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It took a while перевод на испанский

836 параллельный перевод
It took a while for all to find their seats.
Llego un tiempo en que todos se acomodaron.
Well, it took a while, but...
Bueno, he tardado un poco, pero...
Before, when I'd wake up, even if it took a while, I'd wake up all at once.
Y cuando despertaba, despertaba de golpe.
It took a while to train him, but now he's about ready for his debut.
Llevó tiempo entrenarlo, pero está listo para el estreno.
It took a while, but it was worth it!
Se tarda un poco de tiempo, pero vale la pena. ¡ Mire qué aire!
it took a while for your meat to stop being tough, your chips to stop being greasy, the wine vinegary, for these pejorative adjectives, which at first evoke the sad fare of the soup-kitchens, to lose little by little their meaning,
has necesitado algún tiempo para que la carne deje de ser correosa, las patatas aceitosas, el vino ácido, para que esos adjetivos que evocan comidas pobres y sopas de caridad... pierdan poco a poco su sustancia,
Yeah... It took a while.
Sí, pero, Zamora no se hizo en una hora.
It took a while for the Sheriff to revive Boss from a choking fit.
El comisario tardó algún tiempo en recuperar la voz del ataque de tos.
I would like to ask you something, Herr Clausen please would it be alright if I, while you are at sea... also took a holiday?
Me gustaría preguntarle algo, sr. Clausen. Por favor...
Looks like it took a long while to get started.
Parece que tardó en iniciarse.
Well, Roger wanted to sit next to you for a while, and I thought it would be nice if the children took turns.
Roger quería sentarse a tu lado, así que habrá que hacer turnos.
For a while we were so busy, it kind of took our minds off the war.
Durante un tiempo, estuvimos ocupados y mantuvo nuestras mentes fuera de esta guerra.
And it took me a while to discover just how insidious Amthor is...
Y me llevó tiempo descubrir lo insidioso que es Amthor...
At least it took your mind off cold marble for a while.
Por Lo menos durante un rato debió dejar de pensar en eL frío mármol.
It took me a while but here I am.
Me ha llevado mi tiempo, pero aquí estoy.
Mother and Dad came in, it took them quite a while to calm me down
Tuve que comprobarlo.
Took you a little while, but you finally made it.
Te costó un poquito, pero finalmente lo hiciste.
It took us a little while to find her. She had grown up and changed her name. But we did.
Tardamos un tiempo en encontrarla, ya crecida y cambiada de nombre.
He was sure it would be all right with her if I took his room for a couple of weeks while he's on his trip back east.
Me aseguró que por ella no habría problema si ocupaba la habitación durante un par de semanas mientras él estaba de viaje por el Este.
I guess it was just a coincidence that the mission was open and empty all night while everybody suddenly took off on an all-night crusade.
Supongo que fue sólo una coincidencia que la misión... quedó abierta y vacía toda la noche... mientras todos salieron en una campaña de toda la noche.
It took me quite a while to decide.
I took a peek inside a while ago, and I must say it looks mighty tasty.
Me asomé hace un rato y les diré que es una delicia.
It took me a while to see it
Me ha costado entenderlo, pero es cierto.
He thought it'd be a good idea if I took a trip while he consummated this big deal, because I have no head for business.
Pensó que sería una buena idea que fuera de viaje mientras él cerraba el trato. Yo no tengo cabeza para los negocios.
I kind of got used to being a commander so when I arrived here at the hospital I took a look at the enlisted men's ward and then the officer's ward and I said to myself, "Let's let it ride along for a while."
Me acostumbré a ser comandante y al llegar a la enfermería vi la diferencia de alojamiento entre soldados y oficiales y me dije : "Dejemos las cosas como están".
If I were you, I'd live with that a while before I took it in anyplace.
Yo en tu lugar, me acostumbraría a él un tiempo antes de llevarlo a algún sitio.
It took me a while to straighten him out.
Tardé bastante en hacérselo comprender.
It took you a while, but you got there.
¿ Ves? Con un poco de imaginación...
Por eso me tomo algo de tiempo notarlo.
Would it be all right if I took a few notes while you're talking?
¿ Le parece bien que tome notas mientras habla?
His son came to my cell during the night. He opened it. He took my place and waited while I did it.
Su hijo vino a mi celda de noche, ocupó mi lugar hasta que terminé, luego me encerró de nuevo.
They called the concierge, but it took him a while... He was killed instantaneously.
Creo que murió al poco... de llegar el conserje.
"It took us a while to figure out what he was up to, until we did a fluoroscope of one of his packages, and found out he was mailing a jeep home, piece by piece."
Trampero y yo no sabíamos qué se proponía... pero hicimos una fluoroscopia a uno de sus paquetes... y descubrimos que estaba enviando a su casa un jeep, poco a poco.
A whole regiment took it in the teeth a while ago.
Un regimiento entero acaba de llevarse una buena.
He took one of the best and- - all right, I'll say it- - noblest ideas to come along in quite a while.
Una de sus mejores... muy bien, lo dire
And again, it's all from her point of view to show the bootlegging scam, which took people a while to figure out.
El contrabando de licor se descubre a través de los ojos de Tatum. La gente tarda en darse cuenta.
It took me a while.
Me tomó un tiempo.
- Hmm? - It took me a while, but I traced you.
Me tomó un tiempo, pero lo localicé.
It would be better for everyone if you took a break for a while.
Sería mejor para todos si tomas un descanso por un tiempo.
It took me a while before I understood what Delphine wanted.
Me llevó un tiempo comprender lo que quería Delphine.
It'll be a while yet, my first took 20 hours
Esto va a llevar tiempo. Con mi primer hijo me pasé veinte horas.
It took me a while to go back to sleep last night.
Me costó volver a dormirme anoche.
It took a little while for me and grandpa to get acquainted.
Nos tomó un tiempo al abuelo y a mi acostumbrarnos
Well, it took quite a while, but I finally discovered that there were only two words on the list that really had to deal with... two... sort of to look at the double standard that television uses as language is concerned.
Bueno, sí. Pero finalmente descubrí que sólamente había dos palabras en la lista que servían para demostrar el doble rasero que usa la televisión en lo que respecta al idioma.
DetectiveJohn Walsh took it upon himself - while all the other members of WAD were being honorably arrested - to single me out for preferential treatment.
El detectiveJohn Walsh decidió, por cuenta propia... darme un tratamiento preferencial mientras a las otras integrantes... de MCD las arrestaban honorablemente.
It took me a while, it could have happened sooner, but, better late than never!
- Me ha venido tarde, es verdad. Podría haberme venido antes. En fin, nunca es tarde para hacer lo correcto.
All it took was to have my wife murdered while my employers watched on closed-circuit TV.
Sólo se necesitó hacer que mataran a mi esposa mientras mis empleadores miraban por circuito cerrado de televisión.
It's been a while, so I took a little tour.
Además, he tenido tiempo de dar un paseo.
Mr. Sledge, it took me quite a while to track you down.
Sr. Sledge, me ha costado mucho localizarle.
I took a blood sample, Tawnia took it to the lab while you were unconscious.
Te tomé una prueba de sangre, Tawnia la llevó al laboratorio recién.
It took my mind off everything for a while.
Me hizo olvidar todo durante un tiempo.

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