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Keep you safe перевод на испанский

2,014 параллельный перевод
I promised to keep you safe.
Les prometí mantenerlos a salvo.
If I have to arrest you to keep you safe, I'm gonna do it.
Si tengo que arrestarte para mantenerte segura, lo haré.
And I will always keep you safe, no matter what.
Y siempre te mantendré a salvo, no importa lo que ocurra.
- Mm-hmm. And I will always keep you safe.
Y siempre te mantendré a salvo.
To keep you safe.
Para mantenerte a salvo.
I cannot leave you alone. Our bodies react because of our concern to keep you safe.
Claro que me preocupo por ti.
If I have to arrest you to keep you safe, I'm gonna do it.
Si tengo que arrestarte para tenerte a salvo, lo haré.
I live to keep you safe.
Vivo para mantenerte a salvo.
I can't keep you safe.
No puedo mantenerte a salvo.
It's just a shell to keep you safe?
¿ Sólo es un caparazón para mantenerte a salvo?
I'd have done everything to keep you safe.
He hecho todo para mantenerte a salvo.
I want you to know that we've got a lot of good folks on the case, responders from the city and from surrounding regions are all working together to keep you safe, and to keep everything under control.
Quiero que sepan que tenemos a un montón de buenos compañeros en el caso, personas que acudieron desde la ciudad y de las regiones circundantes todos están trabajando juntos para mantenernos a salvo, y para mantener todo bajo control.
I was just trying to keep you safe.
- Intentaba mantenerte a salvo.
We're going to keep you safe.
Vamos a mantenerle a salvo.
Book will keep you safe.
El libro te mantendrá a salvo.
You've kept safe so far and we'll keep you safe until we get you into the operation.
Has estado a salvo hasta ahora y te mantendremos a salvo hasta que te operemos.
Anna, we're gonna keep you safe.
Anna, vamos a mantenerte a salvo.
I told you we'd keep you safe.
Te dije que te mantendríamos a salvo.
I brought you here to keep you safe.
Te traje aquí para mantenerte a salvo.
I'll keep you safe.
¿ Qué hay de mi hija?
Monkey man will keep you safe.
El monito te mantendrá seguro.
I wasn't lying to- - to hurt you, but to keep you safe.
No estaba mintiendo para lastimarte pero sí para mantenerte a salvo.
I know that, so- - so do whatever you gotta do to keep this group safe.
Eso lo sé, así que... entonces haz lo que tengas que hacer para mantener a salvo a este grupo.
If anything happens, you get everyone locked in the cells, keep them all safe.
Si algo sucede, haz que todos se encierren en las celdas, mantenlos a salvo.
If you want to keep Max safe, you lead them in the opposite direction.
Si quieres mantener a Max a salvo, guíalos en la dirección opuesta.
You just keep them safe, and I'll take care of Lussier.
Simplemente lo mantienes a salvo, y yo me ocuparé de Lussier.
I'm trusting you to keep your people safe.
Confío en ti para que mantengas a tu gente a salvo.
Carol Farris, you can keep him here safe from harm, safe from the war.
Carol Ferris, puedes mantenerlo aquí a salvo del dolor, a salvo de la guerra.
I need you to keep this area safe.
Te necesito para asegurar esta zona.
Can you keep her safe until we figure out who that is?
¿ Puedes mantenerla a salvo hasta que descubramos quiénes son?
He has to believe that you're going to keep him safe.
Tiene que creer que vas a mantenerle a salvo.
You keep our little secret safe, and the three of us will be just fine.
Guarda nuestro pequeño secreto y los tres estaremos bien.
- You didn't keep him safe.
- Usted no le preservó. - Bien.
You keep everyone safe.
Puedes mantenerlos a todos a salvo.
You want to keep her safe.
Tú quieres mantenerla a salvo.
You were the one I really wanted to keep safe, but I wasn't strong enough.
Tú eras la única que realmente quería mantener a salvo, pero no fui lo suficientemente fuerte.
You'd do anything to just... Wrap'em up and keep'em safe.
Harías lo que sea solo por... cobijarlos y mantenerlos a salvo.
Now, more than ever, it is you and you alone that can keep Arthur safe.
Ahora más que nunca. Eres tú, y solo tú, quien puede mantener a Arturo seguro.
I did it to keep you and Lily safe.
Lo hice para mantener a Lily y a ti a salvo
If you can't keep her safe, then she is not gonna be with you anymore.
Tú no puedes mantenerla a salvo... por eso no va a ir contigo nunca más.
I know you're gonna do your job and keep us safe.
Sé que tú vas a hacer tu trabajo y nos mantendrás a salvo.
And you and I both know that taking myself off the metronome might be the only way to keep Claudia safe.
Y tu y yo sabemos que parando yo mismo el metrónomo puede ser la única manera de mantener a Claudia segura.
I was trying to keep her safe, so I told her I said, you know...
así que le dije :
to keep America safe and Democratic and free, and you don't want to disturb my pretty little head with all that thinking, or tell them that I don't want to spend my nights sleeping next to a man who gets erections in his sleep dreaming of Olivia Pope.
para mantener América segura y democrática y libre, y no quieres molestar mi pequeña cabecita con todo ese pensamiento, o diles que yo no quiero pasar mis noches al lado de un hombre que tiene erecciones durmiendo soñando con Olivia Pope.
You were just trying to keep us safe.
Solo estabas tratando de mantenernos a salvo.
We'll keep your daughter safe for you.
Mantendremos a tu hija a salvo para tí.
Keep it safe. Do you understand?
Guárdalo en un lugar seguro. ¿ Entendido?
Well, I'm happy we were able to keep it safe for you all these years. Hmm.
Bueno, me alegra que hemos podido mantenerlo seguro para ti todos estos años.
Now, you and I both know that taking myself off the metronome might be the only way to keep Claudia safe.
Ahora, tú y yo sabemos que quitarme del metrónomo podría ser la única manera de mantener a Claudia a salvo
I need you to keep safe.
Necesito que estéis a salvo.
So then, I know that you're gonna want to keep her safe until we get all of this straightened out, right?
Entonces, sé que querrás mantenerla a salvo hasta que tengamos todo esto aclarado, ¿ verdad?

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