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It's different now перевод на испанский

675 параллельный перевод
It's just that it hasn't mattered very much, but now things are different.
Es sólo que no ha importado mucho, pero ahora las cosas son diferentes.
But now it's all different.
Pero ahora todo es distinto.
Oh, it's different now.
¿ Por qué?
But now it's different.
Pero ahora es diferente.
I made a mistake once. But now it's going to be different.
Cometí un error una vez, pero ahora será diferente.
It's all different now.
Ahora todo es distinto.
Now I'll tell mine, and hopefully you'll understand why it's quite different.
Ahora, te explicaré el mío, y con un poco de suerte comprenderás porque es tan diferente.
Well, from now on it's going to be different.
- Ahora será diferente.
Now it's changed, but it used to be so different. Back then it was full of flowers, animals...
Ahora está asi, pero entonces era otra cosa, porque a mi, a vuestra edad me gustaban mucho las flores, los animales,...
And now, today of all days, Ethan Hoyt Day. The day they are dedicating his statue in the city square. She has to hide inside the house somewhere and pretend she doesn't know it's any different from 10.000 other days.
Y precisamente hoy, el día de Ethan Hoyt el día en que inauguran su estatua en la plaza tiene que esconderse en casa para fingir que no ve la diferencia con los demás días.
It's different now.
Ahora es diferente.
- It's all different now, Ed.
- Ahora todo es distino, Ed.
But it's different now. I'm a veteran.
Pero ahora es diferente.
- Because it ´ s different now.
- Porque ahora todo es diferente.
But now that it's different - and I'd rather you didn't try to persuade me ;
Ahora es diferente, y preferiría que no intentara persuadirme.
I tell you, darling, it's all different now.
Créeme, cariño, las cosas cambiaron.
It's different now.
Ahora, es diferente.
Well, it's just that things are different now, that's all.
Es que ahora las cosas han cambiado, eso es todo.
It's different now.
Ahora todo cambió.
But it's different now.
Y sigo igual.
It's going to be different now. Brant and me.
Todo será diferente entre Brant y yo.
It's a different world now that the war's over.
El mundo es diferente ahora que la guerra acabó.
It's all been my fault... but things really will be different... because we understand each other now, don't we?
Ha sido culpa mía pero todo va a ser diferente, porque ahora nos entendemos, ¿ Verdad?
It's a different story now, ain't it, Baxter?
La historia ha cambiado, ¿ eh, Baxter?
It's a different story now.
Ahora todo es distinto.
But listen, Mother, it's different now from when we were young.
Okimi, las crías de hoy ya no son como nosotras.
And it's a different world now, the South.
Y ahora el Sur es un mundo diferente.
- [Rosalie] It's going to be very different now.
A partir de ahora todo será muy distinto.
Now it's different, darling.
Ahora es distinto, cariño.
Now that summer's begun, it's all very different here... from what it was in the spring.
Ahora que el verano ha llegado, todo es muy diferente acá... de cómo era en la primavera.
But it's different now.
Pero ahora es diferente.
And now it's happened to you and that's different.
Lo que le ha pasado a usted es diferente.
From now on it's going to be different.
De ahora en adelante, será diferente.
But now we're alone, it's different.
Ahora que estamos solos es distinto.
It's quite different now.
Es bastante diferente ahora.
Because now it's different.
Ahora todo es distinto.
Now it's different.
Pero ahora es diferente.
But he's always refused to see me. It's different now.
- Pero si él siempre se ha negado a verme.
Now over here it's going to be a little different.
Pero aquí va a ser un poco distinto.
When the plant opened it was different, but now it's hardly worth it.
Cuando la planta abrió era diferente, pero ahora es difícil.
It's different - you want me now, he wants me forever.
Es diferente... Tú me deseas ahora, Él me desea para siempre.
Looking at you, it's not easy but I admit I'm a bad judge, because up to now I've run my own life on rather different lines.
Al verte, no es fácil pero admito que soy un mal juez, porque hasta ahora he llevado mi vida de una forma bastante diferente.
It's a different vehicle. It's almost as if it came out of the same mold, but every now and then - in the wiring, in the control panel and in the structure - there's a tiny insignificant alteration.
Es casi como si saliera del mismo molde,... pero de vez en cuando -... en el cableado, en el panel de control, y en la estructura -... hay una alteración minúscula e insignificante.
But now it's a different story.
Pero ahora es otra historia.
Now we're on the same boat, it's different.
Ahora estamos en el mismo barco... es diferente.
Now look, there's something quite different, isn't it?
Ahora, mira, hay algo muy diferente, ¿ no?
Now, it's different.
Ahora, es diferente.
It's a little different now.
Ahora es diferente.
I've seen them from time to time, but... it's different now.
Les he visto alguna vez, pero... ahora es distinto.
It's going to be different from now on.
Ahora va a ser distinto..
Now, it's very presumptuous of us to believe that martians are going to be any different than we are.
Sería presumido creer que los Marcianos son diferentes de nosotros.

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