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It took me перевод на испанский

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It took me 14 years to figure it out. Happiness earned through deceit always comes to an end.
Finalmente sé, después de catorce años, ser feliz a través de mentir tiene un final.
I admit, it took me a moment to piece it together.
Lo admito, me llevó un tiempo atar los cabos.
- It was... it just... it took me by surprise, is all.
- Fue... simplemente... me tomó por sorpresa, es todo.
Once, it took me four whole hours to explain to her... mthat, Sonu Nigam's brother isn't called Telephone Nigam.
Una vez, me tomó de cuatro horas enteras para explicar a ella... mthat, Sonu Nigam hermano de no se llama Teléfono Nigam.
You know how long it took me to forgive Crash.
Sabes el tiempo que me llevo perdonar a Crash.
It took me a while, but... did you get his name?
Me tomó un tiempo, pero... ¿ Tienes su nombre? El Vago en Lompoc.
I was so caught up in my spring cleaning, it took me a while to see that Phil was feeling inadequate.
Estaba tan concentrada en mi limpieza de primavera, que tardé un tiempo en notar que Phil se sentía inútil.
It took me so long to realise it was you.
Me tomó tanto tiempo darme cuenta que eras tú.
It took me a little while to find my feet when I moved up from Crawley and er... I ended up having some problems with alcohol, other stuff.
Me tomó tiempo estabilizarme... cuando me mudé de Crawley y... terminé teniendo problemas con el alcohol y otras cosas.
I took care of it already. Don't worry.
Me encargué de eso, así que no se preocupe.
I thought maybe you accidentally took it when you helped me pick up my things.
¿ Por qué lo tomaste?
It means that he remembered what he took, and has now brought me the exact same drink!
- La tomó y entonces me dio otra.
And then harvey gave me a license, and I took it.
Y luego Harvey me dio una licencia y la acepté.
So after my mom had the stroke, I took a year off of grad school to take care of her, which I thought was gonna be hard, uh, but it turned into this wonderful experience, because we got to know each other as adults.
Después de que mi mamá sufriera el derrame, me tomé un año de la escuela de posgrado para cuidarla, lo que pensé que sería duro, pero resultó ser una experiencia maravillosa, porque llegamos a conocernos como adultos.
You... you... you took pity on me, and I am glad for it.
Tú... te apiadaste de mi, y me alegro por eso.
I regretted it as soon as I took off.
Me arrepentí tan pronto lo dejé salir.
I took the liberty of checking it against the tattoo database.
Me tomé la libertad de chequearlo en la base de datos de tatuajes.
It took me time to find my voice.
Me ha costado tiempo encontrar mi voz.
You know, I had no idea when I took this job that it was gonna be so impossible for me to give these people the kind of help that they need.
No sabía, cuando acepté este trabajo, lo imposible... que sería de darles a ellos la ayuda que necesitan.
Took me, ooh, best part of three hours to jolt it back to life.
Me llevó... sus buenas tres horas volverlo a poner en marcha.
You see, that's why it took so long to, er, get to a phone.
Ve, por eso me llevó tanto tiempo... conseguir un teléfono.
Man, the way you all took me in and accepted me, it's the first time I felt part of a real family.
Amigo, usted me ha acogido en su casa. Es la primera vez que me siento parte de una familia real.
Let's just say I took care of it. For good.
Digamos que me hice cargo de él para siempre
And that so vulgar Flemmish took it away from me, like blessed by God.
Y me lo ha arrebatado ese flamenco tan vulgar, como bendecido por Dios.
Okay, so look, boss, it took awhile, but I finally found a burner in the prison that received a call two days ago from that hotel room in Manhattan.
Vale, mire, jefe, me ha llevado un rato, pero por fin he encontrado un teléfono desechable en la prisión que ha recibido una llamada hace dos días desde una habitación de un hotel en Manhattan.
He had this gun he said he took from his teacher and I told him, "Just forget it, go home."
Tenía un arma que me dijo que le había cogido a su profesor y yo le dije, "Solo olvídalo, vete a casa".
My favorite things were eating lunch and wearing shorts, Sheldon, and you took it all away!
Lo que más me gustaba era comer el almuerzo y llevar pantalones cortos, Sheldon, ¡ y me lo arrebataste!
Oh, I took it off.
Me la saqué.
OK, I took it off because...
Vale, me lo he quitado porque...
Jesus, I hesitated because I looked at the contents of my hand and then it took a second to divert blood from my brain to my dick...
Joder, dudé porque miré lo que tenía en la mano... y luego me llevó un segundo bombear la sangre desde el cerebro a la polla...
I took it up years later, when I married Amy.
Lo logré varios años después, cuando me casé con Amy.
I don't know who that is, but I took off my shirt to protect it from Splash Gordon over here.
No sé quién es ese, pero me quité la camiseta... para protegerla de este "Splash Gordon".
I took it right in the shorts at work.
En el trabajo me fastidiaron.
I took care of him, didn't it?
Me ocupé de él, ¿ no?
I know it took a while, but I think I may finally have something on your sister's case.
Sé que me tomó un tiempo, pero creo que por fin tengo algo en el caso de tu hermana.
So it took two years, because I had to work.
Así que me ha costado dos años, porque tenía que trabajar
I once hid out in the trunk of his Buick and he made it all the way to Bakersfield before he noticed and took me back home.
Una vez me escondí en el maletero de su coche y condujo todo el camino hasta Bakersfield hasta que se dio cuenta y me llevó de vuelta a casa.
Do you know why it took so long for the little piggies to catch me?
¿ Sabes por qué les costó tanto cogerme a esos pequeños cerditos?
It took everything I had not to... pound this guy's face, make him swallow his own teeth and blood.
Me costó muchísimo no... reventarle la cara al tío, hacerle tragarse sus dientes y su sangre.
But the one thing that I know for sure, is that it took a lot to get me here and even more to keep me.
Pero lo que sí sé a ciencia cierta es que ha costado mucho traerme hasta aquí y más aun que me quede.
If your mom is making that face, it's because she took it from me.
Si tu madre pone esa cara, es porque la copió de mí.
I won't deny it and I'll swing for it but I ain't ever took rule from no man and I never killed no children!
¡ No lo negaré y me colgarán por ello, pero nunca me doblegaré ante ningún hombre y nunca he matado a ningún niño!
Took the body parts, put them in the garbage bags, and drove to find some place to dump the garbage bags, and it immediately became obvious to me I can dump them in the water.
Cogí las partes del cuerpo, las metí en bolsas de basura, y conduje hasta encontrar algún lugar donde tirar las bolsas de basura, e inmediatamente me pareció obvio que podría tirarlas al agua.
Took me that long to piece it all together.
Me llevó un tiempo poner las piezas todas juntas.
It just took me by surprise.
Me cogió por sorpresa.
There were some men who drove up beside me and just took it.
Unos hombres me bloquearon con el coche y se la llevaron.
It was right after Hank took me in.
Fue justo después que Hank me acogió.
When you first took this up..... I was heartened by the effect it had on your mood.
Cuando tomó el caso... me alentó el efecto que tuvo en su humor.
He's mad at me because I took away his... what is it called, hand-held DX thing.
Está enfadado porque le quité su... eso que le dicen, consola Dx
It took Harvey two minutes to steal Mike back from me.
Le tomó dos minutos a Harvey robarme a Mike.
- Actually, I took it last night.
- De hecho, me lo tomé anoche.

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