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His secretary перевод на испанский

1,179 параллельный перевод
It's either his secretary or his niece.
Su secretaria o su sobrina.
Did you know the Dean and his secretary...
¿ Sabían que el Decano y su secretaria...?
He's in bed with his secretary.
Se acuesta con su secretaria.
She was his secretary-script girl then.
Ella era por aquel entonces su secretaria de guiones.
He goes into his office without saying hi to his secretary.
Y entra en su oficina sin saludar a su secretaria.
His secretary.
Su secretario.
And after this had happened, uh And we had seen the titles of the show, we... We saw biggles dictating a letter to his secretary
Después de eso y de la canción de entrada... hemos visto al señor Biggles dictando a su secretaria.
His secretary.
Ah. Su secretaria.
You resigned as his secretary, didn't you? Yes.
¿ Usted acaba de abandonar su trabajo como secretaria?
You're his secretary, are you?
¿ Usted es su secretaria?
Maybe we could talk to his secretary. She could -
Si hay algún problema avisen a su secretaria...
His secretary?
Yo soy la secretaria...
No, I haven't but I'm his secretary
No, no tengo permiso de visita. Soy la secretaria del señor Previne.
Perhaps I should call his secretary.
Quizá debería llamar a su secretaria.
I remember now it took him a little longer because his secretary came in and he was talking to her.
Me acuerdo que le tomó un poco más porque entró su secretaria y habló con ella.
I told his secretary I wanted to talk about the Teresa thing.
Le dije a su secretaria que quería hablar sobre el asunto de Teresa.
I have been his secretary. I am one of his art directors, and he's probably my closest friend, but we've never had an affair. - Never?
Hçe sido su secretaria, soy una de sus directoras de arte... y probablemente es mi mejor amigo, pero jamás hemos tenido una aventura.
Well, this Alice Fisher that got killed yesterday... it doesn't say for sure in the paper whether she was his secretary or not.
Esa Alice Fisher que mataron ayer... en el periódico no deja claro si se trataba de su secretaria o no.
He has an affair with his secretary, Maribel Garcia.
Está liado con su secretaria, Maribel García.
I'm his... I was his secretary. - For how long?
- Soy, era, su secretario.
- Well, we've travelled around. He was hampered by not knowing any languages. I acted more as his courier than as his secretary.
Viajamos y por su falta de idiomas me transformé más en mensajero.
Go ask his secretary. - Who's that?
- Vaya a preguntarle a su secretaria.
- What's wrong with his secretary?
- ¿ Y su secretaria?
- His secretary.
- Su secretaria.
Sid is having an affair with his secretary.
Sid tiene una aventura con susecretaria.
The secretary general made his report, and the man in charge knows the decisions he must soon take.
El secretario general hizo su informe, y el hombre al cargo sabe las decisiones que debe tomar sin demora. Digo que si los alemanes sólo hubieran tenido su propia Gestapo, no pudieran haber ocasionado ni la mitad del daño que causaron.
His Majesty King Vittorio Emanuele accepted the resignation of His Excellency Benito Mussolini as head of the government, Prime Minister and Secretary of State.
Su Majestad el rey Vittorio Emanuele... aceptó la renuncia de Su Excelencia Benito Mussolini... como Jefe de Gobierno, Primer Ministro y Secretario de Estado.
Prime Minister and Secretary of State, His Excellency Marshal Pietro Badoglio.
Primer Ministro y Secretario de Estado... a Su Excelencia el mariscal Pietro Badoglio.
King Vittorio Emanuele has accepted the resignation of His Excellency Benito Mussolini as head of the government, Prime minister and Secretary of State, and His Majesty has named as head of the government,
El rey Vittorio Emanuele aceptó la renuncia... de Su Excelencia Benito Mussolini... como Jefe de Gobierno, Primer Ministro y Secretario de Estado... y Su majestad nombró como Jefe de Gobierno...
Prime minister and Secretary of State, His Excellency Marshal Pietro Badoglio.
Primer Ministro y Secretario de Estado... a Su Excelencia el mariscal Pietro Badoglio.
His contact at the naval facility is Doris Gordon, a civilian secretary.
Su contacto en las instalaciones de la Marina es Doris Gordon una secretaria civil.
The Home Secretary has received a message, pushed through his door at midnight. They want to exchange Mr. Carrados for Dennis Rank. Anonymous?
El Secretario de Estado recibió el mensaje... abrió su puerta a la medianoche, harán el intercambio... del Sr. Carrados... por Dennis Rank.
As the first official act of his government, he ordered Cabinet Secretary Pfistermeister to find me and bring me to him.
Como primer acto oficial de su reinado mandó al Jefe de Gabinete Pfistermeister en persona a que me buscara y me trajera.
And so I say, sir at this particular moment in history we would make a fatal bargain if we allow the moral force which this country has for so long exerted to become diminished, or perhaps destroyed for the sake of the costly, trumpery dangerous military playthings upon which the Secretary of State for War... -... has set his heart.
Así que afirmo, señor en este momento particular de la historia haríamos un mal negocio si permitiéramos que la fuerza moral que este país ha ejercido mucho tiempo resultara disminuida, o quizá destruida a causa de los costosos, pretenciosos y peligrosos juguetes militares sobre los que el secretario de guerra ha depositado su corazón.
Churchill's colleagues had discussed for months his plan for British action in Norway, but some, like the foreign secretary Lord Halifax, were difficult to persuade.
Los colegas de Churchill habían discutido por meses sobre las acciones británicas en Noruega, sin embargo el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores. Lord Halifax, era dificil de convencer.
And I'm his executive secretary.
Y yo soy su Secretaria Ejecutiva.
Like, what senatorial candidate has been using his beach house to entertain his own wife's secretary.
Como que un candidato al senado ha estado usando su casa de playa para entretener a la secretaria de su propia esposa.
... was so ably pointed out by the Secretary-General in his opening remarks.
REINO UNIDO... que señalara hábilmente el Secretario en su discurso inaugural.
Does the Home Secretary realize that his last reply is totally inadequate?
¿ Acaso el Secretario del Interior sabe que su última respuesta es insuficiente?
[Meanwhile, Di Cori has been trying to reach.. ] [.. the secretary of his party and the Premier.]
Mientras tanto, el Diputado Di Cori, había tratado de contactar con... el secretario de su partido y con el Presidente del Consejo.
The secretary of the Rightist Union, deputy Mazzante,.. .. has given his party's unqualified support.. .. to the caretaker government.
El secretario de la Gran Derecha, el Diputado Mazzante, ha dado el apoyo incondicional de su partido al gobierno de transición.
This girl was his new secretary.
Y esa chica era la secretaria nueva.
From tomorrow on I'll work as his personal secretary
Desde mañana trabajo en la secretaría particular.
It's his first opportunity to be named the Secretary of State.
Su primera oportunidad de ser nombrado Secretario de Estado.
In his effort to mediate between Israel and Syria, US Secretary of State Kissinger has travelled the Middle East in vain.
Como mediador en el conflicto entre Israel y Siria, el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Kissinger, viajó en vano por el Medio Oriente.
You work for Talenti, you were also his secretary.
Ha trabajado como secretaria de Talenti.
Forget the Commissioner. Now, we've got the Home Secretary blowing his top, demanding to know what kind of a lunatic I've turned loose.
El propio ministro del Interior quiere saber qué clase de loco he dejado suelto por ahí.
I was saying, that along with your official responsibility for the King's safety on this royal visit, I, too, as First Secretary have a responsibility, a personal responsibility for his safety.
Estaba diciendo, que junto con su responsabilidad oficial por la seguridad del rey en su visita real yo también, como Primer Secretario, tengo una responsabilidad.
Well, his personal secretary.
Bueno, con su secretaria privada.
Now if we wait for Friday, his lawyer will have found out from the secretary. - This is really tough.
Un crítico importante, no hagamos nombres no ha entendido esto.
Mrs. Daley took the call from her secretary in your dressing room when she said that she was going to... Oh, what's his name, sir?
La Sra. Daley rspondió a la llamada de su marido en ese remolque cuando dijo que iría a la tienda... de... como se llama ese señor?

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