e inmediatamente será considerada... como el único y verdadero amor de Su Alteza Real,
His Royal Highness Brian Hawke.
Su majestad Brian Hawke.
When His Highness'visitors arrive, you're to stand to attention.
¡ Alto!
And I talked to His Royal Highness with...
Y hablé con su alteza real...
His Majesty has arrived, Your Highness.
Su Majestad ha llegado, Alteza.
Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness His Excellency the British Ambassador and Lady Topham.
Majestad, Alteza Real... Su Excelencia el embajador británico y Lady Topham.

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