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It took перевод на испанский

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It took us 3 years to learn the multiplication table.
Llevamos 3 años machacando las tablas.
It took me a long time because there are parts missing.
Me ha costado mucho porque le faltan piezas.
It took all morning to repair my car with stuff from the butcher's shop, which meant it was lunchtime before we were on our way back to see how James was getting on.
Me llevó toda la mañana reparar mi coche con cosas de la carnicería, lo que significó que ya era hora de comer antes de que estuviéramos de vuelta para ver cómo lo llevaba James.
It took me several sessions to convince her that I was bound by strict confidentiality.
Me costó varias sesiones convencerla de que yo estaba obligada a mantener la más estricta confidencialidad.
I am sorry it took so long.
Siento haber tardado tanto.
- It took you, what, only 20 minutes until you cooled down, came back for her.
- Y te llevó, ¿ qué? 20 minutos hasta que se te pasó el cabreo y volviste a por ella.
It took its toll.
Pasó factura.
It took me a while, I know.
He tardado un poco, lo sé
It took me a while...
He tardado un poco
All it took was six bottles of dish soap.
Lo único que hizo falta fueron seis botes de lavavajillas.
Of course, it took me some twenty-five years to flush out the map for it, but I knew I was onto something very early on.
Por supuesto, me tomó unos veinticinco años para sacar el mapa por él, pero sabía que estaba en algo muy pronto.
If this is what it took for you to call me "Father," it was worth it.
Si esto hizo falta para que me llames "padre", valió la pena.
It took me 36 years, but I found him, and I forgave him.
Me ha llevado 36 años, pero le he encontrado y le he perdonado.
I mean, when I did it in the past, it took weeks of planning.
Digo, cuando yo lo hice en el pasado, tomó semanas de preparación.
I spent all my time comparing myself to her, and then I took it out on her.
Me pasaba la mayoría del tiempo comparándome con ella y luego lo pagué con ella.
It says the elderly victim took a fall, hit his head on a metal table and bled out.
Dice que el anciano se cayó y se golpeó con una mesa metálica y se desangró.
Well, it feels like you took about 17 cents worth of candy.
Se siente como si hubieras cogido caramelos de 17 centavos.
We put it on and took turns tackling him like a practice dummy.
Se lo pusimos y nos turnamos para darle como novatada.
Only it went too far, and when you realized you'd killed him, you took off.
Solo que fue muy lejos y cuando os distéis cuenta lo habláis matado y os fuistéis.
So, that's not what you meant, but isn't it possible that your players took your instructions a bit too far and they killed Jason Moore?
Entonces, eso no es lo que dices pero, ¿ no es posible que tus jugadores siguieran tus instrucciones se pasaran y mataran a Jason Moore?
You found a laptop and six phones, but took none of it?
Encontraste un portátil y seis teléfonos, ¿ pero no cogiste nada de eso?
You check your Instagram feed, it's a blurry feed of pictures you took of your own face from this angle.
Revisas tu cuenta de Instagram y hay fotos borrosas que tomaste de tu cara desde aquí.
He took a slice of apple and implanted it with HeLa cells.
Tomó un trozo de manzana y lo implantó con células HeLa.
And then you imported those scarves then it just, like, took off from there.
Y luego importaste esas bufandas y ahí fue donde todo empezó.
He took it.
Él picó.
They took him up as soon as they detected it.
Lo han llevado arriba en cuanto la detectaron.
I like to think that you took the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turned it into something resembling lemonade.
Me gusta pensar que tomaste el limón más ácido que la vida tenía para ofrecer y lo convertiste en una magnífica limonada.
And you took your grief, and you... channeled it into action.
Y tú tomaste tu dolor, y lo canalizaste en acción.
Yeah, but you didn't want it. I took it.
Ya, pero tú no lo quisiste lo recuperé
I do not know. But it only took 10 minutes and I'm being hassled.
No sé, pero sólo llevamos 10 minutos y ya estoy angustiada
I took a course and found it interesting being able to share.
Hice un curso y me pareció interesante poder compartirlo
I know that I always do what I feel like, but in this case, I took it seriously.
Ya sé que siempre hago lo que se me antoja, Pero en este caso me lo tomó en serio
I can't find my cellphone. Someone took it?
No encuentro mi móvil ¿ Alguien me lo ha cogido?
Yes, I took Ivan's cell phone and put it in Berta's bag.
Sí, he cogido el móvil de Ivan y la he metido en la bolsa de Berta
It's cool that you didn't think I took your cellphone.
Que guay que no te pensaras que te había robado el móvil
Clearly, I think in the break, she took his phone and put it in your bag.
Y lo tanto, me la imagino en clase a la hora del patio,
So, you're all good. I took care of it.
Por lo tanto, Me encarge de ello
What do you mean, you took care of it?
¿ Qué quiere decir me encarge de ello?
I messed with his car, I took his I.D., but I didn't do it for evil purposes.
Me estropeé el coche y me llevé su identificación pero no lo hice con malas intenciones.
And so I took that number, I plugged it into my equation, and it output something remarkable.
Y así que tomé ese número, lo tapé en mi ecuación, y de salida algo notable.
It is estimated that human knowledge took 1500 years to double for the first time, then by 1900 it doubled every hundred years, by the 1940's it doubled every 25 years, and in 2013 it is estimated that it doubled every 13 months,
Se estima que el conocimiento humano tomó 1500 años para duplicarse por primera vez, luego en 1900 se duplicó cada cien años, en la década de 1940 se duplicó cada 25 años, y en 2013 se estima que se duplicó cada 13 meses,
So I took it out for a spin, and I'm pretty sure he was riding shotgun,'cause I got really happy, like really happy for the first time in years.
Así que lo saqué para dar una vuelta y estoy seguro de que él iba de copiloto, porque estaba realmente contento, realmente completo por primera vez en años.
It only took one person.
Solo hace falta una persona.
You took the sourest lemon that life has to offer. and turned it into something resembling lemonade.
Cogiste el limón más amargo que la vida te ofrecía... y lo convertiste en algo parecido a una limonada.
He made a good offer, so I called Rusty and I took it.
Hizo una buena oferta, así que llamé a Rusty y me lo quedé.
You took it upon yourself to do that.
Lo decidiste por cuenta propia.
You may tell him I took it, but I reserve the right not to pass it on to her.
Puede decirle que lo tomé. Pero me reservo el derecho de no decírselo a ella.
But Augustus Dove, he, he took it instead.
Pero en vez de eso, Augustus le arrebató la suya.
Now, if-if my dress box was full of corks, that means I took the dress out and I put it where the corks were... which was in the garage.
Ahora, si la caja de mi vestido estaba lleno de corchos, quiere decir que saqué mi vestido y lo puse donde estaban los corchos... que estaban en el garaje.
I took the skateboard out of the cubby and dared him to ride it.
Saqué la patineta del cubículo y lo reté a montarla.
You took it on purpose.
Lo tomaste a propósito.

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