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I care about her перевод на испанский

603 параллельный перевод
Generous. Do you think I care about her?
Generoso. ¿ Cree que ella me importa?
What do I care about her?
¿ Qué me importa su hija?
- Do they? I'll show you how much I care about her.
Te demostraré cuánto me importa.
I don't care how many kidnappers you catch, whether they're caught or not. I care about her.
No me importa si atrapa a los secuestradores, me importa ella.
What do I care about her?
¿ Que me importa la Madre Celeste?
What do I care about her?
¡ Qué me importa ella!
It sounds silly but I care about her.
Puede sonar estúpido, pero ella me importa.
What do I care about her annulment? I have enough trouble on my own.
¿ Qué me importa el divorcio de esa loca?
What do I care about her?
A mí qué me importa mi madre.
"Now don't worry about the girl, I'll take care of her."
"No te preocupes por la chica, cuidaré de ella."
What we care about is her name, and I'm gonna drag that name through every printing press in this state.
Y voy a arrastrar su nombre por todo el Estado.
I didn't care anything about her.
Ella no me importa nada.
I don't care anything about her.
No me importa nada ella.
Anyway, I - I couldn't make her care two hoots about me, could I? Of course you couldn't.
En fin... no podría lograr importarle a ella un rábano, ¿ cierto?
I don't care anything about her.
No me interesa nada sobre ella.
Look, I don't care anything about her.
No me interesa ella.
I'm only interested in her dresses otherwise I don't care about her at all for me she remains a beast and for me you remain an idiot
Sólo me interesan sus vestidos. Si no me es indiferente. Para mí, sigue siendo una bestia.
I am not in rush about performance, if you can take care of her at your place.
No tengo prisa con la interpretación, si Vd. puede ocuparse de ella en su casa.
About this child.. with her to care for, I will need more money.
En cuanto a esta niña... necesitaré más dinero.
I want her to be happy. That's all I care about.
Quiero que sea feliz, es lo único que me importa.
─ I don't care about her. I'm sorry for Miss Drumm.
Me da pena la Sra. Drame.
Only trouble is, if I ever found a girl I cared that much about, I'd care too much about it to wish a guy like me off on her.
El problema es que si hallara una chica ala que quisiera tanto... me preocuparía demasiado como para engatusarle un tipo como yo.
And then I saw her coming out of the sun... and I knew why Whit didn't care about that 40 grand.
Un día la vi entrar con el sol. Comprendí por qué a Whit no le importaba el dinero.
At the moment, I don't care about the contractual dealings Her Majesty might have entered with you.
No me interesan, de momento, los acuerdos a que haya llegado con Su Majestad.
What I care about is to learn from you by which ruse... you've obtained from her this totally unexpected reversal.
Lo que me interesa es que me cuente que treta ha utilizado... para obtener de Su Majestad este cambio tan inesperado.
Oh, I know nothing about her charms, and I care less.
- Pero... - Me dan igual sus encantos.
I don't care about her.
¿ Qué tiene que ver ella?
I found her, I don't care about the road blocks.
La encontré. No me importa el bloqueo de las calles.
I didn't care about anything except holding on to her.
No me preocupaba nada excepto estar con ella.
You don't care about her any more than I do!
ella te importa tan poco como a mí.
You, a complete stranger, a $ 12-a-week soda jerker... $ 13 a week. Because you're forcing her to marry a man she doesn't care about. I like that!
Porque la están empujando a casarse con un hombre a quien no ama.
- I don't care about her.
- No me interesa.
They wouldn't care about Nini if I'd shot myself over her.
No les importaría Nini, si hubiese sido yo el suicida.
That's why I don't care about her.
Por eso ella me da igual.
I do care about my life with her... more than anything else in the world.
Mi vida con ella me importa más que nada en el mundo.
I don't care about her rage.
No me importa la furia de esa mujer.
I wanted to talk to you about mother, I want to take care of her.
Quiero cuidarla.
Oh, i know you don't care anything about me now. I'm just a silly woman who watches television dyes her hair, grows old.
Soy sólo una vieja tonta que ve televisión,... se tiñe el cabello y envejece.
And I don't care about her... he is my problem! - You took this too far.
- Has llevado esto demasiado lejos.
I couldn't care less about her.
Ella no me importa en lo más mínimo.
I don't care about her!
¡ Ella no me importa!
My wife, who had deceived me more times before the war... than I care to think about... was now having the time of her life being faithful.
Mi esposa, que me había engañado antes de la guerra... más de lo que puedo pensar... estaba entonces disfrutando de serme fiel.
I don't care to talk about her.
- No hablo de ella.
Although I can't see why I care... about someone who can't watch a sunrise without losing her pants.
Sin embargo, no veo porqué me inquieto... a propósito de alguien que no puede mirar una salida de sol sin perder su calzón.
No es muy educado...
I don't care about her past.
No me importa su pasado.
Then I will let you know about the situation and will explain to you why you must take care of her.
Entonces la pondré al tanto de la situación y le explicaré por qué tiene que cuidarla.
Don't worry about her. I'll take care of everything.
No se preocupen por "ella", me haré cargo de todo.
Do you want to give birth I can't give birth, we have to care about her face and age
¿ Debería deshacerse del niño? ¿ Qué sería de nuestra reputación si lo tuviera?
Tonight, I want you to go see your Aunt Dori and tell her you don't care about working here, you're quitting, and tomorrow, you release that statement to the press.
Pero esta noche, quiero que vayas a ver a tu tía Dory le digas que ya no quieres trabajar aquí, que renuncias y, mañana mismo, le comunicarás eso a la prensa.
In other words, I don't care about her, but you are a pig!
En otras palabras, ella no me importa, pero tú me das asco.

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