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I was going to thank you.
Iba a darte las gracias.
I was going to say I'm not stopping with the tile.
Iba a decir que no voy a detenerme en la baldosa.
So, I told him he had to stop, that I was going to press charges.
Así que le dije que tenía que parar, que iba a presentar cargos.
I was going to tell you at lunch.
Iba a decírtelo en el almuerzo.
I was going to tell him.
Iba a decírselo.
Thought I was going to take care of that in the next 10 years.
Pensé que me iba a ocupar de eso en los próximos 10 años.
I was going to save everyone.
Yo iba a salvarlos a todos.
I thought I was going to die.
Creí que iba a morir.
I was going to get this earlier.
Iba a darte esto pronto.
Last night, it was like he thought I was going to break or something. Maybe he just sees me as the broken girl, and he's just not up for it.
Puede que solo me vea como la chica destrozada, y no le apetezca.
I was going to marry Justin Timberlake and... you were going to tie the knot with Matt Damon.
Yo me casaría con Justin Timberlake y... tú le echarías el lazo a Matt Damon.
I was--I was going to say something, but then everything with Felicity, and...
Iba a contártelo, pero luego pasó lo de Felicity, y...
I was going to tell you the same thing.
Yo iba a decirte lo mismo.
Oh, did you think I was going to kill you?
¿ Creías que iba a matarte?
No, I was going to say, "like the Von Trapps."
¿ Atrapado? No, iba a decir, "como los Von Trapps."
I was going to ask if you had.
Te iba a preguntar si tú lo habías hecho.
I was going to bone my girlfriend, but she told me that if there wasn't vanilla vodka involved, there was no way.
Iba a tirarme a mi novia pero ella me dijo que si no había vodka de vainilla involucrado no había ninguna manera.
I was going to return your money!
.. estaba por devolver su dinero, ji.
I... I was going to resign.
Yo... yo iba a renunciar.
And I was going to sleep at night fucking crying and thinking about you at Alex's house!
¡ Y me iba a dormir llorando... y pensando en ti en casa de Alex!
Ah, I, erm... I was going to call in at the office, but I saw the car and I...
Ah, yo eh... iba llamar a la oficina, pero vi el coche y yo...
- I was going to ask you the same thing.
- Yo iba a preguntarte lo mismo.
You know, I was going to leave all of this until at least we had a chance to get to know each other.
Sabe, iba a dejar todo esto... hasta que por lo menos tuviéramos la oportunidad de conocernos.
- I was going to.
- Iba a decírtelo.
I was going to introduce you to her before we got... waylaid.
Te la iba a presentar antes de que... nos emboscaran.
I thought I was being driven to an unmarked grave. What's going on?
Pensé que me conducían a una tumba sin nombre. ¿ Qué sucede?
I told her I was going round to Christine's to talk.
Le dije que estaba yendo a lo de Christine para hablar.
I started to wonder what was really going on in this country.
Empecé a preguntarme qué pasaba realmente en este país.
Well, I was actually going to say carpooling and bagging lunches,
Iba a decir de trasladar a los niños y empacar almuerzos,
When looking at this, going in the helicopter yesterday, I was wondering, "Why this man is going... wanting to do with that volcano, eh?"
Cuando viajamos en el helicóptero ayer, me preguntaba : "¿ Por qué a este hombre le interesa tanto el volcán?".
I thought this place was going to be the end of us.
Pensé que este lugar iba a ser nuestro fin.
- I knew, sooner or later, one of us was going to get a little too much blood on our hands.
- Sabía que tarde o temprano, alguno de nosotros iba a tener demasiada sangre en las manos.
Look, he-he didn't tell me he was going out of town but I know that he finished the next chapter of his book and I'm supposed to proofread the pages before I e-mail them to my boss.
No me dijo que se iba de la ciudad pero sé que ha terminado el siguiente capítulo de su libro y se supone que tengo que corregir las páginas antes de enviárselas a mi jefa.
I opened my dressing room door to put my shoes out for wardrobe and somebody was going into my husband's office.
Abrí la puerta de mi vestidor para sacar mis zapatos del vestuario y alguien estaba entrando en la oficina de mí marido.
I was going over he schematics of the two pieces of stolen tech, rying to figure out where Roy was going to hit next.
Estaba revisando los esquemas de las dos piezas de tecnología robada, tratando de averiguar dónde iba a robar Roy la próxima vez.
I mean, whatever was going on with this Samantha person, clearly she wanted nothing to do with mom, and either way, I don't--just- -
Pasara lo que pasara con esa Samantha, ella claramente no quiso tener nada que ver con mamá y de cualquier forma, no sé...
You were the only thing that kept me going and the worst part was thinking that I was gonna die without ever getting the chance to tell you... That I'm sorry.
Fuiste lo único que me hizo seguir adelante y lo peor fue que creía que iba a morir sin haber tenido la ocasión de decirte... que lo siento.
So, um, I was wondering when you were planning on going into town, just because, you know, I wanna know that we are gonna have enough time to prepare all of that corn.
Me preguntaba... cuándo piensan ir a la ciudad... porque quiero saber... si vamos a tener tiempo de cocinar los choclos.
- I'm also going to need a list of everybody that knew Michael Thompson was stashed on Shetland, because we've got a second murder there - a young boy called Robbie Morton - and it's connected to the murder
- Voy a necesitar una lista de... los que sabían que Michael Thompson se escondía en Shetland, porque tenemos un segundo asesinato allá. Un joven llamado Robbie Morton. Y está conectado con el asesinato... de tu testigo estrella.
S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to recover that warhead, and then I was thinking that...
SHIELD va a recuperar esa ojiva y después estaba pensando que...
Now I'm going to show you something that maybe you didn't know was here.
Ahora voy a enseñarte algo que tal vez no sabías que estaba aquí.
I'm not going to sit here and deny that, but I was never involved in ordering executions or ever witnessed any, or knew anyone who was carrying them out.
No voy a sentarme aquí y negar eso, pero nunca estuve involucrado en ordenar ejecuciones... ni nunca presencié alguna, No conocí a ninguno que las llevara a cabo.
I also thought that it was time to tell the world about what's going on.
También pensé que era hora de decirle al mundo... lo que está pasando.
I also thought that it was time to tell the world about what's going on.
También pensé que era hora de decirle al mundo...
You know, I will ask you to tell me what you remember about what was going on.
Tú sabes, te pediré que me cuentes lo que recuerdas de lo que estaba sucediendo.
ever since I was little, I've learned to confound people's ideas on what's going on in my head.
desde que era niño, aprendí a confundir las ideas de la gente sobre lo que pasaba por mi cabeza.
Well, I mean, I was only renting it, so... I'm just going to be out the money for the barn, but whatever.
Bueno, solo la tengo en alquiler, así que... voy a recuperar el dinero de la granja para cualquier otra cosa.
He kept telling me there was stuff he couldn't share with me and I've been going a little crazy trying to figure out what that stuff is.
Siguió diciéndome que había cosas que no podía compartir conmigo y me he estado volviendo algo loca intentando averiguar qué cosas son.
I was never going to be The Flash, so I became the reverse of everything that you were.
Nunca iba a ser Flash, así que me convertí en el reverso de todo lo que tú eras.
I knew this was going to happen.
Sabía que esto iba a pasar.
I tried to warn both of you it was never going to work.
Intenté avisaros a los dos de que no iba a funcionar nunca.
i was going to call you 29
i was going to say 131
i was going to tell you 101
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was going to say 131
i was going to tell you 101
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was thinking about you 32
i was just wondering 282
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was thinking about you 32
i was just wondering 282
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35