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It made me sick перевод на испанский

170 параллельный перевод
When they turned Cortig out of that courtroom today, it made me sick all over.
Cuando sacaron a Cortig fuera de aquel tribunal hoy, me puso enfermo.
Just the thought of leaving you coming so suddenly the way it did, it made me sick all over.
Sólo el pensamiento de dejarte tan de repente, hizo que me pusiese enfermo.
I did have a couple coming over on the boat. It made me sick.
Tomé un par en el barco cuando venía y me sentí mal.
And it made me sick, and that's a fact.
Y me pone enfermo, es así.
Once he kicked me. Gee, it made me sick.
Una vez me pegó y me enfadé muchísimo.
It made me sick.
Me enferma.
It made me sick when you touched me.
Cuando me tocabas, quería vomitar.
When Dad got married again, it made me sick.
Que papá volviera a casarse me puso enferma.
It made me sick. Of course it did.
Me dio asco.
It made me sick.
Me dio asco.
It made me sick!
Me dio asco.
It made me sick looking at it.
He comenzado a sentirme mal.
It made me sick to see Miles trotting after him like a little dog.
Me ponía enferma ver a Miles siguiéndole como un perrito.
It made me sick
Me ha dado náuseas.
- I tried to eat, but it made me sick.
He intentado comer algo, pero me pone enferma.
I did, and it made me sick.
Ya lo he hecho y me puse enfermo.
It made me sick.
Me puso enfermo.
To be honest, it made me sick.
Y os digo la verdad. Me ha dado realmente asco.
Afterwords, it made me sick.
Después me daba nauseas.
I tried a bottle. It made me sick.
Yo probé una botella y me puse enfermo.
It made me sick to look at it.
Sólo ver esas cosas me enfermaba.
I told you, it made me sick.
No, porque me mareaba.
It made me sick.
Me hizo enfermar.
You've made that clear to me often enough, and I'm sick and tired of it.
Me lo has dejado claro muchas veces, y ya estoy cansada.
And then it made me quite sick that you could be taken in by a lot of old tricks.
Luego me sentí mal al pensar en la estupidez de engañarte así.
I figured that it was being sick that made him like that, but it was still pretty hard.
Me imaginaba que la enfermedad le hacía ser así. No obstante fue muy duro.
Made me sick just to look at it.
Verlo, daba ganas de vomitar.
As long as I've been here, every time they've had an execution it's made me sick to my stomach.
Desde que llevo aquí, siempre que veo una ejecución... se me revuelve el estómago.
- [Clamoring Stops] - Look, it made me just sick... - to have to raise the price of admission for this show.
Miren, me enferma... tener que subir el precio de la entrada para la obra.
Why did you kiss me? It made you sick, didn't it?
- ¿ por qué me diste un beso?
When that charlatan spoke words of love to you in Oscar's name... and you answered with such modesty and trepidation... it made me sick.
Le respondía a Oscar. Con tanto pudor, con tanta trepidación... Yo estaba mal.
My son just called me a drunk, a failure. Said it made him sick to look at me.
Mi hijo me acaba de decir que soy un borracho y un fracasado... y que Ie da asco mirarme.
- it made me sick.
- Me dio asco.
But his own wife told me, and it made her sick when she did.
Pero su propia mujer me lo dijo, y se ponía enferma cuando lo hizo.
The sight of women made me sick as long as it wasn't Marianne.
La imagen de las mujeres me enfermaba, siempre y cuando no era Marianne.
It made me a bit sick
Me mareé un poco.
It made me real sick, a lot of it did.
Muchas de las cosas me enfermaron.
Think of how sick it made me to touch you!
¡ Piensa en lo enfermo que me puse despues de tocarte a ti!
One day it all made me sick.
Un dia todo me hizo sentir enferma.
It made me feel sick.
Una mujer, una asquerosa mujer.
- I never said it made me sick.
Nunca dije que me repugnara
I know it was you that saved me, But it was also you that made me sick!
Ya sé que fuiste tú el que me salvaste, pero también fuiste tú el que me enfermó.
Just to touch it made me feel sick.
Nada más tocarlo me puse enferma.
I almost hated to use her - she was so in love with me, it nearly made me sick.
Me costó llamarla : Estaba tan enamorada de mí que casi me daba náuseas.
It made me so sick!
¡ Me cayó tan mal!
- It made me physically sick.
- Me hizo sentirme físicamente enfermo.
I never said a word about it, but I harbored a deep resentment. And it strained our relationship, to the point where the very sight of that person made me sick.
nunca dije una sola palabra acerca de eso, pero albergué un resentimiento profundo y eso tensó nuestra relación, al punto de solo ver a esa persona me enfermaba.
her smell, her fur... it all made me sick.
Su olor, su pelo, todo me repugnaba.
It made her sick.
Eso me enfermó.
Made me sick when it happened.
Me enfureció cuando sucedió.
It made me feel sick.
Me hizo sentir muy mal.

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