About her перевод на испанский
41,940 параллельный перевод
But I sent another one to the terrorists, with a nice little clue about her code name, should anyone have an enquiring mind.
Pero envié otra a los terroristas, con una pequeña pista de su nombre en clave, todo el mundo debería tener una mente indagadora.
When she left I was probably a little angry, so I tried to just forget all about her.
Cuando se fue, probablemente estaba un poco enfadada, así que traté de olvidarla.
My father, he would never even speak about her.
Mi padre, ni siquiera hablaba de ella.
Sarah's teacher informed me that I don't have to worry about her and the boys because she's going to be a science prodigy.
La profesora de Sarah me dijo... que no debo preocuparme de ella y los chicos... porque será un prodigio de la ciencia.
- I really care about her.
- Me preocupo por ella.
Some day you can tell me about her.
Algún día me contarás de ella.
I know you care about her deeply.
Sé que usted se preocupa mucho por ella.
That's one of the things I love about her.
Es algo molesto, Lo comprendo perfectamente.
- I don't care about her.
- No me preocupo por ella.
What about her?
¿ Qué pasa con ella?
From what you've told me about her, I think she'd be happy about how well you're doing.
Por lo que me contaste creo que a ella le alegraría lo bien que estás.
I heard about her.
Oí hablar de ella.
Tell her that they're from me. Tell her that I'm thinking about her.
Dile que son de mi parte y que pienso en ella.
It was a mistake not telling you guys about her.
Fue un error no hablaros de ella.
I'm not talking about her abilities.
No hablo de sus facultades.
You know nothing about her.
No sabes nada de ella.
And there's no article about her anywhere in this magazine.
Y no hay ningún artículo sobre ella en la revista.
I don't know much about her, she's going to school with him.
No sé mucho de ella, va a la escuela con él.
If you care about her at all,
Si usted se preocupa por ella en absoluto,
Of course I'm worried about her.
Por supuesto que estoy preocupada por ella.
Because I thought you still cared about her.
Porque pensé que todavía se preocupaba por ella.
Of course I still care about her!
Por supuesto que todavía se preocupan por ella!
Yo, if you find her tell her Rigaberto is thinking about her.
Ese, si la encuentras, dile que Rigoberto está pensando en ella.
Why didn't you ever tell me about her?
¿ Por qué nunca me hablaste de ella?
There's something wounded about her, if you ask me.
Hay algo turbio en ella, si me preguntas.
Even Celeste, something wounded about her if you ask me.
Hasta Celeste. Hay algo turbio en ella, si me preguntas.
Some friend told her about Clara.
Una amiga le contó sobre Clara.
He was talking to me about how he just broke up with his girlfriend, and she was in London and he was here, and he was waiting for her to come back so he could do it in person and he just turned...
Me dijo que acababa de romper con su novia. Ella se fue a Londres y él se quedó aquí, y esperaba que vuelva para decirlo personalmente...
Are you going to tell her about me?
¿ Le hablarás de mí?
- Since you're determined to meet her, you're about to find out.
- ¿ Por qué? Como estás decidido a verla, ahora lo descubrirás.
We have more to worry about than her choice of colour scheme.
Tenemos más preocupaciones que su elección de colores.
Took us about six months to get this wheelchair for her.
Nos tomó cerca de seis meses conseguir esta silla para ella.
Forgot about her. Just let me do all the talking.
No se preocupen por ella.
You didn't answer her question. How come we are now just hearing about this?
¿ Y cómo es que nos enteramos ahora de todo esto?
Maybe it's not about money for her.
Quizá no sea cuestión de dinero.
- Yeah, no, we were talking about the new Dee, the funny one. - Her?
- Bueno, no, eran para la nueva Dee, la que es graciosa.
About a week before your sister took her life... what were you doing for a living then?
Una semana antes del suicidio de Diane ¿ a qué se dedicaba?
It wasn't her death she was talking about.
No estaba hablando de su muerte.
But you know how Diane could be when she made her mind up about something.
Pero sabes cómo era Diane cuando tomaba una decisión.
Tell her her daughter's "Locked" deal is about to go away.
Dile a su hija que el trato de "Locked" se va ir al garete.
I told her about the guns because her brother and I were gonna sell them.
Le conté de las armas porque su hermano y yo íbamos a venderlas.
It was one time, and i was trying to warn her about the bad milk!
Era una vez, y yo estaba tratando de advertirle acerca de la mala leche!
Did she slip you her number- - would you fucking forget about it?
¿ Ella tiene un desliz de su number- - le puto olvidarse de él? ¿ Por favor?
I called Connie, who actually talks to ginnie and cares about what's going on in her life and knows where the hell she is.
Llamé a Connie, que en realidad habla con ginnie y se preocupa por lo que está pasando en su vida y sabe dónde diablos está.
I talk to her about my work, when we sit up in bed at night.
Hablo con ella sobre mi trabajo, cuando estamos en la cama por la noche.
I was just telling her about the rhyme they all sing about him now.
Le estaba contando lo de la rima que ahora cantan sobre él.
What do we know that we haven't asked her about?
¿ Qué sabemos nosotros que aún no le hayamos preguntado?
Well, Charlotte told Sara that she hid her greatest treasure in The Radley and Sara thought that she was talkin'about some pot of gold.
Bueno, Charlotte le dijo a Sara que había escondido su mayor tesoro en el Radley y Sara creyó que hablaba de alguna olla de oro.
Tell her what I'm talking about.
Dígale de lo que estoy hablando.
If I was wrong about all this, I couldn't let her die.
Si me equivocaba en todo esto, no podía dejarla morir.
The shit is really gonna hit the fan if I don't tell her about this petition.
Se va a armar una buena si no le cuento lo de esa petición.
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